IDA INCREASED 4.3% FROM 1-1-2025 - TOTAL 228.5%

Sunday, 29 November 2020

Clarification on IDA

 All India Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (AICPI-IW) is communicated By Labour Bureau, with it’s Head Quarters at Shimla. This is announced through a Press Release on the  last working day of the month.  For example  October Index is announced on 27th of November which is being the last working day.

 From September , 2020 the base year of the said Index is changed to 2016=100 for announcing AICPI-IW and to get the Index in  2001=100 series, a conversion factor is given as 2.88. 

This Index is being followed by Central Government, State Governments, PSUs, Banks, Road Transports etc for granting DA to its employees and Pensioners.

Our IDA rate (which is applicable to all PSUs) is determined based on the increase/decrease in the Three months  average of AICPI-IW. 

AICPI_IW for September,2020 is 118.1 (originally announced as 118 and now decided to announce with ONE decimal point.)

AICPI-IW for October,2020 is 119.5

If we convert these figures into 2001=100 series September Index  will be  340, October  Index  will be 344. 

For announcing  IDA admissible from 1st January,2021, we require Index figure of November, which will be announced on 31st December,2020.

However the rates of IDA as effective from   01-10-2020, 01-01-2021 and 01-04-2021 Will be restored prospectively and will be subsumed  in the cumulative Revised rate effective from 01-07-2021. No arrears from 01-10-2020 to 30-06-2021 shall be paid as per orders of DPE dated 19th Nov,2020

We will continue to receive IDA @159.9% till June,2021.

Let us wait.

- Courtesy: Com V.V.S. Moorthy, HD

Friday, 27 November 2020


Regarding submission  LIFE CERTIFICATE for Telephone connection. Our Assn. spoke to DGM HR on 20.11.2020. He told he will discuss with CH.TD.ON 24th we got msg that we will have to speak to CGM CH.TD directly. Spoken to CGM on 25th Nov ..He asked the problem. We told arrangement has to be made to receive in all BSNL offices and extn of time also.

He told to contact after 3 days due to cyclone /rain and he  will look into it..In the mean while our CH.TD Comrades also tried for the same.Their posting is furnished below.

தோழர்களே. Land line ( R s t )தொலைபேசி Life certificate வழங்குவது சம்பநந்தமாக காலஅவகாசம் வேண்டும் என்றும் அருகிலுள்ள Rsu exchange யில் பெருவதற்கு ஏற்பாடு செய்ய வேண்டும் என்றும் C g M Chtd அவர்களிடம் மாநில. சங்கத்தின் சார்பாக கோரிக்கை வைத்துள்ளோம். C g m அவர்கள் நமது கோரிக்கையை பரிசீலனை செய்வதாக சொல்லிஇருக்கிறார்.டிசம்பர் 2020 முதல்வாரம் மாநில சங்கத்தை சந்திப்பதாக கூறி இருக்கிறார். ஆகவே Land line. Life certificate

வழங்காத ஓய்வூதியர் கள் எந்தவிதமான அவசரமும் கவலையும் கொள்ளதேவையில்லை என்பதை மாநில சங்கத்தின் சார்பாக தெரிவித்துக்கொள்கின்றேன்.S.தங்கராஜ். மா.செ.

Thursday, 26 November 2020



NATIONAL Pension Adalat was conducted virtually by CCA TN on 24.11.2020 under the chairman ship of Pr.Cca Dr.Niranjana.Sri.Chittaranjan Pradan CCA ,Sri.Dhakshinamurthy Jt.CCA and Sri.Chandramouli AO Pension participated.From our Assn.Side Com.A.Sugumaran,Com.DG,Com.V.Ramarao CP,Com.R.Venkatachalam CS and myself participated.Due to technical problem in their arrangement  Com.K.Muthialu Dy.GS could not participate.Meeting commenced by 11Am with usual formality of welcoming..Approx 70  pensioners sent their grievances directly to Adalat. Jt.Cca interacted individual cases first.STR Division sent 21 cases.Out of which 3 cases each  from STR AP/Karnataka.2 from Salem SSA.OUT OF 13 CASES FROM our members 9 cases pertaining to co- authorisation of FP to dependant child having physical disabilities.1.CASE OF Smt.K.Lalitha less payment of GPF SETTLEMENT. CCA office addressed her payment made is correct. 2.Com.Venugopal PM .Revision of pension as per LPD.3

