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Friday 31 January 2020

Southern Telecom Project Circle has arranged a MEGA FAREWELL PARTY today morning from 10.00 AM to 14.00 PM to its 42 VRS OFFICERS with their family members arounD 200 persons in a very grand manner. it has booked "THIRUVADUTHURAI T.N. RAJARATHINAM HALL A/C  HALL in R.A. Puram. All VRS OFFICERS were honoured with shawl and garlands. Lunch was proved to 400 persons in the Hall after the Meeting. CGM and GM and some VRS OFFICERS spoke on the occasion. Com Narasimhan was invited for the party and asked to give a speech by the GM. He wished all the VRS RETIREES a happy, peaceful, healthy long retired life and invited them to join our association. He told them that our STR DIVISION will take care of their pension, commutation, gratuity if there is any problem. 12 officers gave their LIFE SUBSCRIPTION today. Please see below for the photos and the particulars of our STP NEW MEMBERS"

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