IDA INCREASED 4.3% FROM 1-1-2025 - TOTAL 228.5%

Wednesday, 31 July 2019

Srimathi.K.LALITHA AGM(Admn) O/o  CGM STR CHENNAI has taken voluntary  retirement on 29.07.2019.She has joined as a LIFEMEMBER of our STR Division AIBSNLPWA .We welcome her wholeheartedly and wish her a Happy and Healthy retired life.Her mobile no is 9444002325.
Srimathi.V.KAMALA AGM(MIS) O/o  CGM STR CHENNAI is  retiring on superannuation  on  31.07.2019.She has joined as a LIFEMEMBER of our STR Division AIBSNLPWA .We welcome her wholeheartedly and wish her a Happy and Healthy retired life.Her mobile no is 9444971614
Mr.D.CHANDRASEKAR OS (T ) O/o CGMT TN CIRCLE Chennai .6  retired on  superannuation  AN of  30..6.2019.He has joined as a life member of our STR Division ,AIBSNLPWA . We whole heartedly welcome him and wish him a Happy and Healthy retired life.Her Mobile no. is 9444102613
Mr.A.RAJENDRAN OS  O/o CGMT TN CIRCLE Chennai .6  retiring on  superannuation  AN of  31..7.2019.He has joined as a life member of our STR Division ,AIBSNLPWA . We whole heartedly welcome him and wish him a Happy and Healthy retired life. His Mobile no is 9444102613
Smt.LAKSHMICHANDRASEKARAN Senior Accountant O/o CGMT TN CIRCLE Chennai .6 is retiring on  superannuation  AN of  31..7.2019.She has joined as a life member of our STR Division ,AIBSNLPWA . We whole heartedly welcome her and wish her a Happy and Healthy retired life.Her Mobile no. is 9445684624
Smt.USHA RAVISANKARAN OS (G)  O/o CGMT TN CIRCLE Chennai .6 is retiring on  superannuation  AN of  31..7.2019.She has joined as a life member of our STR Division ,AIBSNLPWA . We whole heartedly welcome her and wish her a Happy and Healthy retired life.Her Mobile no. is 9443993937
Mr.S.IMMANUEL OS  (G)O/o CGMT TN CIRCLE Chennai .6  retiring on  superannuation  AN of  31..7.2019.He has joined as a life member of our STR Division ,AIBSNLPWA . We whole heartedly welcome him and wish him a Happy and Healthy retired life.His Mobile no. is 9444929398
Smt.P.K. USHA  OS (T)  O/o CGMT TN CIRCLE Chennai .6 is retiring on  superannuation  AN of  31..7.2019.She has joined as a life member of our STR Division ,AIBSNLPWA . We whole heartedly welcome her and wish her a Happy and Healthy retired life.Her Mobile no. is 9381828283
Smt.A.KANAKARATHINAM  OS (P)  O/o CGMT TN CIRCLE Chennai .6 is retiring on  superannuation  AN of  31..7.2019.She has joined as a life member of our STR Division ,AIBSNLPWA . We whole heartedly welcome her and wish her a Happy and Healthy retired life.Her Mobile no. is 9444971614

[15:27, 7/31/2019] Sundarakrishnan S DGM TN CNI: Mr.T.S.GOVINDARAJAN Special Grade Driver O/o CGMT TN CIRCLE Chennai .6  retiring on  superannuation  AN of  31..7.2019.He has joined as a life member of our STR Division ,AIBSNLPWA . We whole heartedly welcome him and wish him a Happy and Healthy retired life.His Mobile no. is 9486166271

On behalf of all our Group Members I welcome all the new members .Wish you all a Happy and Healthy retired life. S.Sundarakrishnan Dist Secretary

Director General of CGHS has issued a brouchure  regarding FAQ about CGHS. 
This will be useful to our members who want to migrate to CGHS.
To download the Brouchure 
Please Click Here
Sundarakrishnan S Secretary:  
Sri. L.JAYAKUMAR  aged 32 years (Son of our Comrade Sri.B.Loganathan retd from Civil wing) Passed away  today 30.7.19. Final rites by 10AM  tomorrow. His  address 1/20A,Ponniamman koil Street Moulivakkam via Maankadu Chennai 125. Contact Mobile 9487851172. We feel Sad and share the grief. We,STR COMRADES express our deepest, heartfelt condolence to the family members. We pray the Almighty to keep the departed Soul  rest in peace. In fact Comrade Loganathan asked me during the last meeting for getting co- authorisation of Family Pension for his Son. I too told him to bring all details while coming for the next meeting.

