Friday, 30 August 2019
Sri V. Ganesan, DE STR CNI is retiring on 31-8-2019 on superannuation. He is joining our STR DIVISION from 1-9-19 as LIFE MEMBER. We wholeheartedly welcome him to our AIBSNLPWA, STR DIVISION Pensioners Association. We wish him a happy, peaceful, long, healthy retired life.
His Mobile Number: 9444979424
Sunday, 25 August 2019
It is shocked to hear the sudden demise of Our Comrade Sri. R.RAVI (Retd CAO Finance of TN CIRCLE OFFICE) Today evening due to massive heart attack. He is a very soft person and helped every one during his service. He was Circle Treasurer of AIBSNLEA. Very active unionist and retired on 30.4.2018. We, Comrades of AIBSNLPWA STR DIVISION share the grief with his family and express our deepest Condolence to the bereaved members of the family. May the departed Soul rest in peace.
Next to Arul Murugan towers Kalyana Mandapam, thorapakkam chrompet radial road. The cremation timing will be fixed after his daughter's arrival from USA.
Phone Nos. 9486103278
22471493 |
D/o Smt. N.SURAMANJARI, our comrade has been conferred BEST DOCTOR AWARD by TN STATE Government yesterday. She has been serving as a project medical officer (she is a MD in community medicine equivalent to DIst. Medical Officer ) at DMS office Chennai which comes under health ministry. Her team has to implement and monitor state/central/WHO medical programs across Tamilnadu and gives feedback to Central Health Ministry and WHO HQrs.. Her team also works in health programs (similar to108 ambulance and CM insurance) and the selection of best performance is based on a list of parameters. So the best performers in quality become the best doctor of the year. Her health program is called Tamil Nadu Urban Health Care System supported by Japanese corporation. STR Division wishes Dr.Vijayalakshmi as well as our comrade N.Suramanjari and her family on this occasion. The programme was broadcasted in all TAMIL NEWS TV channel yesterday.
Thursday, 22 August 2019
Wednesday, 21 August 2019
Tenth Year Formation DAY Meeting was organised combinedly by AIBSNLPWA Chennai TD and TN Circle at Flower bazaar Telecom building on the evening of 20th August 2019. Around 500 comrades attended the meeting. The meeting was held under the presidentship of Comrades V. Ramarao and Munusami. Com.Kannappan welcomed the gathering. Comrades. D.Victorraju, S.Sundarakrishnan, Thangaraj CS chennai TD, M. Govindarajan, Vittoban, K.Muthialu,. G.Natarajan and Com.D.Gopalakrishnan addressed the gathering. Achievements made by the Associations, how this Association had a formation as All India Level and Pension revision during 68.8 DA Merger, 78.2 DA Merger, 60/40 removal ,Pension revision proposals as per 7th CPC FITMENT and pursuation on this were elaborately discussed by our leaders. Our Association have a vast growth than other Association because of the sincere and dedicated service of our leaders and active members. All India office bearers together with Com.Akilandeswari were felicitated. The Meeting was conducted in a grand manner for more than 3 hours. Snacks were distributed. Com.N.S.Deenadayalan ACS gave vote of Thanks. Approx.100 comrades from TN Circle Comrades from STR Division and Chennai Traffic Division participated. Photography arrangements were carried out by Com.N.Mohan and Narsimhan.
Sunday, 18 August 2019

Dear Comrades,
People in different parts of our country face the nature’s fury. There were devastating natural disasters in the past.They were confined to a state or some areas. This time it is unusual and unprecedented; all pervading and widespread. Heavy rain made many a rivers like Brahmaputra, Mahanadi, Godavari, Narmada, Krishna, Tungabhadra, Tapti, Pampa etc ferocious. It caused floods, landslides and total destruction in Assam, Andhra, Chhatisgarh, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, MP, Maharastra, Orissa, Tamilnau, Telangana etc. It has affected cities and villages alike. Lakhs of people have to flee their places leaving behind everything except carrying their lives. Everything they earned through hard labour during the last 30 or 40 years is lost in 30 or 40 minutes/seconds. Many of them can never recapture the loss. Some settlements have disappeared totally in landslides. Dead bodies are still under the mud even after 10 days. Some are beyond recovery.