Authorisation of FP to Kum Janaki. Chtd, Fathers Fanily  pension  4.FP to Vibhav. Regarding CO- authorisation cases, Jt.Cca replied in  earlier cases pertaining to other SSAS that document submitted like Medical certificate is not as per the format. All columns in the medical certificate should be filled up by medical officer. For multiple disabilities , certificate should be from medical board. He repeated the same to us.During interaction,  we emphasised that  6 STR cases were being processed by us for the past few years.In the last adalat held during Sep 2019 CGM STR issued sanction of pension for 6 cases .Out of which  CCA office settled only one case.5 cases which were recommended similarly  are pending with CCA OFFICE. They are in order.Jt.Cca told to wait for  2/3 months as there is no  provision for inclusion in PPO.Format  has been asked for  from DOT and they are modifying the PPO format which may take one or two months. On receipt they will settle it.We told to give priority.We also told that other 3 similar cases were sent along with VRS 2019 Pension papers.Sanction of CGM STR has to be obtained. These cases, we have to see whether medical certificate is as per prescribed format. Reg.Case of com.Sundari Ch.Td has to be addressed  for issue of  sanction. Procedure for submission of co authorisation cases by BSNL Authorities has to be sent.We have asked for the specimen copy of medical certificate format and Jt.CCA agreed to give a copy. Reg..Venugopal case LPD issue is different from other persons  who were placed in intermediate scale of LM SCALE.He got promotion as PM during DOT Period itself.Got  NE9 SCALE before retirement.Jt CCA told to look into it. Requested  to process the FP case of Com.Janaki as the same was sent during Dec 19. Regarding FP to Sri.Vibhav  inspection report is not in his favour and it is denied.           THANK YOU COMRADES .                    S. Sundarakrishnan DS

Wednesday, 25 November 2020


HELD ON 24-11-2020


Pension Adalat 
நடத்த வேண்டும் என்று DOT கடந்த 14.10.2020 ல் 
உத்தரவிட்டதை அடுத்து நேற்றைய தினம் (24.11.2020) online மூலமாக நடைபெற்றது.
மாநில சங்கத்தின் சார்பில் 47 பிரச்சினைகள் கொடுத்ததில் 19க்கு உத்திரவிட்டதாக தெரிவிக்கபட்டது
மற்றவற்றிற்கு சொல்ல பட்ட பதில்கள் திருப்திகரமாக இல்லை
jt. CCA திரு தக்ஷிணாமூர்த்தி அவர்களின் அணுகு
முறையும்அவர் எடுத்து சொன்ன விதமும் ஒரு வருடத்திற்கு பிறகு நடக்கும் adalat திற்கு மிகவும் எதிர்பார்ப்போடு சென்ற நமக்கு ஏமாற்றத்தையே தந்தது.
பொதுவாக தலையிட்டு விளக்கம் கொடுக்கும் CCA அவர்கள் இம்முறை அமைதியாகவே இருந்தார்மேலும் கூட்டத்தில் பங்கேற்க அனுப்பிய Link குறித்து விவரமாக 
விளக்கப்படாத காரணத்தால்தோழர்கள் DG, V.ராமராவ், K.முத்தியாலு கலந்து கொள்வதில் சிரமம் இருந்தது
மிகுந்த முயற்சிக்கு பிறகு DG, V.ராமராவ் பங்கேற்றனர்.
தோழர் A.சுகுமாரன்
STR Division செயலர் தோழர் S.சுந்தரகிருஷ்ணன்
கோவை மாவட்டம் தோழர் B.அருணாச்சலம், ACS.  ஆகியோர் கலந்து கொண்டனர்.
இனி வரும் adalat களில் Jt. CCA அவர்களின் அணுகுமுறையில் மாற்றம் 
வரும் என்று நம்புவோம்.

மாநில செயலாளர்


Monday, 23 November 2020

 LIFE CERTIFICATE கொடுப்பதற்கான கடைசி நாள் 28.2.2021  என்ற உத்தரவை மத்திய அரசு இன்று வெளியிட்டுள்ளது

 Based on the information given by CCA office, only 47 Pensioners who are in receipt of Pension from CPPC BANK OF BARODA are migrated as SAMPANN PENSIONERS. List is not given.They told that those who retired from 2014 and on wards are only migrated as on Nov 2020.Those pensioners only have to give Life Certificate to CCA officer. Other BOB PENSIONERS retired earlier to 2014 have to give their LC only to Bank of Baroda.