Spoken with Com.Loganathan. His Son was left in the Home.Today He got the news that the boy had a stroke and taken to hospital. He passed away.

Sunday, 28 July 2019


Our Member Com T.S. Jayanthi's dagughter is blessed with boy baby on 27-7-19 at 10.25 (USA TIME) at USA. (Normal Delivery). We convey our best wishes to the newly born boy baby and convey our congratulations to Com T.S. Jayanthi for becoming a proud GRANDMOTHER

Saturday, 27 July 2019


Justification for pension revision with CPC fitment factor
 and delinking pension revision from pay revision.

Committee of BSNL/MTNL Pensioners’ Associations
H. No 6, G No 12th Street, Jogupalya, Halasuru, Bangalore 560008

Convenor – P.Gangadhara Rao
Mobile – 09448088404

Annexure I
Justification for pension revision with CPC fitment factor and delinking pension revision from pay revision

1.   C.G. employees & BSNL/MTNL employees are covered under CCS (Pension) Rules 1972

2.   Sub-rule 8 of Rule 37-A of CCS (Pension) Rules 1972 states “A permanent government servant who has been absorbed as an employee of a PSU shall be eligible for pensionary benefits on the basis of combined service rendered by him in the Govt. & PSU in accordance with the formula for calculation of pension/FP under these rules as may be in force at the time of his retirement from the PSU”.

3.    DoP&PW vide its clarificatory letter No.4/19/2009-P&PW(D) dtd.27/3/2009 to DoT stated “BSNL is the only PSU that has been granted a special dispensation under sub-rule (21) of Rule 37-A of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 to the effect that the pensionary benefits including family pension to the absorbed employees of BSNL is paid by the Government.  This Department is of the view that the change as per DoP&PW’s O.M. dated 02/09/2008 as mentioned in para 2 above are also applicable to IDA pensioners of BSNL”.

4.   Accordingly, 6th CPC recommendations with regard to a) emoluments for the purpose of all pensionary benefits, ) b) DCRG, c) enhancement in maximum limit of DCRG, d) new commutation table,  e) enhanced family pension for 10 years & f) age-related additional pension (DoT letters dated 15/5/2009, 12/8/2009, 23/6/2011 may be referred) were implemented to BSNL IDA pensioners from 1/1/2006. 

5.    The minimum pay in BSNL from 1/10/2000 is more than the Central Government pay.  It was Rs.4000/- and Rs.2550/- respectively at that point of time.  But the minimum pension for BSNL retirees was Rs.1275/- (DoT OM No.40-13/2002/PEN(T) dated 15/1/2003 may be referred) and Rs.3500/- (para 4.4 of  DoT OM No.F.No.40-17/2008-Pen(T)-Vol.III dated 15th March 2011 may be referred).  So, the minimum & maximum pension for BSNL retirees also is related to the minimum & maximum pay of a central government employee.

6.   C.G.Pensioners & BSNL/MTNL IDA pensioners are getting pension from civil estimate.

7.   C.G.Pensioners & BSNL/MTNL pensioners are eligible for CGHS facilities.

8.  BSNL/MTNL financial position has no relevance for pension revision. Liability of paying pension/family pension to BSNL retirees lies fully with the Government as per 5/7/2016 cabinet decision and DoT order dtd.20/7/2016 and BSNL has no liability. 

9.   There were 28,791 absorbed executives  and 1,36,071 absorbed non-executives  as on 1/11/2016 in BSNL out of which 24,117 executives would retire by 2027 and all non-executives would retire by 2026 (source – BSNL corporate office reply dt.15/11/2016 to RTI query).  But pensioners would be alive for a minimum of another 20 years beyond 2027.  By 2027, pay revision in BSNL would be irrelevant and naturally pension revision cannot be linked to that. 
 Annexure II
Let the notional conversion take place from 1/1/2016 i.e. 7th CPC implementation date.

