IDA INCREASED 4.3% FROM 1-1-2025 - TOTAL 228.5%

Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Smt. M.S. Thirupurasunderi, DGM, TN, Chennai is retiring on 31-3-2017. We wish her in advance a happy and peaceful, healthy long life after retirement. She is going to join our STR DIVISION as LIFE MEMBER from 1-4-2017. We welcome her to our STR DIVISION PENSIONERS FAMILY. Her Mobile Phone No: 9443100840.  Landline: 24952426

Smt. L. Vidya, Personal Assistant, O/O CGM, STR, CNI-32 is retiring on 31-3-2017. We wish her in advance a happy and peaceful, healthy long life after retirement. She is going to join our STR DIVISION as LIFE MEMBER from 1-4-2017. We welcome her to our STR DIVISION PENSIONERS FAMILY.                        
Her Mobile Number: 9444917913  Landline: 22741313.

Monday, 27 March 2017

Com N.S. Deenadayalan has gone to CGM TN Circle office today and enquired about the progress of 78.2% pension revision work. He received the copy of the four letters of pension revison which they sent to DOT CELL. Pl see below for the names of the pensioners.

Thursday, 23 March 2017

It is understood  that DoT has decided to file appeal in High Court against CAT judgement in Pension Anomaly case. We have no alternative but to fight at every level.                        
Message as received from Com.PSR

Saturday, 18 March 2017

AIFPA, Chennai Association conducted a MASS DHARNA at Chepauk Guest House today (Saturday) from 10 AM ato 1 PM. A large of pensioners from Raillways, Defence, Postal Dept, TNEB, TNSRTC, BSNL pensioners attended the DHARNA. 
The DHARNA strted with slogan shouting. Com K. Venkatachari, president, AIFPA presided the Dharna. Com N. Balasubramanian, General Secretary welcomed the pensioners. Com Duraipandian, Income Tax employees leader, FNPO General Secretary explained the demands. 
Com K. Muthiyalu participataed and spoke about BSNL Pensioners demand at par with CG pensioners. About 500 pensioners attended the dharna and it was a great success. They demanded the minimum pension for CG Pensioners should be 13000/- and point to point pension revision should be implemented as per 7th CPC recommendation.  If their demands are accepted they will be applicable to BSNL pensioners also as we are covered by central government CCS penson rules.
Our members Com S. Sridharan, K. Kalidoss, R. Govindarajan, Yagasundaram, Swaminathat (CPT), S. Narasimhan, S. Sivasankaran, N.S. Deenadayalan participated in the DHARNA. 

Friday, 17 March 2017


Consequent upon our discussion with Secretary, Telecom on 22-2-2017,  Member (Finance)  has issued a fresh instruction.  
BSNL offices should send  pre-2007 and post-2007cases to CCA offices  before 15-3-2017  and 31-3-2017 respectively.  CCAs should issue orders before 31-3-2017  and 10-4-2017 respectively. 
The letter is given below.

AIFPA (ALL INDIA FEDERATION OF PENSIONERS ASSOCIATION) Saidapet Association is conducting a DHARNA on 18-3-17 from 10 AM to 1 PM in front of Tamilnadu State Guest House, (adjacent to Ex Kalaivanar Arangam, Triplicane) to demand and modify the 7th CPC Recommendations for pensioners. It includes the raising of minumum pension 10 Rs.18000-. and also point to point pension revision fixation for pre 2016 pensioners.  If these demands are implemented BSNL pensioners will also get the benefits. Our Circle Secretary Com K. Muthiyalu is the Key  Speaker for this DHARNA. Com S.Sridharan informed this news in his speech in our 14-3-17 monthly meeting also. Hence we requeste our members to participate in the meeting. CHTD BSNL pensioners also participating.

DOT issued orders yesterday for raising the GRATUITY CELING LIMIT for BSNL PENSIONERS from 10 Lakhs to 20 Lkahs. 
When our General Secretary Com G. Natarjan and Com D. Gopalakrishnan and P.S. Ramankutty and Gangadhara Rao & Vittoban met DOT Secretary on 22-2-17, they have given pressure to him to expedite this issue. They also given the news from New Delhi that Pension Department has given no objection and given green signal to DOT. STR DIVISION also published this news in our website and also in our monthly circular headlines.

Though DOT has issued gratuity oder, it has not released other orders like minimum pension and commutation at par with Central Govt. Pensioners. Com PS Ramankutty reports that When the sixth central pay commission report was implemented DOT issued detailed orders on Gratuity,  Commutation,  Emolunents,  Qualifying service,  Minimum pension and minimum Family Pension etc making applicable to BSNL IDA pensioners on           4-5-2009,  12-8-2009 and 6-8-2010. 
This time they have issued orders only on gratuity.  
It is a tragedy that the gentlemen in Sanchar Bhavan do not study old files  before issuing any order. 

