IDA INCREASED 4.3% FROM 1-1-2025 - TOTAL 228.5%

Saturday, 31 December 2016

STR Division Circular No.181 released and sent to our members email id.
Others want to download the circular please CLICK HERE

Friday, 30 December 2016

Com D.S. Ramalingam went to CGM TN Circle Office today 30-12-16 and enquired about 78.2% Pension Revision work progress. CGM Office said that they have almost completed post 2007 cases except10 or some more cases. They will start pre 2007 revision cases from 1st January and will hope that they will complete them before 15th of January 2017. 
The following 19 cases of Post 2007 pension revision cases were  processed and sent to DOT Cell on 23-12-16: 

Thursday, 29 December 2016

Sri S. Muthukumar, Phone Mechanic, STP is retiring on superannuation on 31-12-2016. 
We wish him a happy, peaceful, healthy retired life. 
He is going to join our STR DIVISION from 
1-1-2017. We welcome him to our Division. 
His Mobile No: 9444045987

Wednesday, 28 December 2016

I spoke to Director ( pension) Shri Harjeetsingh and told him that DoT has made a reference to DoP PW regarding extending the 7 th CPC benefits like gratuity, minimum pension etc to BSNL IDA pensioners. He told that ' why they want clarification every time and they should do it asper CCS pension Rules. Any way I have not seen the file. He wanted the reference of DoT so that he can pick up the file and clear it. I tried to get Director ( Estt) but she was busy. Then I talked to SO pension to get the reference. He told that it is yet to go to DoP PW and at present it is with Director Estt. This is the state of affairs

[28/12 13:08] Ramankutty: Above is a mge from Com D G.


Our Vice President Com. D Gopalakrishnan spoke to Shri S K Jain, DDG(EST) of Department of Telecom yesterday.
78.2 Revision:
Com. DG pointed out undue delay in processing the cases in most of the Circles. The target date is fast approaching but the work is very sluggish. DDG told that he checked up with UP East Circle. There, more than 50% of he cases are settled. Com. DG pointed out that it is not the case with other Circles. For example; in Tamilnadu Circle hardly 20% cases have been settled. Then DDG informed that Directorate has issued two reminders to all CCAS. It will be followed up.
Benefits of seventh CPC:
Com. DG reminded the DDG of our discussion last month regarding issuance of orders extending the benefit of Seventh CPC report on upper limit of Gratuity, new Commutation, Minimum Pension etc. to the BSNL IDA pensioners. DDG informed that DoT has sought guidance from Department of Pension in this regard. As soon as the guidance is received from DOPW necessary orders will be issued.

BSNL has constituted a Committee of five officers with Smt. Anuadha Panda, PGM (PF) as chair person to examine the wage structure of serving Non Executive staff of BSNL. 
There is no representative of BSNLEU or NFTE-BSNL, two recognized unions. 
The Committee will not start functioning immediately. It will start the work after getting parameters from Department of Public Enterprises. The Terms of Reference of the Committee is also no finalized.
Just, a committee is constituted.
The Wage Revision of serving officers (Executives) depends upon the Report of third Pay Revision Committee. There is no definite information about the PRC report, even though the time limit is over.
Wage Revision of Non Executives depends upon the negotiations between BSNL Management and the Recognized Unions. Rather, it depends upon the bargaining capacity of the Unions.
BSNL will not discuss Pension Revision, as the Pension is being paid to BSNL retirees by Government of India, not by the Company.
Next meeting of SCOVA (Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies) is notified to be held on 12-01-2017 at 11 AM.
The Agenda Items are not yet confirmed. We hope that the Item given by Karnataka P&T Pensioners Association demanding pension @ 50% of Last Pay Drawn for all the pensioners - those who retired before 1-1-2006 - will find a place in the agenda. We are waiting for official notification.

Saturday, 24 December 2016


DOT endorsed and issued orders on 22-12-16 on 7th CPC PENSIONERS RULES for post 2016 & pre 2016 Pensioners: 

To see the orders click the following links:

Thursday, 22 December 2016

STR Division Circular No.180 released and sent to our members email id.
To download the circular please CLICK HERE 

Com A. Sugumaran presided the meeting. Two minutes were observed for Selvi J. Jayalalitha, TN Chief Minister, Sri Cho Ramaswamy, Sri Ko.Si. Mani, Sri Balamuralikrishna, our member Com G. Devarajan and Com S. Sivasankaran’s mother who passed away during this period. Com S. Sridharan read out the minutes of the last meeting and got approval from the members.