On 1/1/2016 Dearness Relief on CDA pattern was 125% and IDA pattern 112.4%.  Take the pension as 100.  Then notional conversion factor would be
100+112.4 = 212.4 divided by 225 = 94.4

By this factor, basic pension on IDA would be multiplied by 94.4 and divided by 100. That amount would become the pre-revised basic pension as on 1/1/2016 and if it is multiplied by 2.57 factor that would be the revised basic pension from 1/1/2016. Then both CDA pension & IDA pension would be at par.  Dearness Relief on 1/1/2016 would be zero and thereafter it may be calculated in CDA pattern for every six months.

For example as on 1/1/2016 basic pension on IDA was Rs.10,000/-.  94.4% of this would be Rs.9440/-.  This amount would be the pre-revised basic pension and this should be multiplied by 2.57 factor as recommended by 7th CPC which would come to Rs.24,261/-.  That would be the revised basic pension on 1/1/2016 with zero percent DR.  Then every six months DR may be granted on CDA pattern.  This will result in an increase of Rs.3,021/- in total pension which works out to 14.22%approximately.

Instead of opening the pandoras box this would be the hassle-free conversion method which may get the nod of nodal department also.

 Annexure III
Financial Implication
Total expenditure on MH 2071 in 2015-16 for BSNL IDA pensioners/family pensioners was Rs.5,354.17 Cr. (Source – DoT letter dated 23/6/2016).
MH 2071 includes other retirement benefits like gratuity, commutation etc.  Actual expenditure exclusively for pension would be approximately 70% of the total which works out to Rs.3,748 Cr.

14.22% of this works out to Rs.533 Cr. Approximately per annum.  This cannot be considered as a big liability for the Central Government because it has saved more from BSNL/MTNL employees viz.

a) pension contribution at the maximum of the scale instead of actual pay (Rs.90/- crore more than their counterpart in Central Govt.); 

1)   Though they are entitled to get gratuity as per sec 2 of Payment of Gratuity Act 1972 (this was upheld by Hon. High Court of Allahabad, Lucknow Bench on 3/8/2017) they got the gratuity under CCS (Pension) Rules 1972 which is much less.

To illustrate the gain to the Govt. we give the following 3 examples:-
Employee/ LPD+DA     Due asper          Recd asper         Gain to the
Q/sce                                PG Act      CCS (P) Rules     Govt.
A  40y       Rs.17403   Rs.4,01,608       Rs.2,87,150       Rs.1,14,458
B  39y       Rs.15231   Rs.2,51,312       Rs.3,42,698       Rs.91,386
C  34y       Rs.29715   Rs.5,82,896       Rs.4,90,298       Rs.92,598

Nearly 1.5 lakh BSNL employees have retired during this period and Govt. has gained more than thousand crores.

         Annexure IV
Number of beneficiaries

Total employees as on 1/10/2000         3,63,000 (Cabinet Note 25/9/2000)
Not opted for BSNL                                 3,000
Opted for BSNL                                  3,60,000
Staff as on 31/3/2015                         2,25,512 (BSNL A/R 2014-15)
So, Pensioners as on 31/3/2015            1,34,488
Add retirees for 9 months upto 31/12      10,820
Add MTNL combined Sce optees              22,000
Total pensioners upto 31/12/2015             1,67,308

Number of beneficiaries would be approximately 1,68,000.  It is to be noted that at the time of pension revision from 1/1/2007 total pensioners upto 31/12/2006 was 47,000 and the expenditure was Rs.110 crore per annum asper cabinet note.

