IDA INCREASED 4.3% FROM 1-1-2025 - TOTAL 228.5%

Monday, 11 April 2022


It is reliably learnt that BSNL CO has commenced medical MRS Payment to pensioners for  outpatient bills with voucher and Allowance for all circles through out India.This payment is based on the sanctioned particulars uploaded in the ERP Portal. All are requested to patiently see their bank accounts for the credit.

BSNL CO directly paid hospital vendor payment towards inpatient treatment during last week  of March 2022 and reimbursement of inpatient treatment to pensioners during First week of April. For this BSNL CO has taken the cutoff date as 31.03.2021 whereas data is pulled from ERP sanctioned data available in all Circle office. Present OPD Payment which is being paid from Saturday is also paid directly by BSNL CO. No fund allotment to Circle. CAO TN CO and CAO STR CIRCLE OFFICE told that they sanctioned all the bills and uploaded in ERP.  Chennai Telephones also updated all the bills.  Only the constraint is Some SSAs of TN Circle.  We requested PGM Finance to give guidelines to all SSAs on 24th March.Whereas BSNL CO has started payment based on the data already available. 


1 comment:

  1. It will be very useful if a list of MRS payments made is obtained and published in this site.
