IDA INCREASED 4.3% FROM 1-1-2025 - TOTAL 228.5%

Wednesday, 12 July 2023



The July Meeting of STR Division held as usual on 2nd Tuesday at Telephone House was attended by about 90 Pensioners...

ANJALI was made by R.Subbarao....

Welcome Address done by CB.Sundarbabu/ADS.

N.Mohan(One of our Website in charge) welcomed the New Members (17) enrolled since April....

As per Agenda, Members spoke. They made Questions/wanted clarifications and even shared their views...

Our Members S.Ramakrishnan, CSS Narayanan(TN), Giri, Mohankumar, Civil Arumugam, Ezhumalai(Driver), Gajendran spoke on day-to-day issues. Our Senior R.Govindarajan gave a valuable resume on Pension Revision...

Among the New Members 5 were present in the Meeting and they were felicitated with Towels...They are Smt.Rajalakshmi, Smt.Radha, Sri.Murugesan, Sri.TG.Sudhakar and Sri. S.Sivakumar...

Special Greetings/Welcome was extended to Com.Sivakumar who had been General Secretary of AIBSNLEA on his joining STR Division....

Com.Sivakumar in his brief speech dwelt upon Pensioners Issues and Pensioners’ Organisations. He mentioned that with inclusion of MTNL Members  AIBSNLPWA is the largest and has a definite role. He has meant appreciation of STR Division and the contributions of Coms.Sugumaran,  R.Govindarajan, Muthiyalu and our Circle Secretary S. Sundarakrishnan...

Then Our Circle Secretary S.Sundarakrishnan In clear terms briefed on the day-to-day functioning of The Circle Association and the functioning of the Divisions. He emphasised, rightly so, that apart from Common Issues, the Members' immediate requirements are of paramount importance. (Though C/S did not say, He is daily attending to the individual grievances of Members, as I know of ). He has rightfully put forth that the Members and also the Office-Bearers at various levels are not giving/forwarding the requisite data/information. If this is set right, He would be able to solve the issues early. The C/S has also mentioned that possible steps are being taken with regard to Society Dues to the Members, in good earnest. He has explained about LPD & Extra Increment Cases. Though difficult, He has put in his maximum efforts...He has also given a brief of Thanjavur Circle Executive and the Resolutions passed therein, which are only in the interest of Members. He has also clarified the Pension Revision Issue to the satisfaction of the Leaders/Well-, Informed Members present in the Meeting...

Finally Com.Muthiyalu (CHQ) spoke. He mentioned about the grievances(ill-will) expressed in Tamilnadu (only a few as I know of) expressed against His Out-Spoken Views on Pension Revision & Democratic Functioning of Our AIBSNLPWA. He has stated and also He is CLEAR that HE is expressing his views only for the sake of Welfare of Pensioners. Members heard Muthiyalu patiently, as an acknowledgement. He also spoke on the General Prevailing Political/Economic Situations of the Country and appealed to the Members to participate in the All India Peace Solidarity Forum of which  He is A  President..

My View is that Our STR Division Meeting WENT OFF WELL, without controversies and A Meet Of SHARING OF VIEWS to uphold DEMOCRACY, thereby The Growth Of AIBSNLPWA...NK.

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