It is to be noted that nearly 63% among the non-executives retired from NE-6 to NE-10.
Annexure V
Pension revision for post 1/1/2016 retirees

1) Basic pay as on 1/1/2016 may be divided by 2
2) 94.4.% of that amount may be worked out
3) That amount may be multiplied by a factor of 2.57
4) The difference between the LPD and Basic Pay
As on 1/1/2016 may be worked out
5) 50% of that may be added to the amount with the amount arrived at in number 3
6) That would be the basic pension at the time of retirement
7) DR on CDA pattern may be worked out for this basic pension

X Retired on 31/5/2019 with LPD of Rs.30630/- and a basic pay of Rs.27820/- on 1/1/2016

1)  27820 divided by 2 =                                   Rs. 13910
2)  94.4% of that amount =                               Rs.  13132
3)  Multiply that amount by 2.57 =                    RS.  33750
4)  Difference between 30630 & 27820 =            Rs.    2810
5)  50% of this amount =                                   Rs.    1405
6)  Basic pension @ the time of retirement =      Rs.   35155
7)  DR @ 12% on CDA pattern =                                 Rs.     4219
8)  Total pension with revision =                        Rs.   39374
9)  Total pension without revision 15315+141.4% Rs.   36971
10)               Net increase in total pension          Rs.  2403

Ofcourse, this requires an amendment to sub-rule 10 of Rule 37-A
Dear Comrade NATIONAL PENSION ADALAT is proposed to be held at 23.08.19. Last date for submission of grievance to CCA is given as 02.08.19. If any grievances to be taken up with CCA., STR Dn. Comrades are requested to send the details either by post or mail before 29th JULY 19 to my address 18B Ayyappanagar Nanganallur CHENNAI 600061 or mail id

Sunday, 21 July 2019

At 9 am on 21-7-19, Com. P Gangadhara Rao GS lead the Delegation of BIHAR Circle to the House of Sri Ravi Shankar Prasad  at Patna. GS requested the Hon'ble MOC to settle our Pension Revision issue at the earliest after handing over a memorandum.
P Gangadhara Rao GS.

Saturday, 20 July 2019

National Adalat is proposed to be held at 1400 hrs of 23.08.19, Friday at Hall of Inspieation, Anna Salai exge Chennai. Last date of receiving the grievance will be 02.08.19. Draft notification and proforma is under approval and will be uploaded later in CCA TN WEBSITE. Hence the TIRUNELVELI Pension Adalat Proposal may be dropped.

