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Thursday, 31 January 2019

AUAB protests deviation from the assurance given by the Hon'ble MoS(C) on delinking Pension Revision from Pay Revision.

[following posting is reproduced from the website of BSNLEU.)

In the meeting held on 03.12.2018, between the Hon’ble Minister of State for Communications and AUAB, it was assured that pension revision would be de-linked from pay revision. However, the officers sitting in DoT are trying to deviate from the assurance given by the Hon’ble MoS(C). For example, in the letter written by the DoT, to the Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare, the decision of Hon’ble MoS(C) was diluted. In that letter, the DoT had asked the DoP&PW, whether pension revision can be de-linked from pay revision. In yesterday’s meeting with the Additional Secretary also, the DDG(Estt.), DoT, was arguing that pension revision would be done only after pay revision is done. The representatives of the AUAB strongly protested this dilution and demanded that the assurance given by the Hon’ble MoS(C) should be implemented. On hearing both the arguments, the AS(T) directed that the AUAB and the DDG(Estt.) DoT, should hold further discussion on this issue. Accordingly, further discussion took place yesterday, between the representatives of the AUAB and Shri S.K. Jain, DDG(Estt.), DoT. The AUAB categorically told that the decision of the Hon’ble MoS(C) that pension revision would be de-linked from pay revision should be implemented. After observing the stiff resistance against dilution of the Hon’ble MoS(C)’s decision, the DDG(Estt.) assured that the issue would be further discussed with the AS(T).

The clarification is welcome. Yesterday in some messages protest of AUAB  was not projected. ... PSR


 Dear Comrades, I express my views frankly. Some may like it. Some may not like it. I still have hopes. Dept of Pension has not yet rejected the proposal for delinking Pension revision and Pay revision. They returned the file to DOT asking to submit concrete proposal on the pension revision. The file is in Dept of Telecom. Some officers in Sanchar Bhavan are playing the game. They are asking: Where is recommendation from CPC for pension revision in BSNL? Yes. There is nothing in CPC report. Why? Same officers in DOT are responsible for that. CPC forwarded our memorandum to DOT for comments on 5th January 2015. We met the then Secretary Telecom Mr. R K Garg on 4th August 2015. Till that day DOT had not sent the comments. After we pointed out, on instruction from Shri Garg, the officers sent comments on 16th August 2015 to the CPC. By that time the CPC started preparing the report. They threw the letter from DOT in to the dustbin being late. That is how DOT killed the issue. Sleep on files, Delay and Deny! Now they are asking: Where is recommendation from CPC? Now, if DOT submits a concrete proposal on pension revision, the Dept of Pension will consider. I am happy to see that AUAB has sent a good letter today giving all justification for delinking. Thanks to Com. C Singh and Com. P Abhimanyu. CBMPA has demanded it. Minister assured delinking. Then where is the hitch? In Sanchar Bhavan only. The Minister has to take a firm decision. Else the Hon’ble Prime Minister should intervene. It is a case affecting more than two lakh families. Please organize the Post Card Campaign effectively. Let thousands of Post Cards go to the office of Shri Narendra Modiji. It is my personal views………. PSR 

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