IDA INCREASED 4.3% FROM 1-1-2025 - TOTAL 228.5%

Thursday, 28 February 2019


We had filed two cases before Honourable Ernakulam bench of CAT.

All BSNL pensioners retired before 2006 also should get their pension refixed at 50% of Last Pay Drawn at par with other central government pensioners; Case No 346/18.

For getting the arrears on account of 78.2% IDR from 1-1-2007 itself, not from 10-6-2013. Case Number 338/18

The first case was listed for 27-2-2019 but not taken up for hearing.  Respondents had filed their counter.  Next date will be known shortly.
The second case was listed for 28-2-2019.  Respondents have not yet filed counter.  They pleaded for further time.  As a last chance two weeks time is granted to respondents for filing their counter affidavits.
.. PSR ..

Tuesday, 26 February 2019


Extra increment case came for hearing today (25-2-2019) as 17th case. Honourable Two bench judge postponed the case for hearing to 6th March 2019. Com.K.Muthialu Dy GS and S.Sundarakrishnan ACS attended the court.

Tuesday, 19 February 2019

Dearness Allowance for Central Government Employees increased to 12% – Union Cabinet decides to increase DA from January 2019 from 9% to 12 % – Net increase will be 3% – Finance Minister Sri. Arun Jaitley announces Cabinet’s decision

While briefing the press on various decisions taken by Cabinet on 19.02.2019, Finance Minister announced that Central Government Employees DA from January 2019 will be increased to 12% and that 3% increase in DA from January 2019 would cost Rs. 9200 Crore to Government.

Central Government Pensioners would also benefit by this Cabinet’s decision to increase DA from January 2019.

More than 1 crore Central Government Employees and Central Government Pensioners will be receiving this additional installment of Dearness Allowance

Monday, 18 February 2019

A SOLIDARITY Demonstration by TRADE UNIONS of AIBEA (All India Bank Employees Federation), Tamilnadu Bank Employees Federation, LIC Employees Association, Airport Authority of India Employees Association in support of BSNL Employees Three days strike was conducted at 5 PM at Flower Bazaar Exchange on 18-2-19.(Today). Com Elangovan, CS, CHTD, NFTE presided the Meeting. Com Kanniappan, CS, BSNLEU, CHTD and  Leaders and members of all the above Trade Unions attended and raised slogans in support of BSNL EMPLOYEES DEMANDS. Com R.K. Convener of all Trade Unions, Com C.H. Venkatachalam, AIBEA, Com George, AAI Association, Com Vijayakumar,  LIC Union, Com
E. Arunachalam, tn bank employees assn.  Com V. Ramarao, AIBSNLPWA, spoke on the demands of BSNL EMPLOYEES and demanded to settle them immediately.  Com K. Muthiyalu, Com Rathna, AGS, AIBSNLPWA, Com Natarjan, CS NFTE, TN, Com Kamaraj, President NFTE TN,Com  Murali, NFTE TN attended the Meeting.  Large number of our AIBSNLPWA members from STR DIVISION, TRAFFIC DIVISION, AIBSNLPWA CHTD Members attended the demonstration.
Com S. Narasimhan, Sivasankaran, Kalidoss, Rexraj, Gunabalan, Sampathkumar, Sridharan, Muthiyalu, R.K. of STR DIVISION attended the demonstration.   It was a very good gathering of members of all trade unions  and the DEMONSTRATION was a big success. some photos are published below;

Saturday, 2 February 2019