BSNL also lost a lot. The landlines and towers erected through 30/40 years are destroyed instantly. Private companies disappeared from the scene, as usual. Again, our men are in the field reconstructing the network. We witness heroes of National Disaster Management teams and large number of youngsters engaged in rescue operations. Caste, creed, region, religion – nothing stand in their way of service. It is India.
It is not the time to probe into the cause and accuse anybody. It is time to help the victims. AIBSNLPWA organized relief in the past. But, this time, we cannot assess the level of calamity or casualty or the loss. We cannot extend the help to any particular State as people of many states are affected. We cannot hold meetings of CWC or Secretariat immediately. Therefore, in consultation over phone with our CHQ President and some other CHQ office-bearers, it is decided to collect Relief Fund immediately from all Circle and District Units and make over the amount to the Prime Minister’s Distress Relief Fund (PMDRF).
It has to be done immediately, on war-footing urgency. I, on behalf of our CHQ, call upon all our Circle/District Secretaries to transfer considerable amounts from their funds to CHQ account for the purpose. It should be done immediately, before 30th September 2019, latest. CHQ shall make over the entire fund so received to the PMDRF in a gathering.
Note: After transferring the amount please inform CHQ Treasurer through phone/whatsapp/email.
With greetings,
P GANGADHARA RAO, General Secretary
Friday, 16 August 2019
AIBSNLPWA 10th Anniversary Formation Day Special Meeting is being organised by Tamilnadu Circle and Chennai Telephones Circle Associations on 20-08-2019 at 1600 hours in Flower bazaar Telephone Campus.
Our Members who are residing in and around of Chennai are requested to make it possible to attend the meeting in en masse.
The invitation is posted here under.
Our Members who are residing in and around of Chennai are requested to make it possible to attend the meeting in en masse.
The invitation is posted here under.
Dear Comrades,Good evening.The monthly meeting of STR DIVISION has been conducted as 10th year formation DAY on the AN of 13th Aug.2019 under the chairmanship of Com. A.Sugumaran, District. President. One Minute silence was observed for the demise of two of our comrades. 1.Smt.Lakshmikothandaramudu, FP., Com.Meenakshi Sundaram retd DE Dharma puri. 3.Smt.Sushmaswaraj Ex Defence Minister. 4.SriJayakumar aged 32 yr S/o Our Comrade Sri.B.Loganathan. Loganathan Rtd PM Civil wing. Minutes of the last minute was read by Com.N.Mohan Treasurer and got approved.Com.S.Sundarakrishnan DS welcomed all. He told new members joined during the current month month is 14. Total Membership 1065. He told that due to the financial crisis in BSNL NO fund is received from BSNL CO for Medical payment. However members have to submit the medical bills within due date. Whenever fund is received payment can be made. However it is high time for Chennai residents to switch over to CGHS. A lot of good hospitals are available in CGHS approved list. Unlike BSNL MRS we can not get admitted as inpatient in the hospital without reference by CGHS doctors. We have to ascertain from BSNL regarding one time payment reimbursement. National Adalat will be held at 1400 hrs of 23.08.19.To know the feedback on SAMMPAN some of the retirees directly getting pension from CCA are requested to attend the Adalat. He also told about the action taken to settle the case of Com.Venugopal both by CHQ as well as Circle. Based on the details given to DG CHQ VP,a letter is addressed to CCA. He elaborated the settlement of issues during the current month. He told though the CHQ is completing it's 10th year, STR DIVISION completed 12 years. It was formed with 17 members on 29.06.2007 under the presidentship ship of Comrades TE. VASUDEVAN, K.Muthialu as Secretary and Sridharan as treasurer. Our STR division grows up to the level of having more than 1060 members. Irrespective of the union they belong to during service, maximum retirees join in our Assn. It is purely due to the trust and belief over the leaders of our Association. During the current month 6 retired officials being a member of other serving union have joined in our Pensioners Association in TN CO. Com.Rajendran is also one amongst them. Hats off to all. In view of the 10th anniversary, We decided to honour all previous President, Secretary and