IDA INCREASED 4.3% FROM 1-1-2025 - TOTAL 228.5%

Thursday, 21 December 2023


You can also send Donations to STR Division Bank Account , mentioned above. N.S.Deenadayalan.

 தோழர்களே, நமது தமிழ் மாநில செயலர் தோழர் S. சுந்தரகிருஷ்ணன் தமிழ் நாட்டில் ஏற்பட்டுள்ள வரலாறு காணாத மழை வெள்ளத்தால் பாதிக்கப்பட்ட மக்களுக்கு உதவ நிதி அளிக்குமாறு நமது உறுப்பினர்களுக்கு கோரிக்கை விடுத்துள்ளார். அதன்படி நமது STR DN தோழர்கள் தங்களால் முடிந்த நிதியை நன்கொடையாக வழங்குமாறு கேட்டுக்கொள்கிறோம். தங்களது நன்கொடையை STR DN செயலர் தோழர் N.S. தீனதயாளன் G PAY கணக்கு எண்.  9385615576 அனுப்புமாறு கேட்டுக் கொள்கிறோம். நன்கொடை அளிக்கும் தோழர்கள் அவர்களது விவரங்களையும் அதே நம்பருக்கு தெரியப்படுதுமாறு கேட்டுக் கொள்கிறோம். அவர்களது விவரங்கள் நமது STR DN GRPS வெளியிடப்படும். 31-12-23 வரை வசூலாகும் தொகையை 1-1-24 அன்று மாநில சங்கத்திடம் ஒப்படைக்கப்படும். நன்றி வணக்கம். - N.S. தீனதயாளன்.

 Dear Comrades, Our Tamilnadu Circle Secretary Com S. Sundarakrishnan has given a call to help the unprecedented flood affected victims in Tamilnadu through our TN CIRCLE ASSN. We have posted his message yesterday. Hence we request all our members to send their flood relief contributions to our STR DIVISION SECRETARY N.S. DEENADAYALAN's GPAY NO. 9385615576. Please send your payment details also to this same number. The names of the members will be published in our whatsapp GRPS. We will collect the fund upto 31-12-23 and hand it over to TN CIRCLE ASSN. on 1-1-24. Thank you comrades - N.S. Deenadayalan, Division Secretary.

 Today CS met Dy CCA and Ao PDA @Chennai and discussed the following.

1.Pension arrears for unpaid months due to LC updation...most cases will be settled with in December 2023 pension payment /supplementary.

2.Family pension  arrears pension will be settled with in this month

3.Unpaid Gratuity,commutation pension,commutation restoration will also be paid before December

4.Postal migration cases receipt of reduced pension cases discussed and list given

5.Mobile number updation,DoB correction cases list given...will be updated.

6.FMA cases shown paid already in pension slip but not paid cases will be paid this month

7.FMA already pending sanction and payment will be paid after sanction and more addl staff will be posted for this work.

8.CGHS mapping letter issue in progress

9.Pensioner ID card 5000 nos received and segregated BA wise also.Method of distribution thro SSA being sorted out.

10.This month pension will be disbursed on 29th December 2023 itself as 30,31/12 being holidays .




Friday, 15 December 2023


As Usual Our Monthly GB was held on 12/12/23. It was also observed as Pensioners Day.

After Anjali, D/S NS.Deenadayalan welcomed the Members and spoke on the significance of Pensioners Day. The D/S also spoke on the services rendered by our Members in the CCA Office. 

The second Agenda of garlanding/honouring the Members aged 70 was taken up. Due to various reasons many did not come despite personal reminders. Yet 10 Seniors    attended and they were garlanded amidst applause. They were also invited to share their experiences. Our Friends Chandrasekar(Retd DGM/TN Circle & Revathi Priya/CTTC) responded/shared and Greeted.

Then Our Circle Secretary Sundarakrishnan spoke. He eulogised on the settlement of Pension on formation of BSNL for the Retirees and conveyed his regards to Coms. Gupta & Vallinayaham. The Circle Secretary mentioned about the support and Fast by Executive Associations during the Strike/Settlement. Then He briefed about the day-to-day issues ( General/Circle Level/Individual cases ) which are foremost in the minds of the Pensioners. 

Theteafter Our Leader Muthiyalu, in his narration, dealt with The background of Pension Revision in the light of Nagara Judgement and the special Clauses of Rule-37A in the case of BSNL Retirees.

Finally Com.Vallinayayaham spoke on the background of the settlement and the way in which the ISSUE of Pension Payment by the GOVERNMENT of India was resolved. As a signatory to  the settlement, He expressed briefly the bottlenecks/political situation/the support of those in the Ministry/the Positives/the discomfort of some of the echelons in the then Govt. He plainly put forth the support of the then MOC (Late) Shri.Ram Vilas Paswan and the Secretary Shri.Vaish. However He mentioned that the prevalent situation along with *The Unparalleled Strike favoured the settlement of Pension for BSNL Retirees by the GOI.

A few Questions were put  to the stage and they were answered. Com. Valli spoke of Unity of All Sections at all times and in particular, currently, when We are Facing This Govt on the Issue of Pension Revision.

During Our GB, in between, NK has mentioned that during all the Struggles since 1983 by the Group- C & D on issues of General Nature, the Supervisor/Executive Associations & in particular during 21 days Strike in 1991 & in September-2020 extended unequivocal support/solidarity. Hence We are all, now, together in AIBSNLPWA.

The Division felicitated  Coms. NS.Deenadayalan, Arumugam(Civil), Sundarbabu, Rajendran(TNJ) who had contributed on the issue of Life Certificate in the

 CCA Office at the instance of Our Circle Secretary. Also the Circle O/Bs Victor Raj & HS.Sudha and Web Masters S.Narasimhan/N.Mohan were honoured. With Vote of Thanks by Our Assistant Treasurer Gajendran the GB ended in time with ease and peace to the satisfaction of One & All 🌹🙏...NK.

Tuesday, 12 December 2023