Thursday, 11 July 2019


The Monthly meeting of STR Division was conducted at Tanstia hall  Guindy under the chairmanship of Com.A.Sugumaran, our Dist President on the A/N of  09.07.19. One minute silence was observed for the demise of our comrades 1. Smt.R.Jayalakshmi Retd  AGM USO TNCircle 2. Sri.V.Mohankumar SS TNC and Ex.Secy.General NFTE. Com.N.Mohan Treasure read the minutes of the previous meeting and got approved. Com.R.Venkatachalam Circle Secretary attended. Com.S.Sundarakrishnan welcomed all. He told that our present membership is 1052 and Life membership is 1005. He told due to our efforts   88 Family pensioners are  enrolled. Com.A.Kalidasan Circle Treasurer has become the 1000th Life member. He told that some of our comrades have given details regarding their Medical bills submission in the prev.mtg. All got passed and waiting for fund allotment. Both in STR as well as in TNC ,without bills payment processed and waiting for fund allotment.Regarding the final settlement of society payment, Monthly society recovery from the employees is not paid back to society.Hence, payment to retirees is pending since September. He assured to take up the case of Com.Anantharaman. In the Adalat meeting out of 12 cases given 7 cases settled. 3 cases pertains  to  Co authorisation of FP. As these csses are forwarded without sanction by Circle Head CCA did not settle. FP authorisation are to be sanctioned  by CGM STR.Pension revision case of Com. K.Radhakrishnan due to stepping up of pay is under process in CCA office. Reauthorisation of family pension case of com.Govindarajan.TN CO  has to send the case with specific recommendation. He also told the latest guidelines of DOT for availing CGHS medical option to BSNL Retirees. mapping of IDA Scale w.r.t 7th CPC.catagorised as 4 grps for monthly Subscription.Willing people can go thro. the letter issued by CGM AP Circle. Case of com.Venugopal revising the pension as per the LPD.Case was earlier taken up by CHQ. Recently DOT NewDelhi has sent a letter to CCA that no intervention to the  decision of CCA. Our GS  and DG CHQ VP has taken up again with DDG EST and Director Finance of DOT by explaining in detail to reconsider. DDG understood and Dir.Fin.told that he will study the case. Com.A.Sugumaran, President elaborated the recent visit of GS and DG to HeadQuarters Delhi. With the help of Sri Prahalad Joshi Hon.Min.of Parliamentary affairs Minister they met Sri.DHOTRE Hon .Min.of state for communication explained our demand of pension revision. He heard it patiently and showed positive response. Subsequently they tried to get appointment with Cabinet Minister for Communication. Initially appiointment was given for a short period of 2minutes due to his tight schedule by Hon MOC.GS,Com. DG and 3 more comrades met Hon MOC in his chamber. He went through our representation.Our leaders told due to pension revision BSNL wil not have extra expr.and the entire pension expr of BSNL retirees will be borned by Government of India. He asked clarrification regarding the problems which may be posed by serving employees union if pension is revised without pay revision. Our comrades explained that AUAB has already  given a demand of delinking pension revision from BSNL Pay revision. He has asked about the Pension anomaly which may arise between prior and post retirees of 1.1.2017. Our leaders suggested that with  the same formula of pension revision, LPD is revised on the last month of retirement  the anomaly can be avoided. Our comrades asked whether they have to meet the Secretaty DOT ,Hon. MOC told that he will take care of our issue. The meeting with Sri.Ravisankar Prasad Hon MOC  lasted for  40 Minutes. Our CHQ leaders were able to approach HonMinister of  communication within a month of forming a new Government. Our GS and his team will further pursue the matter by going to NewDelhi within a fortnight. President also told extra increment case will come for hearing on 16.7.19. Com.Narasimman ADS has read the name of our members whose birth day fall during JULY and wished them all. He also mentioned about family events. He conveyed condolence for the demise of our comrades.1.R.Jayalakshmi Retd AGM TN.CO 2.V.Mohan SSS TN CO.He told that all pensioners should have a Joint SB A/c for pension stating the problem faced by spouse  of com.R.Jayalakshmi Other welfare news.1.First Birth Day celebrations of Baby  Govardhana,Grand son of our Comrade Chandra subramanian W/ o Sri RVS retd DE Chennai TD was held on 22nd June 19. 2.Our Member Smt. Lakshmi Rajam (Retd. DE, STR) son Chi B. Abhishek's Marriage Reception was held in a grand manner on 22.6.19 evening. 3. Shri.Kannan, Our comrade (FP h/o late Smt.R.Padma SDE O/o CGM STR) celebrated his daughter's Marriage today in a grand manner at Madippakkam Chennai. Sow. K.Vishita weds  Chi. G.Ramanadhan. 4.Our Com.ManniHemaBhusanam Retd SDE Civil celebrated his daughter's marriage on 23.6.19.Selvi Jayasree weds with Mr. Gurappa. 5.Comrade L.Krishnamurthy Retd DE STR Chennai / our ADS  has celebrated his Son's (Mr.Vinothkumar with Selvi. Ramya )Marriage at Tirupparankundram,  Madurai on 14th June 2019. STR  Division wish the couples to have a Happy and Long Married Life. Com jayaraj  De Rtd Trichy.
admitted in Kavery  hospital hearty city cont trichy affected by heart attack massive and done angio plast  on19.06.2019. 2.Com.V.Parameshwaran SS(O) TN CO has undergone angioplasty surgery with provision of stents. 3.Com.P.MeenakshiSundaram retd DE Dharmapuri got admitted SIMS hospital at Vadapalani due to stroke. He is in hospital for about a month. We wish them all to have a speedy recovery and get well soon. He also introduced the new members joined recently.He told about DA Increase of 5.3 %. He told the active role of our leaders in adalat. In his humourous speech and jokes he engaged our comrades in happy mood. Com.R.Venkatachalam Circle Secretary in his speech appreciated the active role of our STR Division. Appreciated the DS for the enrollement of more members.He elaborated the activities of our CHQ Leaders at NewDelhi in dealing the pension revision activities by meeting Hon MOC,Hon Min.for heavy industries and HonMin.for Parliamentary affairs. Our leaders were in Delhi in the hot summer. He mentioned about the meeting held with PGM F and GM HR of TN Circle. We informed about  the difficulties faced by our pensioners due to merger of 6 business areas. PGM F assured that  arrangements will be made to receive medical bills at the respective meged SSA HQrs to avoid hardship of not going to new SSA HQrs. He also mentioned that committee formed at DOT HQrs for minimum pension of Rs 9000/ for IDA PENSIONERS is turned down the proposal before Pension revision. However, our CHQ leaders has suggested the ways and means by which Minimum pension of Rs 9000 can be given immediately. Our CHQ is proposed to send a note on this subject. Our Association will definitely pursue the pension revision and achieve the goal. Com.Deenadayalan ADS gave vote of thanks. 114 comrades attended the meeting. Com.L.Krishnamurthy has taken care of the expenditure of snacks provided during the meeting.  List of new members will be posted separately. Thanking you. S.Sundarakrishnan Dist.Secretary.

