IDA INCREASED 4.3% FROM 1-1-2025 - TOTAL 228.5%

Tuesday, 19 December 2017

STR Division celebrated Pensioners Day in a grand manner along with the monthly meeting Today the 19th December. Com.DG and Com V.S.Muthukumaran ACS, and  Com.R.Venkatachalam ACS  were the chief guests. At the beginning of the meeting One minute silence was observed to the departed leader Com.R.K.Kohli, and Com.Pandurangan our member .
Com.A.Sugumaran ,President presided over the meeting and welcomed all.
Com. Sridharan read out the last month’s minutes and got approved.
Com.N.Mohan greeted December born members of our division and informed Family welfare news of our members. 15 new members have joined our association this month and Com. Mohan welcomed them and introduced to our members.
STR Divisional Secretary Com.DSR narrated the events and our attempts to solve the problems, then  readout the names of our beloved members who have attained the age of 70 this year. They were honored with towels amid thunder applause.
Com.R.Govindarajan, Circle Vice president spoke about Nakara case and because of that judgment only we are getting periodical IDA rise. Com.V.S.muthukumaran addressed the meeting . While in his address he hailed the two day strike by the BSNL staff. Undue importance had been given to GIO  due to which all Telecom companies are in doldrums. BSNL only is the real competitor for GIO.
Com.D.Gopalakrishnan gave a very good and touching speech. He informed that the  judgement given for Nakara case had reflected in Pakistan court and based on Nakara case  judgement the striking pensioners were given DA etc. As per Patna CWC, we are going to file  case for 78.2 arrears and corresponding enhancement of gratuity, Commutation, leave encashment etc  from 01-01-2007.
In the recently concluded CEC meeting karaikudi, Com.N.S.Dheenadayalan of STR branch member had been co opted for ACS post which was resigned by Com.S.Ramakrishnan III due to his ill health. Dheenadayalan was honoured with towel. He gave vote of thanks and the meeting was concluded. The secretary told that next meeting will be on 9th Jan 2018. He personally mentioned with pride the excellent work done by Com.Sundarakrishnan  in settling Medical bills, getting Medical allowance and enrolling new members to our STR Division from  Tamilnadu Circle office. He also mentioned Com.Sudha in enrolling new members from TN.Circle and on behalf of our Division, he thanked them.
145 members had attended the meeting.

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