Friday, 20 November 2020


CCA TN is taking actions of BANK MIGRATION OF TELECOM PENSIONERS drawing pension from BANK OF BARODA to SAMPAAN PENSION PAYMENT SYSTEM. ie. CCA TN office will credit pension  payment to the bank of baroda pensioners account directly. (SAMPAAN METHOD). 691 BANK OF BARODA Pensioners will be migrated to CCAs SAMPAAN  PAYMENT SYSTEM all over INDIA. They have planned it from this November 2020 itself. So we request our bank of baroda pensioners to take note of this change.  According to our data the following members of our division are having bank of baroda pension account.   1. E. Dakshinamoorthy  2. N.S. Deenadayalan 3. Geetha Balasubramanian 4. T.K. Kesavalu 5. S. Nagarajan EE, 6. B.S. Narayanamoorthy 7. M. Parvathy 8.K. Ramesh 9. K. Umapathy

They have to give life certificate to CCA TN instead of BANK OF BARODA

Thursday, 19 November 2020


Wednesday, 18 November 2020


1. Some members are asking us that they have submitted DLC online to the banks or post office or CCATN Office and they want to know whether their DLC have reached them and accepted by them.

There are two methods to get confirmation. 

A) In your first generated DLC you can find the following message at the bottom of the certificate as follows: “Disclaimer: This digital life certificate will be subject to acceptance by your pension processing centre Bank(State Bank of India).This is a computer generated certificate and does not require signature.”     If you download your same DLC after one week from JEEVAN PRAMAAN WEBSITE with your same DLC NUMBR you will see at the bottom of your DLC as follows: “Note: Your Digital Life Certificate has been successfully accepted by Bank(State Bank of India)”.       This is your confirmation of accepting your DLC by banks or post offices or CCA TN OFF.

B) SBI is operating “PENSIONSEAVA” webisite exclusive for its pensioners. Website address is: If you are a SBI PENSIONER please go to this website and register yourself by creating a user ID and PASSWORD. Please do the following procedures for registering: 

New User Registration:

Create a User-id (to be created by the pensioner - min 5 characters)

Enter your Pension account number

Enter your Date of Birth

Enter the Branch code of pension paying branch

Your registered email id same as submitted to the branch

Enter new password, then confirm password

 i) Passwords should have a minimum length of 8 characters

 ii) Passwords should have a combination of uppercase and lowercase alphabets, numerals and special characters

Choose 2 profile questions and answers and save for future reference, as it will be required in case you forget your password

On successful registration, a mail would be sent to the registered email where a link will be available for account activation.

After activation, pensioner can login through his registered ID/Password.

User account will be locked out automatically after three consecutive unsuccessful logon attempts.

After opening an account in PENSIONSEVA in SBI, log in to your pensionseva sbi account, there  you can see all your pension particulars, like monthly pension slip statements, commutation details, Certificate details, transactions credited details, etc. 

Similarly you can see your digital life certificate confirmation and validity period also there.



Contempt petition on pension anomaly case came up today before PB, CAT, Delhi.

As usual Respondents pleaded for 4 weeks time. Our lawyer Shri V K Sharma vehemently opposed and argued against it for nearly 20 minutes.

Finally Hon CAT gave the order directing the respondents to implement the earlier judgement within 3 months time.

This information is given by Shri R L Kapoor.


Pension Revision Case

Came up for hearing.

Counter is yet to be filed by the respondents. So, the case stands adjourned to 23/12/2020.

This is given by our lawyer

P Gangadhara Rao GS

Tuesday, 17 November 2020

 One increment case & UDC Court case before CAT Madras Bench.

