IDA INCREASED 4.3% FROM 1-1-2025 - TOTAL 228.5%

Sunday, 31 July 2022

 As decided in our AGB, 

Shri. Sundarakrishnan will represent our Division as full fledged District Secretary in the ensuing Circle Conference at Salem.

   With Greetings...

A. Sugumaran ..... 




🌹 Thank You..Comrades🌹

 List of Office bearers elected unanimously by The General Body on 29th July 2022. 

                    Honorary President: Comrades A.SUGUMARAN STR    

President. N.KOTHANDARAMAN (NK) STR.Vice presidents.

1.D.Victorraj  STR.2.S.N.GovindarajanSTR  3.D.S.Ramalingam STR.4.C.Harikrishnan STR.    5.V.S.N.Murthy STR AP  6. S.Bhaskar Ch.TD.        7. A.Charles.      

 Secretary:- N.S.Deenadayalan STR.    

ASST Secretary:- 1.S.Narasimman STR.     2.A.Rajendran.    TNC.       3.K.Murali.  Ch.TD.          4.K.Arumugam. Civil.          5.N.Mohan.  TNC.             6.M.Premavathi Civil.      7.S.Ramkumar. TNC.      8.C.Sundarbabu  STR..    9.T.A.Aboobackkar Usman STR.10.V.Ramesh Chtd.11.N.Purushothaman TN 12.V.Elumalai  STR.

Treasurer:-G.Vasudevan. STR.                                  

 Asst.Treasurer:- 1.J.Subramanian STR.     2. R.Gajendran.     STR 

Organising  Secretaries:-. 1.S.Sivasankaran STP   2.L.Krishnamurthy STR  3. D.Duraisingam. STR.     4. M.C.KulothunganSTR.    5. H.S.Sudha TNC.          6. K.Subbulakshmi ChTD.  7.P.Paramasivan TNC.    8.S.Ramakrishnan III STR 9.A.Manthiramurthy ChTD 10.Mrs.Jagatha FP 

