Sir, 4.3% DA arrear for the month of January 2025 not yet paid by cca TN... Kerala cca paid before15 th Jan. Any idea of payment time... With best wishes, Ramakrishnan nair, stsr, kozhikode..
Sir, why cca TN not paying the 4. 3% DA arrear for themonth of January 2025.Kerala cca alredy paid in jauary 2025. Is thereany reason for nonpayment.... Withbestwishes Ramakrishnan nair, stsrkozhikide. 9746880685 pl reply
Sir, 4.3% DA arrear for the month of January 2025 not yet paid by cca TN... Kerala cca paid before15 th Jan. Any idea of payment time...
ReplyDeleteWith best wishes, Ramakrishnan nair, stsr, kozhikode..
Sir, why cca TN not paying the 4. 3% DA arrear for themonth of January 2025.Kerala cca alredy paid in jauary 2025. Is thereany reason for nonpayment.... Withbestwishes Ramakrishnan nair, stsrkozhikide. 9746880685 pl reply