To see the gratuity celing increase oder please CLICK HERE

Tuesday, 14 March 2017

International Women’s Day was celebrated in STR DIVISION 14-3-17. Com A. Sugumaran presided over the meeting. Com N. Mohan read the minutes of the last monthly Meeting and got the approval of the members. 
Com S. Narasimhan conveyed birthday greetings to the members whose birthdays are coming in this month. He introduced the 3 new members to the GB.  He then conveyed the STR DIVISON MEMBERS’ WELFARE NEWS. Later he explained about 78.2% pension revision work progress in CHTD. He informed about the latest BSNL Orders on free calls during night and Sunday from BSNL Pensioners Landline. He said that it is expected that IDA will decrease 2% from 1st April. 
Com A. Sugumaran during his speech conveyed his greetings to the International women’s Day Celebrations and appreciated their hard work despite great sufferings and responsibilities.  
Com G. Dhanam in her speech explained about the history of Women’s Day through out world. She said that Thanthai Periyar and Poet Subramaniya Bharathi were the two leaders who fought for the rights for the women in Tamilnadu. 
Com Vijayalkshmi Srinivasan conveyed her thanks to our Division for celebrating International women’s day. 
Then our lady comrades were honoured with shawls.

Com S. Sundarakrishnan during his speech explained the 78.2% pension revision progress and 2014 Bonus payment progress in CGM TN Office. He said that the TN Circle officers has assured that they will complete all pending pension revision work before the end of this month. 
Com S. Sridharan said that AIFPA, Saidapet association is going to conduct a dharna on 18-3-17  at 10.00 AM to 1 PM at State Guest House, Triplicane  for the MODIFICATION of the 7th CPC implementation. He said that Com K. Muthiyalu is the Special Speaker for this meeting and requested our members to participate in it. Com N.S. Deenadayalan said that members should give their bio data particulars afresh in the prescribed Performa to the concerned AOs for MEDICAL BILL CLAIMS.
Com K. Muthiyalu said about the 78.2% pension revision work progress at CCA Office. He said that 5000 cases of pre 2007 were issued. He also informed that our leaders Com G. Natarajan, P.S. Ramankutty, D. Gopalakrishnan, Ganghadhara rao and Vittoban has gone to New Delhi for 5 days from 17-2-17 to meet the BSNL & DOT Officers. They met BSNL HR and discussed about our medical allowance, mobile sim connection for bsnl pensioners who have not able to get their landline connections. They met DOT Secretary on 22-2-17 and discussed 7th cpc pension revision for BSNL pensioners, implementing the court order of pension anomaly of 2000-01 pensioners. He said that our association will file a case in supremecourt for getting 78.2% pension revision arrears from 1.1.2007.

Com N. Mohan conveyed vote of thanks. 104 members attended the meeting. 

Saturday, 11 March 2017

Dear comrades,
Our March Month Meeting
 will be conducted on
 14-03-2017 Tuesday 
at 5th Floor
 of CTX Cpmplex  at
 1500 hours as usual.

International women's' Day 
will be also celebrated.
New norms to claim
 Medical Bills and ERP data submission etc 
will be discussed in detail.
All our members are requested 
to attend the meeting 
without fail and
 make the women's day celebration 
a grand success. 
Those who have 
received 78.2% arrears
are requested to donate
as per our 
CHQ announcement.

Friday, 10 March 2017

Today Com. Sundarakrishnan and Com. dheenadayalan had been to CGM office. First Com.Sundarakrishnan met CAO and asked about non payment of Bonus for 2014-15 retirees.
CAO told that for many retirees ERP data not available and so money was not transferred to their bank account. In our last meeting we had requested for cheque payment for that the CAO told that he would seek orders from DGM(F). Now the orders had been received. So for 83 retirees who had retired in 2014-15, cheques will be issued soon.
Regarding 78.2% arrears payment, For Pre 2007, Total files are 150. already 70 files have been sent to CCA, Chennai. For the remaining 80 files , the process is going on and with in 10 days all files will be sent to CCA office.
For Post 2007 cases less than 10 cases are awaiting for 3% fixation. It would be done and all files pertaining to 78.2% will be sent to CCA withing this month.

Our STR Divisional secretary Com.D.S.Ramalingam is not keeping good health. He is having some allergic problem for which he is undergoing treatments in his home itself.
We wish him speedy recovery and resume his usual activities.
From Circle Office on 28/02/2017, 36 files of Pre 2007 have been sent to CCA Office, Chennai.
On 06-03-2017 3% fixation for 6 retirees had been sent to CCA and 4 files of Post 2007 had been sent.

BSNL Corporate office 
has issued orders for 
F R E E    C A L L S 
from Night 9 pm 
to next day Morning 7 am
BSNL retirees 
Land Line Phones.
Dear Comrades,
One more Diamond 
to the Crown of

With fraternal greetings,
Circle Secretary,
Tamilnadu Circle.