The one increment case listed on 09.11.2020 & the UDC case due for hearing on 18.11.2020 before CAT Madras Bench are adjourned by the Court Register by a notification. Accordingly the case stands adjourned to 06.01.2021 & 22.01.2021. Let us hope that the COVID situation improves by January & our cases hear for disposal by the Hon'ble CAT Madras Bench

Friday, 13 November 2020

Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Monday, 9 November 2020


STR DN GOOGLE MTG will be held tomorrow Tuesday, 10-11-20 from 3 PM onwards. It is very easy to join in GOOGLE MTG. Just click the links given below. thats all. It will take you to GOOGLE MTG. No need to install GOOGLE MEET APP.  Hence we request you all to attend the Meeting.                                                                                                                                                                                STR DN கூகிள் மீட்டிங்க் நாளை செவ்வாய்க்கிழமை 10-11-20 மாலை 3 மணிமுதல் நடைபெறும். கூகிள் மீட்டிங்கில் கலந்துகொள்வது மிக மிக சுலபம். கீழே கொடுத்துள்ள link ல் கிளிக் செய்தாலே போதும். நீங்கள் கூகிள் மீட்டிங்கில் கலந்து கொள்வீர்கள்.  கூகிள் மீட் ஆப்பை டவுண்லோடு செய்யவேண்டும் என்கிற அவசியம் இல்லை. ஆகையால் அனைவரும் இந்த கூகிள் மீட்டிங்கில் கலந்து கொள்ளவேண்டும் என கேட்டுக் கொள்கிறோம்.

Our All India Vice President Com 
D. Gopalakrishnan has agreed to participate in our GOOGLE MEET tomorrow

1st MEETING 3 TO 4 PM 

2nd MEETING 4 TO 5 PM 



Yesterday, Com. Anupamkaul our AGS met Shri Pralhad Joshi ji Hon'ble   Minister for Parliament Affairs and brought to his notice about suffering of our members due to non payment of medical bills and medical allowance  for last TWO AND HALF YEARS  by BSNL and sought his help after making over a letter at Delhi.  He assured to forward this letter and also  speak to MOC. Let us hope for the best.

CHQ is thankful to Com.N K Gandigwad, our Organising Secretary of HUBLI District for arranging this meeting.

P Gangadhara Rao GS

Friday, 6 November 2020


Wednesday, 4 November 2020


This November  month’s monthly meeting will be conducted ONLINE on 10-11-2020 Tuesday evening from 3.00 PM to 5 PM. It was decided to hold this in GOOGLE MEET this time. 100 members only can participate in GOOGLE MEET also. Since the maximum time permitted is only one hour per meeting it was decided to conduct TWO GOOGLE MEETINGS. First meeting will be held from 3.00 PM to 4 PM in one ID & the second Meeting will be held from 4 PM to 5 PM IN another ID. Two separate LINK ADDRESSES are given below.  We hope that our members may know well about GOOGLE MEET. Those who are not having GOOGLE MEET APP can download GOOGLE MEET APP from GOOGLE PLAYSTORE. Please contact us if you have any doubts.

இந்த மாதத்திற்கான நமது நிகழ்நிலை  கூட்டம் (ONLINE MEETING) வருகிற 10-11-20, செவ்வாய்க்கிழமை மாலை 3 மணிமுதல் 5 மணிவரை நடைபெற உள்ளது. இந்த மாத கூட்டம் கூகுள் மீட்டிங்காக  (GOOGLE MEETING) நடத்த முடிவு செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளது. கூகிள் மீட்டிலும் 100 பேர்கள் மட்டுமே கலந்து கொள்ளமுடியும். கூகிள் மீட்டில் ஒரு கூட்டம் ஒருமணி நேரம் மட்டுமே நடத்தமுடியும் என்பதால் இரண்டு பகுதிகளாக பிரிக்கப்பட்டு, 3லிருந்து 4 மணிவரை ஒரு கூட்டமாகவும், 4 மணிமுதல் 5 மணிவரை மற்றொரு கூட்டமாகவும் நடத்தப்படும். இந்த இரண்டு கூட்டத்திற்கான LINK ADDRES களும் கீழே கொடுக்கப்பட்டுள்ளன.  கூகிள் மீட் பற்றி நமது தோழர்கள் அறிந்து இருப்பார்கள் என்று நம்புகிறோம். கூகிள் மீட் ஆப் இல்லாதவர்கள், கூகிள் ஆப்பை கூகிள் ப்ளேஸ்டோரிலிருந்து டவுண்லோடு செய்து கொள்ளவும். கூகிள் மீட் பற்றி வேறு ஏதும் சந்தேகம் இருந்தால் எங்களை தொடர்பு கொள்ளுமாறு கேட்டுக் கொள்கிறோம்.