IDA INCREASED 4.3% FROM 1-1-2025 - TOTAL 228.5%

Monday, 6 March 2017

Dear Comrades,
Warm Greetings to you all. CAT has given the judgement on Pension anomaly case filed by our association, accepting our plea to fix pension on the basis of IDA pay plus the notional pay for the CDA Period. We have to wait and see if the DOT will go on appeal or extend the benefit to all affected pensioners. We are pursuing the case.

No other association understood the case and pursued it as we have done. We have not collected even a single paisa from the pensioners. CHQ has borne all the expenses.It shows the commitment of AIBSNLPWA to pensioners cause.

We have written to Cabinet Secretary and Secretary , Telecom pointing out the delay in implementing decision on 78.2. We anticipated the delay and hence we wrote in November itself. We discussed the matter with Jt.Secretary (A) also. Circle Secretaries are called upon to take up with the matter with concerned CGMs and CCAs.

Holding conferences at all levels is the essential requirement of democratic functioning of any organisation.We do it meticulously.

We have achieved 78.2 annulment of 60% condition. We not only pursued the issues tenaciously but also conveyed every development to our members through web sites, e-mails, whatsapp, circulars and Patrika.

As decided by our last CWC meeting at Bangaluru,

1. Please approach every pensioner and explain the need to strengthen our organisation.
2. Make every annual subscription paying member as Life Member.
3. Collect donotion of Rs1000/- from each member.
4.Open atleast 5 more branches in every circle.

Further it is requested that:

a) Every Circle may convene CEC meeting exclusively for developing the organisation. Invite CHQ office bearers of their circle and near by circles also.
b) CHQ office bearers should take it up as a serious work and channenge.
C) Please send detailed report to CHQ on the work. 

Courtesy : Pensioners' Patrica

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