IDA INCREASED 4.3% FROM 1-1-2025 - TOTAL 228.5%

Tuesday, 31 October 2017

STR DIVISION Circular No.197 released and sent to our members email id
To download the circular please CLICK HERE 

Friday, 27 October 2017

CHTD has issued orders to renew the old BSNLMRS CARDS to Pensioners with more than 10 years old  with immediate effect.  Pensioners please follow the instructions in the CHTD orders and get their CARD renewed.
Please see the order below:

Thursday, 26 October 2017

We are publishing below the 78.2% court case list of POST  2007  &  PRE 2007 Pensioners.  Any inclusion, deletion, correction may be sent to us before 31-10-17 in whatsapp here.  we are closing this work on 31-10-17 and  handing over the list to our Circle secretary on 1-11-17.


Saturday, 14 October 2017

STR DIVISION Circular No.195 released and sent to our 492 members email ids.
To download the circular Please CLICK HERE

Friday, 13 October 2017


Com A. Sugumaran and Com D.S. Ramalingam has gone to CGM STR GUINDY office today (13-10-17). They have submitted PPO copies of 16 RETIRED DOT PENSIONERS to DGM Finance and requested him to revise their pensions as per DOT’s latest order for SECOND OPTION PESNION REVISION  to them according to Finanace Ministry’s decisions on 7th CPC.  

DGM F told that he will do the needful to them.  However he requested our leaders to inform DOT PENSIONERS to submit their PPO COPIES to their respective GM, SSA HEAD to process their cases at their end first.  It will come to him finally and he will forward it to CCA OFFICE.

Please see below for the names of the pensioners for whom the PPO copies were given to DGM F STR CNI.

    1. Sri. V. Gurumurthy  DGM ( Rtd )
    2.  ,,   M. Srinivasan   DE      (,,      )
    3.  ,,   R.Srinivasan     DM STSR ( Rtd)
    4.  ,,  V.S.Sudarsanam SDE       (  ,,  )
    5.  ,,  S.Sthiyamurthy   DE NWP(  ,,  )
    6.  ,,  S, Swaminathan DE FC    ( ,,   )
    7.  ,,  S. Selvaraju       DE          (  ,,  )
    8.  ,,  R.K.Venkataraman JTO   (  ,,  )
    9.  ,,  M.A. Padmaraj  JTO        (  ,,  )
10.  ,, G.Ramakrishnan SG TS    (  ,,  )
11.  ,, D.Pandiyan   JTO              (  ,,  )
12.  ,, S.G. Mohanan STS FC       (  ,,  )
13.  ,, T. Subramanian Sr,SDE    (  ,,  )
14.  ,, J. Ramachandran   ,,         (  ,,  )
15.  ,, Smt. Lakshmi Kothandaramudu, W/O V.Kothandaramudu
16.Sr                      16.  ,, Sri.  T.K.Kesavalu SSS FC CNI                                                              
On the basis of our court case PCCA, TN has issued a speaking order and sent to our Circle Secretary. It's clear that there shall not be any recovery and no reduction in pension. With regard to granting of 78.2 percent benefit with extra increment to the left out cases will be decided soon in consultation with DoT. Thus only our Association has taken the necessary correct steps to check the authority. This is our achievement. - K.Muthiyalu, CS
See below for CCA OFF LETTER:

Thursday, 12 October 2017

OCTOBER monthly meting was held on 10/10/2017.  Com.  A.Sugumaran presided. Two minutes silence was observed in respect of the following who passed away recently.

1. Shri. M. MILONGTON on 2-10-2017.   2. Smt. R.VIJAYALAKSHMI SSS STP on 14-8-2017  3.Shri. Amirthalingam SLM,  Former Vice President TN Circle.                    

Com. S.Sridharan read out the minutes of the previous monthly meeting and had the approval  with the amendment proposal of Com. A.Victor Raj to substitute the word “lamented” by the words “ spoke about”.  Com.  N.Mohan informed family welfare news and greeted those members whose birth day falling in October.
Com.  D.S.Ramalingam introduced the new members.  He explained in detail about the proceedings and outcome of Pension Adalat held on 22/9/2017.  He told that people who attended were happy when their issues were settled there.  He then narrated about his visit to Pr. CCA office on 09/10/2017.  He informed that he made over  another 106 xerox copies of Aadhaar cards of members.  Pr. CCA office desired the following information from all members:  1. Whether pensioner is governed by CDA or IDA 2. PAN card NO. 3. Pension disbursement authority Bank/Post office.    Members who have already given Xerox copies of Aadhaar card and PPO No. need not again give the above details.  If any member wants to hand over Xerox copies of Aadhaar Cards with the above information , they may approach Smt. Rita Sr.A.O., /Smt. Nalini, SA  of Pr. CCA office, Egmore. He further dealt with the revision of pension on the recommendations of 7th CPC.  In this connection leaders have met the Hon’ble Minister for Communications, he promised to look into case.  Pension Anomaly case is coming for hearing on 17/11/2017.
Com.  A.Sugumaran told that Pr. CCA office is working some modalities in respect of one increment case based on the judgment of the Court and orders of DOT Hqrs..  He informed that there would not be recovery from pensioners.  On Medical Allowance  payment, some pensioners have received payment in Telephone District while STR and TN Circle assured that payment will be made before October.  He also brought to the notice of the members that  bundles of Service Books were made over to CCA Office and problem exists for fixation of pension after 3% additional sum calculated for pay fixation. Members were reminded about the submission of Life Certificate to Banks/Post offices and Life Cerificate to concerned Telephone authorities in respect of rent free residential telephone connections in November, 2017.

Com.  S. Sundarakrishnan proposed vote of thanks.  113 Members attended the meeting.

Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Our dear comrade S. Narasimhan's  beloved mother Smt.Renganayaki ammal age 93 passed away in early hours of Sunday 08-10-2017.
She is a great Freedom Fighter and a close associate of Mahakavi Bharathiar. She had served food many a times to the Mahakavi. She is also a good carnatic singer.
We convey our heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family of  Com.Narasimhan and pray God to keep her soul at rest.
RSVP 94444 15150.

Monday, 2 October 2017


Our member Sri M. Milongton passed away at 11 am today. We convey our heartfelt condolences to his family.     Burial will take place tomorrow morning at 10 AM.  His son David Prasannarao's contact number:  9444478611.   Address:  Plot No.32, Jai Nagar 1st street, Angallammankoil st extn. PATTALAM, Chennai-600012.  Bus stop Pattalam Market Anjaneyarkoil.