Thursday, 9 March 2017


Our Member 
sri. A.Subramanian CGM (Retd) 
celebrated his daughter
 Sowbhagyavathi Deepa's marriage 
Chiranjeevi .Meenakshisundaram 
on 08-03-2017 in 
Bapalal Bhavan 
Many of our members 
attend and blessed 
the newly married couple.

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

SBI has started a new facility to its pensioners from this month. It has started sending PENSION SLIP directly to its pensioners to their email ids. The pension is sent as an attachment in the email. The pension slip statement is in pdf format and password protected. The password is your savings account number only.

So far we are taking our pension slips using our SBI net banking facility. To avail this facility you should have already registered your email id with SBI bank. Or you can now register now. It is very easy for those who are having net banking facility.

You can do this in your net banking facility itself. I have received my pension slip  through email today. The pension slip contains the whole history  of your full particulars including Restoration of pension Commutation dates, Family pensioners Name and their particulars, Aadhaar card number etc.

- Narasimhan from Rishikesh

Monday, 6 March 2017

Dear Comrades,
Warm Greetings to you all. CAT has given the judgement on Pension anomaly case filed by our association, accepting our plea to fix pension on the basis of IDA pay plus the notional pay for the CDA Period. We have to wait and see if the DOT will go on appeal or extend the benefit to all affected pensioners. We are pursuing the case.

No other association understood the case and pursued it as we have done. We have not collected even a single paisa from the pensioners. CHQ has borne all the expenses.It shows the commitment of AIBSNLPWA to pensioners cause.

We have written to Cabinet Secretary and Secretary , Telecom pointing out the delay in implementing decision on 78.2. We anticipated the delay and hence we wrote in November itself. We discussed the matter with Jt.Secretary (A) also. Circle Secretaries are called upon to take up with the matter with concerned CGMs and CCAs.

Holding conferences at all levels is the essential requirement of democratic functioning of any organisation.We do it meticulously.

We have achieved 78.2 annulment of 60% condition. We not only pursued the issues tenaciously but also conveyed every development to our members through web sites, e-mails, whatsapp, circulars and Patrika.

As decided by our last CWC meeting at Bangaluru,

1. Please approach every pensioner and explain the need to strengthen our organisation.
2. Make every annual subscription paying member as Life Member.
3. Collect donotion of Rs1000/- from each member.
4.Open atleast 5 more branches in every circle.

Further it is requested that:

a) Every Circle may convene CEC meeting exclusively for developing the organisation. Invite CHQ office bearers of their circle and near by circles also.
b) CHQ office bearers should take it up as a serious work and channenge.
C) Please send detailed report to CHQ on the work. 

Courtesy : Pensioners' Patrica

Saturday, 4 March 2017

[13:46, 3/4/2017] Raman Kutty: NEW CASE.
Dear Comrades,
Now, after Anomaly case,  we  have to take up an important case.
As you know,  those who retired before 1-1-2006,  are getting full pension only after rendering 33 Years of service. Whereas those retired after 1-1-2006 are getting full pension on rendering ten years of service.  This is one naked discrimination. 

Full pension is 50% of last ten months average basic pay for pre2006 people. It is 50% of last months  pay for post-2006 retirees. 

These two discriminations continue for last eleven years.  Nobody fought against it.
From 2006  onwards there is no provision of pro rata pension in CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972.  We BSNL Pensioners are covered by the said Rule.

My view is that we should fight against above cut off date using Nakara case judgenent. 
If full pension is given @50% of last pay to all irrespective of date of retirement (2005 Or 1996  Or 1995 Or 1975...... ) All anomalies can be eliminated. 
95% Central govt pensioners and BSNL pensioners and family pensioners too  will be benefitted by such a change.
We need not wait for anyone else.  We should file a case in CAT. 
It will not end in CAT.  We must be prepared to fight up to Supreme court.

Today Com.  NATARAJAN, DG Etc.  met a retired High Court Judge in Chennai and sought his opinion.
He says there is a chance of winning.  It is long drawn legal battle.

Now,  should we wait till October 2017 to discuss this matter in our CWC meeting at Patna?
My considered view is that we should file a case in CAT Chennai now iself and get ratification of CWC later.  We have to spend some money.

Let us start the fight. I may not be there to enjoy the fruit but, there will be lakhs of people who will take the fruit.

Pl convey your opinion.

 Then Our comrades in Chennai can sit,  decide and move ahead.  



J .S. Deepak IAS, Secretary, Telecom is abruptly transferred to Commerce Ministry. Mr Deepak is in Barcelona now, attending an international conference there.

New Delhi: The hasty removal and transfer of Department of Telecommunications (DoT) secretary J.S. Deepak – a government official who has been closely associated with the telecom department for seven years now and has butted heads with Reliance Jio and TRAI over the past year – will only serve to further muddy the waters for an industry wracked by recent allegations of crony capitalism and favouritism..
Courtesy  CHQ Web site.

Friday, 3 March 2017

                        HATS OFF  TO YOU JABALPUR COMRADES

Jabalpur Comrades On Dharna

Wednesday, 1 March 2017