Our Member Com Nalini Subramanian, (Retd.DE. STR, CNI) daughter Sow: S. Sarayu's  (MBBS MS) Marriage with Chi: Dr. A. Sriram (BE, MS, PhD) and the Marriage reception were held on 11-9-19, Thursday Morning and evening at Ananda Maligai Thirumana mandapam, Chrompet in a  grand Manner. Large number of our members attended the marriage and the reception and blessed the young couple. To celebrate and share the happiness of her daughter's marriage, Com Nalini Subramanian has given a donation of Rs.1000/- to our STR DIVISION. We convey our sincere thanks to her and convey our STR DIVISION's best wishes to the newly married young couple.

Tuesday, 9 July 2019

Monday, 8 July 2019

APPROVED & AUTHORISED Hospital Lists for CHENNAI as on 1-7-19 to 30-6-20 is upload in our website in the TOP LEFT CORNER. 
STR DIVISION  Members List as on 8-7-2019 is uploaded now.  Please see the left end corner of the page for the connectioing link for download the list. 

Please check the list and inform us if any corrections are required

Wednesday, 3 July 2019



As reported earlier, our GS Com. Gangadhara Rao, along with Com Changappa (CS, KTK Circle) and leaders of Hubli met Shri Pralhad Joshi, the fourth time MP from Hubli-Dharwad on 22-6-2019 and sought his help to settle our demand for pension revision. Comrades Radhakrishna (AGS CHQ), Gandigawad (VP HB), Shivananda (VP KTK), S T Pawar (DS HB), S L Purjar (OS HB) were also present.
Shri Pralhad Joshiji is now Minister for Parliamentary Affairs, succeeding his close friend late Sh. Ananthkumar.

IN DELHI ON 1-7-2019:

On the instruction from Sh. Pralhad Joshiji, Com. Gangadhara Rao, Com. Changappa and our senior Vice President Com. D Gopalakrishnan reached Delhi on 30-6-2019. They, along with Com. Anupam Kaul (AGS CHQ), Com. M K Bagchi (Veteran leader of MTNL Pensioners) and Com. S S Nanda (Convener of RTOWA Delhi) met Shri Joshiji in his office at 10 AM .

Shri Joshi was very effective as Ananthkumarji.He arranged a meeting with Minister of State for Communications, Shri Dhotre Shyamlal Shamrao.


Our leaders met Shri Dhotre, MOS© at 4.30 PM and handed over a letter explaining our demand. He was very friendly and positive. After going through our letter he desired that we should meet senior minister Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad.


Once again, Shri Pralhad Joshi helped.He arranged a meeting Communication Minister Shri Ravi Shankar Prasadji. Comrades Gangadhara Rao, DG, M K Bagchi, Changappa and Nanda met the minister at 6.35 PM on 2-7-2019. The meeting lasted for 15 minutes. Initially, the minister was very angry with performance of BSNL.Our leaders explained our case slowly. He heard it very keenly and understood the matter. We told him

1.We are asking for pension revision after ten years.
2.There is no liability for BSNL on Pension Revision.
3.The financial liability lies with Government only.
Shri Ravishankar Prasad asked some questions too and our leaders explained that
a) All staff unions have demanded delinking of pension revision from pay revision in BSNL.
b )We have addressed (in our letter handed over to him) the issue of probable anomaly in the pension of post-2017 retirees.
c) The financial liability may be around Rs 650-700 crore.