Treasurer on this occasion. He also told that there is no partiality in our Association. We deal the cases of retd Phone Machanic to retd executives as well as senior officers with the same spirit. This Association will definitely will have a enormous growth. He wished com.Sridharan who has been reelected as AGS in All India Federation of Pensions Association. He also welcomed all new members including Com.V.K.G.. Com.Narasimhan, ADS, introduced all new members. He greeted the comrades whose birthday day falls on August. He mentioned family events.1.Our Member Com S. Ramanarayanan has undergone "LAZER EYE SURGERY" (NOT CATARACT) in Agarwal Eye Hospital yesterday (31-7-2019). He was discharged immediately. He wished him to get well soon. 2.Our comrade. Srimathi NALINISUBRAMANIAN has celebrated her daughter Dr SARAYU.'S marriage with Dr.SRI RAM on 11th July. He wished the couple to have a Happy Married life. 3.Daughter of our comrade Shanmugavadivelu met with an accident while riding two wheeler. She underwent ortho surgery and hospitalized for 2 weeks. He wished for her speedy recovery. 4.Elder son of our comrade Saichandran Retd Operator VFT passed away recently. He expressed our deepest condolence to his family. Com.Narasimhan told that our CHQ has taken an alternate proposal of pension revision from 1.1.2016 on CDA Pattern. Hitherto we were fighting for IDA revision. It is told that less difference will be there. We will be happy if pension is revised on any way. He told that Com.O.P.Gupta has already proposed the same during 2007 itself. Our senior comrades were felicitated. Presentation of shawl to comrades 1.T.E.Vasudevan, 2.K.Muthialu, 3.Sridharan,. 4.A.Sugumaran. 5.P.Sankaranarayanan,. 6.D.S.Ramalingam, 7.S.Ramakrishnan II 8.Narasimman, 9.Kulothungan 10.Parameshwaran.They were honoured in recognition of their service as Ex President ,Secretary, treasurer and maintainance of DATABASE and other services and senior comrade enrolled from the formation day.
Com.A.Sugumaran CHQ VP in his address mentioned about our GS, and D. Gopalakrishnan meeting with Hon. MOC and handing over the memorandum. Subsequently they went to New Delhi to know the position. DOT is very busy in revival of BSNL. There is no glimpse of sign for Pay revision. However the information was gathered from top level officers what would happen on our memorandum.There won't be likely support from TOP LEVEL officers for Pension on IDA until and unless pay is revised.So,for getting pension revision on CDA from 1.1.2016. A virtual CDA has to be worked out based on IDA/CDA as on 1.1.2016 multiplying with 2.57. This works out to 94.4% of our IDA basic. Without going for CDA/IDA basic pay Matching easy way has been worked out both for post / pre 2016 retirees. We will be getting CDA instead of IDA based on this pattern. However permanent remedy will be got for future pension revision. CBMPA leaders comprising 8 ASSOCIATIONS has agreed and letter given to DOT. We approached other 3 unions .They did not come forward. If this proposal is agreed we will be getting 2% less than our earlier proposal. Com.K.Muthialu DyGS in his address mentioned that STR DIVISION formed two years earlier on 29.6.2007 with 17 members and he was the first Secretary. A decision has been taken to make it at All India Organisation. Initially it was proposed to affiliate to B CPC. He suggested to make our Pensioner Association. Accordingly, 450 members from various circle assembled at Suwashini KALYANI Mandapam at Tambaram and All India BSNL PENSIONERS welfare Association was born on 20th August 2009. Now we have approx 70000 members. Soon we will be reaching 1 lakh. We achieved Pension revision based on 2nd PRC.78.2% DA achievement. Now we are fighting for Pension revision. In the CWC held at Bangalore decision taken for life membership. STR Division played important role in forming ALL INDIA ASSOCIATION. He also mentioned about settlement of various cases during his term as DS /CS. Even IDA increase was not paid to pensioners as CCAs were not issuing orders for want of orders from DOT. Due to our efforts this was settled. Com.KANNAN composed and delivered a Kavithai on "NAMMAIPPATRI NAAN". It was very nice. Com.N.S.Deenadayalan ADS offered Vote of thanks. 121 comrades attended the meeting. Sweet and savouries with coffee given to participants. Thanking You Comradely Yours, S.SUNDARAKRISHNAN. Dist.Secretatry.
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