IDA INCREASED 4.3% FROM 1-1-2025 - TOTAL 228.5%

Friday, 10 March 2017

Today Com. Sundarakrishnan and Com. dheenadayalan had been to CGM office. First Com.Sundarakrishnan met CAO and asked about non payment of Bonus for 2014-15 retirees.
CAO told that for many retirees ERP data not available and so money was not transferred to their bank account. In our last meeting we had requested for cheque payment for that the CAO told that he would seek orders from DGM(F). Now the orders had been received. So for 83 retirees who had retired in 2014-15, cheques will be issued soon.
Regarding 78.2% arrears payment, For Pre 2007, Total files are 150. already 70 files have been sent to CCA, Chennai. For the remaining 80 files , the process is going on and with in 10 days all files will be sent to CCA office.
For Post 2007 cases less than 10 cases are awaiting for 3% fixation. It would be done and all files pertaining to 78.2% will be sent to CCA withing this month.

Our STR Divisional secretary Com.D.S.Ramalingam is not keeping good health. He is having some allergic problem for which he is undergoing treatments in his home itself.
We wish him speedy recovery and resume his usual activities.
From Circle Office on 28/02/2017, 36 files of Pre 2007 have been sent to CCA Office, Chennai.
On 06-03-2017 3% fixation for 6 retirees had been sent to CCA and 4 files of Post 2007 had been sent.


  1. Our sincere thanks to comrade Sundarakrishnan who is regularly visiting Tamilnadu Circle office for getting present status of 78.2 IDA fixation cases and meeting the concerned Accounts officers for expediting the process.

    K Selvarajan DGM Retd., TN Circle Chennai

  2. Kudos to your efforts in keeping track and getting work done. A blogspot for us. Wow! Splendid indeed.