We further informed him that

(1)DoT sent a letter to Dept of Pension in November 2019 for which DOP&PW asked DoT to submit concrete proposal about pension Revision. DoT did not submit it. We approached the DoP&PW.On 8-3-2019, DoP&PW again asked DoT to submit the concrete proposal. Depite of it, the DoT has not done it.

(2) Entire BSNL/MTNL pensioners await an intervention by the Honourable Minister.

After hearing the leaders, Shri Ravishankar Prasad, the Minister for Communications assured categorically; “I will take care of it”

We are Hopeful. We thank Shri Pralhad Joshiji, his personal staff, the comrades of Hubli and Karnataka for the great work done.

Central Head Quarters [ Regd. No. T 1833/09 ]
H. No 6, G No 12th Street, Jogupalya, Halasuru, Bangalore 560008
Shri Ravi Shankar Prasadji,
Hon. Minister for Communications and Information Technology,
Government of India, Sanchar Bhawan, New Delhi 110001.
Respected Sir,
Sub: Pension Revision from 1/1/2017 for BSNL/MTNL IDA pensioners
We are constrained to seek your kind help on the above issue sir.
1.When the Govt. proposed corporatisation of DoT in 2000, there were protests from the employees.The Govt. appointed a GoM under the chairmanship of Shri Ram Vilas Paswanji, then Communication Minister, to look into the demands of the employees.After several rounds of discussions GoM had with leaders of unions, Govt. issued a gazette notification on 30/9/2000, one day prior to formation of BSNL, amending CCS (Pension) Rules 1972 by incorporating Rule 37-A.
2. Sub-rule 22 of Rule 37-A states “Nothig contained in sub-rules (13) to (21) shall apply in the case of conversion of the Departments of Telecom Services and Telecom Operations into Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited and Mahanagar Telephones Nigam limited in which case the pensionary benefits including family pension shall be paid by the Govt.”
3. Sub-rule 23 states “The Govt. shall specify the arrangement and the manner including the rate of pensionary contributions to be made by BSNL & MTNL to the Govt. and the manner in which financial liabilities on this account shall be met”.
4.Accordingly the absorbees who retired from BSNL/MTNL got their pension including family pension from GoI.
5. In CPSEs, pay of the executives is revised in accordance with Pay Revision Committee (PRC) recommendations.The terms of reference did not include ‘pension revision’ in any of the three PRCs.The pay of the non-executives are revised as per the agreement between the management and the recognised unions.BSNL revised the pay in accordance with 2nd PRC recommendations (with 30% weightage of pay + DA) w.e.f. 1/1/2007.But simultaneously the pension was not revised for those who retired prior to 1/1/2007.
6. After several struggles and negotiations, DoT issued an order on 15/3/2011 based on Cabinet decision, for revision of pension from 1/1/2007 for those who retired before 1/1/2007.The revision was on the same formula that was given to employees to avoid any anomaly in pension for those who retired prior to 1/1/2007 and those who retired after 1/1/2007.
Changed situation
7. There is a change in the situation now with regard to sub-rule 23 of Rule 37-A of CCS (Pension) Rules 1972.Before 20/7/2016, the Government’s liability for payment of pension/family pension was limited to 60% of revenue received from BSNL/MTNL by way of various taxes.But, by a decision of the Cabinet, DoT issued order on 20/7/2016 annuling that condition which means that it is not linked to the revenue of these two CPSEs.Now 100% liability lies with GoI.However pension contribution is being paid by BSNL/MTNL to the Govt.
8. Conditions mentioned in 3rd PRC recommendations do not permit these two CPSEs, which are facing serious financial crunch to revise the pay of the employees as per 3rd PRC recommendations.
9. Now, the pension revision has nothing to do with the financial position of these two CPSEs as explained in para 7.Hence pension revision need not be linked to pay revision.
Our Demand
