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Monday, 12 October 2020


Today early morning I received a voice message from Com  PSR, our President. He was sitting in a chair till morning from If he tries to sleep there will be continuous cough .He started losing courage and self confidence. For so many years I never noticed him like this. It disturbed  me very much.

I was in constant touch with his family since then.

He was taken to a private hospital nearby and Rapid Antigen test was taken and it was positive. As per his desire, his family tried for admission in any one of the government hospitals but no bed is available. Ultimately, this evening he was admitted in PRS hospital (Private)for further treatment.

This is for the information of our  members and I request you all not to disturb for a fortnight atleast. I will update in between depending on his recovery condition.

P Gangadhara Rao, GS


Dear Comrades,

It was posted by our GS that Com.P.S.Ramankutty, our CHQ President has been admitted in a private hospital at Trivandrum after tested Positive infection. My humble  appeal to our comrades to Pray God for early and speedy recovery of  Comrade Sri.PSR and early discharge.  Thank you. S.Sundarakrishnan DS

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