IDA INCREASED 4.3% FROM 1-1-2025 - TOTAL 228.5%

Monday, 14 February 2022


BSNL has informed that payment of CGHS FEES will be REIMBURSED withing one month. This option is open upto 31-3-2022 only. Hence we request all pensioners to MIGRATE CGHS IMMEDIATELY.  See the BSNL ORDER below:


 Orders issued by BSNL Management on the issue of migration to CGHS. It was discussed with DGM and GM  about the  assurance given by CMD last week.  GM (A) informed that as on date BSNL does not have any software mechanism to facilitate making payment directly to CGHS on surrender of MRS card. Finalization of this mechanism will take some time.

In the meantime,  GM(A) informed  that CMD, wanted the orders to be issued immediately, and not to wait for finalization of the mechanism of putting in place appropriate software mechanism,  incorporating all these features. Further, GM( A) assured that they have already started working on it on priority, and, as and when it gets finalized, they will issue further modification to this order.
P Gangadhara Rao GS

Dear comrades, From the above postings, comrades should understand the following.  1. Our AGS com ANUPAM KAUL GS SNPWA Com.G.L.JOGI jointly discussed several issues. Direct payment to CGHS instead of reimbursement is one of the issues.CMD also assured. 2. Now, today's letter reveals that reimbursement of payment made  to CGHS BY pensioners will be made within one month to those who migrate on or before 31.03.2022 .  
3. Before implementation of direct payment to CGHS by BSNL,
 a) approval from CGHS or Ministry of Health has to be obtained for consolidated payment to individual ADDL.DIRECTOR CGHS.
b) existing procedure of IDA/CDA CONVERSION Letter from CCA of respective Circle, Surrender of MRS CARD will follow.
c) In addition the application form has to be routed through BSNL as payment is to be done by BSNL.
d) to that extent of (c) a software has to be developed for uploading.This takes time.d) 

So,My request is that those who can afford to pay the Subscribtion of CGHS by individual personnel money and get reimbursement within one month can apply for CGHS CARD as per the existing procedure.

(e) Willing comrades can apply to O/o CCA for IDA/CDA Mapping letter without surrendering BSNL MRS CARD . 
S Sundarakrishnan DS

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