Com S. Narasimhan conveyed birthday greetings to our members whose birthdays are coming in this month. He introduced the 8 new members to the General Body. He conveyed STR Division family welfare news.  He said that IDA from January may stay at the present level of 120.3% or even may decrease 1%. He said that some of STR Circle pensioners started getting arrears from bank.  He requested our members to give donations liberally to our association. He said that the arguments in the anomaly case filed by our All India Association is  over and the judgement is expected soon in favour of us. He said that STP Circle has completed processing of all 78.2% pension revision cases and sent to DOT CELL. He informed that CHTD Circle has also completed all pre 2007 & Post 2007 pension revision cases and sent to DOT CELL. CTO & EX CPT SSA (merged with CHTD LATER) cases are only pending. 

Com D.S. Ramalingam welcomed all the Chief Guests. He said that the pension revision work in TN Circle office was almost completed. He said that he is taking serious efforts to enroll old members in our Association. He said that STR Division is going to honour our members who were crossed 70 years in this meeting.  He said we are ready to honour any member who corssed 70 years and whose name is missing in the list. 
Then our members who crossed 70 years in this year        were honoured with shawl.  
Com A. Sugumaran spoke about pensioners day importance. He said that upto 1979 the maximum pension is 675/- only. It is Rs.1000/- in 3rd pay commission. The supreme court judgement on 17-12-11982 in Nakara case is a landmark judgement about pension. Central Govt pension for BSNL pensioners was ensured by Govt. because of the sincere efforts of Com Om.P Guptha and Com Vallinayagam and by the employees 3 days strike. 
Sri Periasamy, DGM (F) TN Circle during his speech that there was lot of misunderstanding between CCA Office and CGM Office in processing pension cases. He cited 3 cases like, 3% increment case, officiating increment, Phone Mechanic cases. He said that Karaikudi and Salem SSAs have completed all the cases and sent to DOT CELL.  In bonus issue he said that his office has credited the amount in bank for all eligible pensioners and some cases were returned from bank for want of incorrect particulars. He requested the pensioners to give correct bank account details. He said almost all the 78.2% pension revision work is over.
Com Vallinayagam said that he is very proud to be one of the two signatories  along with Com Guptha for signing the Pension agreement for BSNL. He said that BSNL is the only first public sector unit getting Govt pension. He explained in detail about the 3 days strike for that period. He said that 99.9% of the employees took part in that strike.  Because of the united fight by the employees, Govt. has come down and agreed for the Pension for BSNL. 
Com K. Muthiyalu told the history of Nakara case and explained the importance of PENSIONERS DAY. He said that BSNL pensioners are now getting Govt. Pension because Com Vallinayagam &  Com Om. P. Guptha’s serious talks with the Govt. during pension strike. He also explained about the 3 days strike by the employees for that. He said that BSNL workers and Pensioners are now enjoying all the benefits of Central Govt. employees. When the 78.2% pension revision case was kept in cold storage by Finance Ministry we sought the help from Cabinet Minister Sri Ananthakumar. Now we have settled the 78.2% IDA Pension revision issue. Similarly we are demanding pension revision at par with Central Govt. Pensioners. He said that we will also achieve this goal very soon.
Com Sundarakrishnan conveyed vote of thanks. 127 members attended the meeting.   

Monday, 19 December 2016


will be held on coming Wednesday, 21-12-16 at 2.30 PM at 5th Floor, Flower Bazaar Telephone Exchange Building.


1. Com Vallinayagam, Ex General Secretary, FNTO

2. Com K. Muthiyalu, Circle Secretary, AIBSNLPWA,             Tamilnadu Circle

Our members who were completed 70 years during this year 2016 will be honoured in this Meeting.

Meeting with CCA. Tn
On 16-12-2016 we had a meeting with the CCA Tamilnadu.

Com.G.Natarajan Gen.Secy,  Com V.Ramarao TN Circle president, Com. K.Muthiyalu TN Circle Secretary, Com.Murthy Chennai Telephone District President, Com.M.Govindarajan Circle President ChTD, Anandan, ChTD represented our side.

Shri Dr.Niranjana CCA, TN,  shri. Anbalagan, Jt.CCA TN, Shri.Sundarapandian Dy.CCA occupied the official side.

Com.K.Muthiyalu welcomed all for the meeting.