10. Pension revision from 1/1/2017 i.e. after 10 years of last revision, by applying 32% weightage as recommended by 7th CPC and implemented to more than 56 lakh C.G. pensioners w.e.f. 1/1/2016.We request for application of a multiplying factor of 2.515 (100 + 119.5 + 32 = 251.5).Beneficiaries may be around 2 lakh pensioners.
11. C.G pensioners and BSNL/MTNL pensioners (combined service optees) are covered under the same CCS (Pension) Rules 1972 and all the retirement benefits including gratuity are similar to both of them.
12. Both C.G pensioners and BSNL/MTNL pensioners are getting their pension/family pension from Central Civil Estimate. The CGHS facilitiesare available only to BSNL/MTNL pensioners as they are drawing pension from Central Civil Estimates whereas the employees of BSNL/MTNL are not eligible for the CGHS facilities.
13. Almost all the recommendations of CPC like pension formula, enhanced family pension, age-related additional pension, commutation table etc. are made applicable not only to C.G CDA pensioners but also to BSNL/MTNL IDA pensioners.
14. The minimum & maximum pension of BSNL/MTNL IDA pensioners are not linked to the minimum/maximum pay of BSNL/MTNL but to that of Central Government.
Doubts and our clarifications
15. Pension is related to pay and whether pension can be revised without pay revision is one doubt.It is true that pension is related to pay at the time of initial fixation of pension but pension revision was based on ‘existing pension’.Further, minimum/maximum pension of BSNL/MTNL IDA pensioners are not related to their minimum/maximum pay in BSNL/MTNL but that of C.G. employees’ minimum/maximum pay.Hence that doubt is not valid.
16. The C.G. pensioners are getting pension on CDA pay and Dearness Relief under that formula but BSNL/MTNL IDA pensioners are getting pension on IDA pay and DR under that formula is another doubt.It is the legal requirement that any CPSE started after 1/1/1989 should only have IDA pay as per Apex Court judgement dated 03/05/1990.Rule 33 & 34 of CCS (Pension) Rules 1972 statesthat pension should be determined on the basis of emoluments or average emoluments drawn at the time of retirement.So, the argument of CDA & IDA pattern is not a valid one.
17. If CPC fitment factor has to be applied to these IDA pensioners, then their pay has to be notionally revised from IDA to CDA on the basis of 19/9/2003 OM of DoP&PW according to concerned officers in Sanchar Bhawan.When the DoT proposed this during the last pension revision, DoP&PW which issued that OM did not agree and it was a settled matter at that point of time itself.Re-opening of an already settled matter shall not stand legal scrutiny.
18. If 32% fitment factor is given to those who retired prior to 1/1/2017 and if there is no pay revision for employees from 1/1/2017, then an anomaly will arise between those who retired prior to 1/1/2017 and retired after 1/1/2017.It would be a real issue and to solve this issue, we suggest that for those who retire after 1/1/2017 may be given 32% of basic pay at the time of retirement notionally and their pension can be fixed, taking into account the notional pay.There are precedences to fix the pension on the basis of notional pay.That would avoid any financial burden on the part of BSNL/MTNL. When 50% DA merger order was issued to pensioners on 18/7/2016, it was fixed on notional basis from 1/1/2007 to 9/6/2013.So, there is a solution to this problem also.
19.Nothing defies a solution provided there is a will. We are conscious that our demand requires a policy decision and it can’t be conceded by the officers in a routine way. We earnestly request the Hon. Minister for Communication to direct the concerned officers to send a concrete proposal, with justification quoted above, as a reply to their communication including their letter dated 8/3/2019 (copy enclosed). When we had discussions with concerned officers in DoP&PW, they informed us that they are willing to consider the demand provided DoT sends a concrete proposal with due justification.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully,
(P.Gangadhara Rao)
General Secretary.
Encl:DoP&PW letter dated 8-3-2019

.... (Identical letter was addressed to Shri Dhotre, MOS(C) also)...