Com A. Sugumaran presided the
meeting. Two minutes were observed for Selvi J. Jayalalitha, TN Chief Minister,
Sri Cho Ramaswamy, Sri Ko.Si. Mani, Sri Balamuralikrishna, our member Com G. Devarajan and Com S. Sivasankaran’s mother
who passed away during this period. Com S. Sridharan read out the minutes of
the last meeting and got approval from the members.

Com S. Narasimhan conveyed
birthday greetings to our members whose birthdays are coming in this month. He
introduced the 8 new members to the General Body. He conveyed STR Division
family welfare news. He said that IDA
from January may stay at the present level of 120.3% or even may decrease 1%.
He said that some of STR Circle pensioners started getting arrears from
bank. He requested our members to give
donations liberally to our association. He said that the arguments in the
anomaly case filed by our All India Association is over and the judgement is expected soon in
favour of us. He said that STP Circle has completed processing of all 78.2%
pension revision cases and sent to DOT CELL. He informed that CHTD Circle has
also completed all pre 2007 & Post 2007 pension revision cases and sent to
DOT CELL. CTO & EX CPT SSA (merged with CHTD LATER) cases are only

Com D.S. Ramalingam welcomed
all the Chief Guests. He said that the pension revision work in TN Circle
office was almost completed. He said that he is taking serious efforts to enroll
old members in our Association. He said that STR Division is going to honour
our members who were crossed 70 years in this meeting. He said we are ready to honour any member who
corssed 70 years and whose name is missing in the list.
Then our members who crossed 70 years in this
year were honoured with shawl.
Com A. Sugumaran spoke about
pensioners day importance. He said that upto 1979 the maximum pension is 675/-
only. It is Rs.1000/- in 3rd pay commission. The supreme court
judgement on 17-12-11982 in Nakara case is a landmark judgement about pension. Central
Govt pension for BSNL pensioners was ensured by Govt. because of the sincere
efforts of Com Om.P Guptha and Com Vallinayagam and by the employees 3 days strike.

Sri Periasamy, DGM (F) TN
Circle during his speech that there was lot of misunderstanding between CCA
Office and CGM Office in processing pension cases. He cited 3 cases like, 3%
increment case, officiating increment, Phone Mechanic cases. He said that
Karaikudi and Salem SSAs have completed all the cases and sent to DOT
CELL. In bonus issue he said that his
office has credited the amount in bank for all eligible pensioners and some
cases were returned from bank for want of incorrect particulars. He requested
the pensioners to give correct bank account details. He said almost all the 78.2% pension revision work is over.

Com Vallinayagam said that he
is very proud to be one of the two signatories
along with Com Guptha for signing the Pension agreement for BSNL. He said that
BSNL is the only first public sector unit getting Govt pension. He explained in
detail about the 3 days strike for that period. He said that 99.9% of the
employees took part in that strike. Because of the united fight by the employees, Govt. has
come down and agreed for the Pension for BSNL.

Com K. Muthiyalu told the
history of Nakara case and explained the importance of PENSIONERS DAY. He said that BSNL pensioners are now getting
Govt. Pension because Com Vallinayagam &
Com Om. P. Guptha’s serious talks with the Govt. during pension strike. He also explained about the 3 days strike by the employees for that. He said that BSNL workers and Pensioners are now enjoying all the benefits of
Central Govt. employees. When the 78.2% pension revision case was kept in cold
storage by Finance Ministry we sought the help from Cabinet Minister Sri
Ananthakumar. Now we have settled the 78.2% IDA Pension revision issue.
Similarly we are demanding pension revision at par with Central Govt.
Pensioners. He said that we will also achieve this goal very soon.
Com Sundarakrishnan conveyed
vote of thanks. 127 members attended the meeting.