IDA INCREASED 4.3% FROM 1-1-2025 - TOTAL 228.5%

Wednesday, 12 September 2018

Comrades,Good evenings The monthly Meeting of STR division was conducted under the Presidentship of Com.A.Sugumaran, our Dist.President. Com. S.Sundarakrishnan DS welcomed all. Last meeting Minutes was read by Com.N.Mohan District Treasurer and got  approved. Com.Mohan intimated that Rs 61,250 has been sent to Kerala Flood Relief by our Division  based on the donation contributed by our comrade.In addition to that an amount of Rs 5000 has been sent as donation by  our STR Comrades directly sent to CHQ.Com
A.Sugumaran in his Presidential address mentioned about extra increment  case came for hearing to day at Hoble CAT at Chennai.Judge was asking our lawyer whether the issue pertains to Kerala and our applicants are similarly placed for which our Lawer told yes. When we were eagerly waiting for judgement today,DOT has engaged a new advocate  and there by case adjourned for another day.He also told to use Grievance Redresal Mechanism Portal for ghe unsettled issues.By which issues are getting resolved immediately. S.Sundarakrishnan DS in his speech mentioned that 33 new members have been joined during this month and total membership is 905.He appreciated the sincere efforts made by Com.Arumugam civil.He also thanked coms.L.Srinivasaraghavan,com.R.Subramanian,com.H.S.Sudha .Com D.Victorraju. Com.Narasimhan ,com.Dheenadayalan and Com Muthialu for their support and enrolling new members.We should have the target of achieving 1000 members.He explained due to non receipt of fund all the pending bills for with voucher and medical allowance for 3rd /4th qtr to   small  portion of pensioners not paid in TNC.In STR/STP medical allowance paid to all.In Chennai TD 3rd qtr paid.4th qtr pending.For 2018-19 Medical allowance not paid in any circle.Regarding waiver in respect of chronic diseases there is a move to settle based on CGHS RATES instead of actual expenditure incurrred. He  requested all individuals who sent grievance to Adalat to be present at Hall of inspiration by 1430 hrs.During the meeting with sri Mohan CCA, he told that they are seeking clarification forDOT Letter MAY 2018 for setlling double fixation to executives retired between July2017 and April 2018.Our CHQ also will take up with DOT based on our request.Some of the grievances given to CCA by our comrades settled.Com.Kathraesan and Com.Azhagar etc.While filling ERP ,as per the existing data in PPO has to be filled.If any correction reqd sepate request need to be made.Com Narasimhan ADS introduced 33 New Members.He greeted BirthDay Comrades.While telling about KYP forms he told that he has 60 forms to be submitted and nowadays he receives one or two forms.Those who are yet to submit are  requested to submit before 30.9.18.He told every likely hood increase of 7%IDA by 1st Oct.No doubt we will get pension  revision. Com.Ramani ACS Salem has mentioned about welfare activities being taken by their  Division.They are conducting meetings on private accomodation.The activities of CCA on switch over to direct pension payment is unwarranted.Here STR Division is taking care in collecting KYP.In Salem BSNL they are not accepting KYP form and they say there is no instruction.He told there is undue delay in settlement of issues from CCA office.Action has to be initiated for Med.allowances for the rest of the period for  those retired subsequent months of April.  Com.A.Sugumaran told that Pension authorities can have discretionary powers        to make pension payment in any mode.We have to submit the datas what they asked.
Pensioners need not be in hurry in submitting KYP form.Com.Venkatachalam Circle Secretary told that AIBSNLPWA achieved 78.2 %DA after fought for 2 years.Members have faith in our Assn.We will definitely achieve our goal of Pension Revision.In the AIC resolutions are to be passed for name changing as well as Recognition of our Assn.We are the only Assn who contributed 24 Lacks to Kerala flood Relief.Com.Ramani ACS, Com.Kalidas Circle Treasurer and Com.Deenadayalan ACS were honoured by  presenting Towel.Com.Deenadayaalan ACs told that all datas in KYP has to be filled carefully veifying with original data.The meeting ended with vote of Thanks offered by  Com.D.Victorraju VP. Thank you. With kind regards.Comradely Yours S.Sundarakrishnan Dist.Secretary

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