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Tuesday, 20 July 2021


Department of Pension and Personnel Affairs has issued various guidelines from time to time for Co-authorisation of FP to the permanently disabled dependants of Pensioners. Based on the guidelines some of our comrades (Two only) applied to CCA TN. Our STR Division pursued it. Though the medical certificate was very much supportive, CCA OFFICE replied that this will be considered as and when occasion arises. No decission was given to our grievances in Adalat meeting. During our discussion in 2019, it was told that Sanction of FP after scrutinising the documents has to be given by BSNL. Then we will consider. We requested CCA OFFICE to give a draft sanction memo.    Unofficially they gave. Shri.D.Tamizhmani PGM STR has issued sanction based on our request. Due to Covid lockdown and bulk issue of Pension Order for 8700 VRS 2019, this could not be pursued. However, during NOV and Dec.2020 Adalat meetings, the no. Of cases in STR becomes 9. No decision arrived in the Adalat meetings. Reply given to us was that clarification sought to DOT HQrs. No provision available  in PPO and SAMPANN also. We were unable  to attend CCA office since March 2020 due to Covid lock down restrictions till Dec 2020. However, continuous pursuations were made. Atlast, we were  called by Sri.Dakshinamurthy, Joint  CCA   to discuss this issue during Jan 2021. CS and myself went for discussion. He told Medical Certificate submitted by our comrades are in different format. He gave sample proforma and wanted to submit in the Medical certificate in the prescribed pro-forma in original. They told No reply received for their clarification from DOT HQrs. During the discussion, we insisted that after submission of  Medical Certificate,           Co-authorisation has to be processed without further prolonging. Sri.Chandramouli, Sr.AO pension, Smt.Meenakshi AAO, and Dhakshinamoorthy Joint CCA gave positive response. We requested our comrades to get medical certificate in the revised proforma. PGM STR recommended and sent it. It is to mention   that STR Chennai had 9 cases, STR BG 1,CH.TD 3,                TN CIRCLE 3 CASES. However, there were hurdles of getting clearance. Joint CCA and Sr.AO. PENSION gave a hope that before their retirement they will settle the issue.They convinced  Sr.Officers and got approved  first list. Initaially they issued orders for  5 cases of different disability. Decision taken by CCA is based on the percentage of disability based on Medical Certificate.       6 cases have been cleared. Query has been raised for 2 cases. No rejection. They issued orders regarding  acceptance of Co-authorisation of FP to  the disabled child of pensioner incorporating the dependants name, Nature of disability, DOB. They asked to furnish details of Guardian name, photo, ID etc. Family pension to the disabled child will be authorised at the ineligibility condition of the drawl of pension to Both pensioner as well as SPOUSE.. Disabled children's medical condition not to earn money is also to be submitted. Query has been raised to the requests of 1.Com. Ushadevi 2.HemaBhoosanam. We will pursue their on submission of reply. Acceptance of FP Co-authorisation order issued to Comrades 1.Ramadevi, 2.S.Ramasubramanian, 3.D.Lalitha, 4.Indrani, 5.Usha, 6.Sundari.Ch.Td.FP. In the entire Country no CCA has issued co authorisation orders to disabled children in spite of existing guidelines. We are proud to post that CCA TN is the first CCA UNIT who took decision and issued Co authorisation order. First order was issued during 2019 due to the continuous efforts of one Individual. Sri.Gunasekaran as Jt.CCA approved the  case. Subsequent to that policy decision has been taken only now to consider such cases. Our sincere thanks to Sri.D.Tamizhmani PGM STR and all the officers and staff of CCA Chennai esp. Sri Dakshinamurthy, Sankarapandian JOINT CCAs and Sri Chandramouli Sr.AO. Our comrades have to submit Guardian details. This can be given in 2 ways. Parents can nominate guardian in I) FORM IV. 2) Form A through National Trust.,this is legally right but a difficult process.  In the letter issued by CCA office, they mentioned guardian details with photo, ID Proof to be provided. In form 4 space is provided for affixing photo of disabled child. We will get the clarification from CCA office and intimate. Some  more comrades having dependants of disability is enquiring about this. They are requested to get the Medical certificate in the required format from Govt Hospital or Medicalboard depends upon the disability. Thank you,

S.Sundarakrishnan Dist.Secretary

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