The Monthly GB/Women's Day of STR Division was held on 15/3/24.
The GB started at 1450 hrs. After ANJALI, the D/S welcomed the Members and gave a brief of the activities including New Members/ follow up of some of the issues/Adalat at Nagercoil.
At about 1515 hrs, The Women's Meet started. The Meet was presided over by Our Member Revathy Muralidhar. There were two other Invitees Kamala Narasimhan & V.Rathna. The Chief Guest was Smt.Gowthami Balshri, Jt. CCA/Tamilnadu.
The Women's Meet started with Prayers by Our Member Annapoorani.
President Revathy in her Address traced the background that culminated in Observing March 8 th as International Women's Day. She spoke on the way how the discrimination between Women & Men were fought and reduced to a great extent amongst the middleclass Office-Goers. She mentioned the role of education and Trade Union Leaders in this context.
Secondly Our Special Invitee Kamala Narasimhan spoke. She narrated sequences of Women's Contribution in various fields. She encouraged the women to be passionate and careful about their health. She also told that women should involve themselves in various activities and ensure their well-being on their own. The section of women as present in the meeting should act on their own avoiding as for as possible dependence on others in the family.
In between The Women Speakers & Invitees were garlanded by our Members. Our Circle Secretary in A Brief Introductory Note welcomed One & All. He introduced Our Chief Guest Jt. CCA as a qualified Engineering Graduate from Anna University, worked initially in the Mines in Orissa and subsequently switched over to the current Accounts Wing. The Cheief Guest was garlanded by Our Member G.Padmakumari and presented with Momento by Our Senior Sugumaran.
The Women's Meet continued. Our Invitees Kamala Narasimhan, Her Friend Vasanthi and Smt.Rajalakshmi( Retd Teacher, Kendrya Vidyalaya and w/o Our Member Ganesan ) treated the participants with vocal music(songs). Smt.Rajalakshmi also rendered a Kavithai in Tamil.
V.Rathna, widely known for her participation in various Mass Fronts, spoke briefly on Women's Emancipation. She quoted Madam Claura who had said that Liberation of Women could be achieved only with Cooperation from Men. The present status of Women was mainly due to Economic empowerment to some extent and Literacy/Education. Further Opportunities/Education were to be guaranteed and fought for. She referred to the plight of the Sanitary Workers whom She addressed On Women's Day. While well-placed as Pensioners in comparison, We should show tolerance and patience. We should try to do our mite to those sections of women who need our help. At this time of Women's Day, Com.Rathna invoked the memory of Our Leader Jagan (whom all of us know) who taught the significance of Women's Movements/Women's Day.
Thereafter Smt. Gowthami, Jt.CCA greeted the Women and all those present. She complemented the Speakers and the songs rendered. She was appreciative of Our Circle Secretary for his approach on issues in the 0/O the CCA . She shared her experiences as Assistant Engineer(Mines) with a single assistant in deep forest in Orissa. Without communication, roads in a lonely forest zone was itself a rare experience. After passing the Civil Services Exams, She joined the present assignment. She eulogised on the role of women in all fronts nowadays. She exhorted that all should concentrate on both physical and mental health. Everyone should have some passion and move in that direction. It was explicit that She was happy about her participation.
Then Our Senior Member Dhanalakshmi spoke about Women and her contact with Pensioners. She mentioned that she would come to the CCA Office for redressal of her issue.
At this juncture, Jt.CCA intervened and said that She could do so or through the Association. Also Jt.CCA mentioned that already 3000 ID cards had been issued. Another 5000 ID Cards under preparation. She said although, not in priority when compared with money matters, She would like to issue decent/laminated ID Cards.
Our Circle Secretary S. Sundarakrishnan expressed briefly about the functioning of the Association and hoped for positive response.
Finally Our Leaders Sugumaran & Muthiyalu spoke briefly on The Women's Day. Com.Sugumaran touched upon the still relevant issue of difference of the situation faced by those in the Cities and in Villages. Com.Muthiyalu in his brief, drew the attention to the state of affairs in Tamilnadu as compared to other States. The same was due to Social Justice implemented to an extent.
With rendering of A Kavithai by Maraimalainagar Kumar and Vote of Thanks by Com.VictorRaj the Meet came to An End with Distribution of Gifts to the Women Friends, participated....NK.
NOTE:- Our Webmaster Narasimhan has released Vidio of the Entire Event in Our STR Groups in 4 parts. Appreciation & Thanks to Narasimhan for His exemplary Efforts 🙏...NK.