IDA INCREASED 4.3% FROM 1-1-2025 - TOTAL 228.5%

Thursday, 10 October 2019

After giving nine or ten CGHS CARDS to our BSNL PENSIONERS, AD, CGHS raised some objections and returned our pensioners without accepting the letters issued by CCA TN. CGHS want 7th CPC pay scale should be marked in the letter issued by CCA TN.  Otherwise classifying entitlement of ward to pensioners is very difficult for them. Com S. Narasimhan visited CCA OFF R.A Puram on FRIDAY  4-9-19 and taken up the issue with our CCA Sri. Chitranjan Pradhan and discussed with him. CCA told that marking 7th CPC scale of pay for every individual is very difficult for them but he has suggested that he can give ward entitlement also in his letter to pensioners.  Narasimhan told him that this proposal may be ok. But he will meet AD, CGHS after PUJA HOLIDAYS and  esquire whether this proposal will be accepted by them and come back to him.  Our Circle Secretary  Venkatachalam, CHTD Circle Secretary Thangaraj, Com Krishnamoorthy CHTD and Com Rathna CHTD met AD, CGHS today 10-10-19 and discussed the issue.  AD, CGHS agreed to our CCA's proposal of marking ward entitlement to pensioners.   This matter was conveyed to our CCA Sri. Chitranjan Pradhan by our Circle Secretary Venkatachalam and others today and he agreed to issue the IDA CDA MAPPING letters as proposed by him.  because of this problem, CCA TN has stopped issuing letters to pensioners from 1.10.19.  Since the problem is solved now, they will start issuing mapping letters from next week with ward entitlement also.  Our CCA Sri Pradhan  was very helpful in this matter to sort out the problem raised by CGHS Authorities.  he is always pensioners friendly. We convey our sincere thanks to Sri. Chitranjan Pradhan our CCA.TN.

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