CCA Tamilnadu told that total files to be received from TN Circle, Chennai Telephone District, STR ,STP are 20,000.(Both pre 2007 and post 2007 cases)
Upto so far 9000 files all in total have been received and 2500 files have been cleared and sent for payment. Remaining 11,000 files are yet to come from many SSAs of TN Cirlc and ChTD, Pressure that might have been given by our Dharna letter given on 07-12-2016 , CCA has called for retired SAs/JAs with literacy of Computer knowledge to work in their office. He thanked ChTD volunteers for their excellent work and they have been assigned with pre 2007 files work. Six retired volunteers from ChTD are rendering  honourary service in CCA office and the Circle secretary assured to send two more volunteers if the situation needs. 

The meeting was a congenial and we assured to offer our full support for quick disposals.
We learn that CGM Tamilnadu has issued instruction to all SSAs to expedite the sending process.
we request all District Secretaries and other Office bearers  to contact their respective Accounts Officers in charge of this work and expedite the process of sending the files to CCA Tamilnadu at the earliest.

with Fraternal Greetings,
Circle secretary.
TN Circle.

Friday, 16 December 2016

Com. R L Kapoor reports from Delhi that today, CAT Principal Bench took up the case filed by our Association regarding anomaly faced by those BSNL employees who retired without completing ten months in BSNL. Government advocate wanted postponement of the case; but the judge did not allow that.
Arguments are over today. Judgement is reserved.
It can be expected soon. Let us hope the best.

CCA TN Office called for retired SAs/JAs pensioners to work as consultants on contract basis in their CHENNAI Office. The following are the terms and conditions:

1.   Age should be less than 65 years as on 1-1-2017
2. Retired JAs/SAs of BSNL & MTNL or other CG pensioners
3. On contract basis for six months and likely to be extended 
4. Place of posting: Chennai
5. Salaray: The consolidated fee/remuneration payable to retired persons engaged on short-term contract basis shall be restricted to the difference between last pay drawn (as per 6th CPCl by the retired official and basic pension + DA at the rate applicable for Central Government employees from time to time. The person so engaged shall not be eligible for other allowances and benefits. The payment will be made on monthly basis.
6. Computer lietracy is essential

To see the copy of  the order please go to CCA TN ORDER 


Dear Friends,
All are aware that the financial benefit out of 78.2 % is granted from 10-6-2013 because the serving staff of BSNL was given from that date only. To the pensioners, it should have been given from 1-1-2007. But, DoT proposed it from 10-6-2013 in the Cabinet Note and the Cabinet approved it. It is understood that some people are now collecting money and vakkalathnama from pensioners to file a case in CAT to get the benefit from 1-1-2007. If any Pensioner gives money to such people, it is his/her responsibility.
We also thought of filing a case but postponed a decision for number of reasons;
1. We want that the present order should be implemented as early as possible. The target date is 31-12-2016. From the reports we feel that no Circle will complete the work before the date. Staff shortage in CCA offices is the main reason. Lethargic attitude towards pensioners is another. We must concentrate on this aspect now. We should get the benefit of the order without further delay. A court case challenging the order should not be an impediment to the ongoing process.
2. The Court Case is a time consuming exercise. In 2010, the CGPA Kerala filed a case for getting pension @ 50% of Last Pay Drawn for the pre-2006 people. Even after six years the case is not taken up for hearing. Cases filed in 2005 are taken up now. That means the CGPA case will be taken up in 2020 or 2021. In 2014, our Association filed a case in Principal bench of CAT to get the pension anomaly removed. [We did not collect money from the concerned pensioners.] It was listed several times and postponed every time. It may be taken up for hearing in 2017. So, if a case is filed in 2017 demanding 78.2% from 1-1-2007, it may be taken up after 4-5 years. Nobody can predict nature of the Court decision. If it is in favour of pensioners, the government will go on appeal to High Court and Supreme Court.
3. Our Association will make all efforts, including approaching the PM, to get the benefit from 1-1-2007.
For us, a regular system to revise our pension along with the central government pensioners in India is the most important issue. Similarly, we are trying to get a decision by the Government to grant pension at the rate of 50% of Last Pay Drawn to all who rendered qualifying service of ten years, irrespective of the date of their retirement. Everybody retired before 1-1-2006 should get it.
At this stage, we are not contemplating to file any court case. When we decide we will intimate all.
………………. P S Ramankutty

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Our Monthly meeting  & Pensioner's Day Celebration Meeting was postponed to Wednesday, 21-12-16 at 2.30 PM in view of BSNL Executives and Non Executives All India Total one day Strike on 15-12-16. 
Hence our Pensioners' Day Celebration Meeting will be held on 21-12-16 at 2.30 PM at 5th Floor, Flower Bazaar Telephone Exchange Building.