Brief Report on our STR DIVISION Conference:- 

District Conference was conducted on 29th July 2022 at the Jeevana Jyothi Hall, Pantheon Road, Egmore Chennai from 1045 AM onwards under the Chairmanship of Com. A. Sugumaran Dist.President. Forenoon section was open session. S.Sundarakrishnan DS welcomed all. One minute silence was observed. Com.A.Sugumaran in his presidential address told about present trip to NewDelhi by our GS,Com.DG and other office bearers. Regarding Pension Revision, revised proposal is being imooted out by Est.Section. Hence, the Pension Revision case is still alive. Hence, the  widespread news  that pension revision  is not possible without pay revision" is in changed scenaerio. Com.G.Natarajan CHQ VP inagurated the session. He explained in detail about the history of our Association since the Ist All India Conference at Tambaram. Efforts taken by them in achieving Pension revision with 78.2 %IDA. Removing the hurdles like 60:40 Annulment with the help of late Sri.Anandakumar then Hon.Min.of Parliamentary affairs. He elaborately told about his activities as GS. Com.Rathna AGS felicitated the conference and appreciated the functioning of STR division. She commented jovially our enrolling CH.TD retirees in STR Division by cris-crossing area jurisdiction. It was replied that we are not canvassing whereas only those who worked in STR/Circle inclined to come over here. Sri.Subrata Chatterji GM(Admn &HR) TN Circle felicitated the conference and he told that all the issues given to him are settled. Sri.Dr.K.Jagadeesan Nodal Officer CGHS Chennai has given a wonderful lecture on the importance of CGHS and its benefits. He cleared the doubts of our comrades. Salient points.1.Availing CGHS benefits is always better. Even Health Insurance has got ceiling limit of Insured amount. CGHS Beneficiary has got no ceiling limit irrespective of cadre in which retired. 3.In CGHS NON covered areas, we have to opt for OPD. If we opt for FMA in lieu of OPD, we will get only Rs 1000 pm. Some chronic diseases, cost of  one tablet supplied by CGHS is 500 Rs and more. 4. There was a delay in settling bills of hospital. It is not due to non availability of fund but due to non synchronisation of IT platform for bill processing. All these bugs have been cleared and pending bills for hospitals are being settled. So,more hospitals may apply for empanelment. Multispeciality hospitals like MIOT may also come again. 5.Two more hospitals at Chennai applied for. I)Metha hospital, Chetpet,ii) Tagore hospital near Tambaram. 6.New wellness at TAMBARAM will be functioning within a couple of months. This is by diversion of one wellness at Chennai City. This may be located at BSNL building. 7.Coimbatore is to be brought into CGHS. BSNL Building near Railway station is identified. Awaiting for the rent approval from DIRECTOR OFFICE. It may start functioning within 3 months. He replied very patiently to all our queries. 8.When we raise the query that our representatives can be nominated as a member for the welfare commitee. He told only approved Associations can be considered. We told our Association is recognised. He suggested to send a letter to Addl.Director. Interaction session was very much  useful. Com. V.S.Muthukumaran Circle Org.Secretary from  Vellore in his speech emphasized the earlier suggestion of converting to CDA Pension. If so,we could have got automatic Pension revision at par with CG Pensioners. Maximum no.of Associations went to court. It will be very much delayed to get judgement. Better to get settlement through negotiation. Com.Thangaraj CH.TD,Com.Sambasivam circle org.Secy PY,COM.R.Asokan DS CDL felicitated the conference. Com.K.Muthialu Dy.GS narrated the growth of STR Division and it's achievements. He gave the breakup figures of STR Members cadre wise. Unit wise etc. He appreciated Dist Secretary for his functioning.Com. V.Ramarao CP told that he is the first person to start Association for BSNL Pensioners in connection with BSNL MRS facility for BSNL Pensioners. He also told Membership at Circle has crossed 15000. Com R.Venkatachalam Circle   Secretary in his speech mentioned that maximum grievances have been settled  at Circle level. Issues which are pending are due to want of recommendation from BSNL. Two spinster dependent daughter's at the age of 65 and 72 got Family pension of parent due to the efforts of Association. Settlement of coauthorisation for physically dependant child is another achievement. He acknowledged our Support in Circle Activities. He mentioned about the proposed Circle Conference at Salem. CGM Ch.TD expressed her inability in attending due to PM visit. Joint CCA also informed that ISO Audit came and so could not attend. Com.Anuradha DS  Traffic Division, Com Alliraja Ds VLR  attended. Com.G.S.Muralidharan Circle President  NFTE, Com.Natarajan Circle Secretary NFTE attended and delivered felicitation speech. Com DG and Com.Vittoban could not attend due to their Delhi visit. Com.DG sent greeting message. All the dignitories were presented a towel and a small momento. Lunch break from 1330 hrs to 1500 hrs. In the after noon, S.Sundarakrishnan submitted his report. Page wise  approval given by General body. Com.N.Mohan Dist.Treaurer submitted his report, audited by Com.S.Kalidasan Circle Treasurer  year wise for 4 years 2018 to 2022 and from April2022 to June 2022. Treasurer report also got approved. Com.A.Sugumaran told that he continues to be a president for 3 secretaries viz Com.K.Muthialu, Com D S Ramalingam and S.Sundarakrishnan. He was very much peaceful as all 3 secretaries functioned well. CEC was hosted at Chindadripet by STR Division and Com. K.Muthialu has taken all responsibilities. Proposed List of Office bearers was read out by Com.A.Sugumaran President, with the addition of one name list read out was approved. Com.N.Kothandaraman, has taken charge as President. He told that though it was started initially with STR COMRADES, we have more inflow of comrades retired from TN Circle,Ch.TD,STP etc. Name only as STR Division. He assured that he serves to the best of his conscience. Com.N.Mohan gave vote of Thanks. The conference was attended by 200 comrades.

 All India Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers for June,2022 is 129.2 Points. That means an increase of  0.2 points on May Index. If we convert it to 2001=100 it comes to 372 Points.

Central Govt Employees are entitled to 4% increased DA from July, 2022. 


Friday, 29 July 2022