A. Sugumaran presided the meeting. Com S. Narasimhan conveyed birthday
greetings to our members whose birthdays are coming in this month. The he
introduced the 9 new members to our members.

He told that regarding 78.2% IDA
pension revision work CGM STP office is doing a very good job. He said that CGM
STP has so far processed 118 (93+25) post 2007 pensioners’ pension revision
cases and forwarded them to DOT CELL. He said that STP Circle is giving very
best cooperation for pensioners cases.
He said that in CHTD, TN & STR still they are processing the cases and
the leaders will inform about the progress. He said that DOT CELL has decided
to process and release pre 2007 cases first. He told that pension adalat
meeting is coming in first or second week of November. He said that CCA TN has
settled some of members’ case like change of address etc and our members got
acknowledgement about this from CCA TN Office. He said that BSNL has issued
orders for payment for Rs.3000/- as PLI Bonus to its employees for the year
2014-15 and our pensioners who worked from 1-4-2014 to 31-3-15 are also
eligible for the bonus and informed that we have given a list of 20 of our
members who are going to get it as pro rata basis. He requested our CHQ to
expedite the case of pro rata pension for BSNL pre 2006 retired pensioners and
also the case of enhanced amount of gratuity from 10 lakhs to 20 lakhs from
1-1-2016 for our BSNL pensioners also. He welcomed Com Veerachamy from Madurai
and two comrades from Salem, Com Jayaraman from Cuddalore for this meeting. He
said that Com Vallinayagam, Ex GS of FNTO has planned to come our meeting but
he has not come due to unexpected tour plan today. He told that Com
Vallinayagam has him asked him to convey his greetings to our AGB Meeting and
has given a donation of Rs.1000/- to our branch. He requested our members to
give LIFE CERTIFICATE next month November.
Com D.S. Ramalingam welcomed all in his welcome address. He said that we are now taking up the issue of pension revision for BSNL Pensioners as per 7th CPC revision at par with central govt pensioners. He expressed his desire after seeing the huge gathering that our next AGB Meeting should be held in somewhere else in a big building.

G. Natarajan, our General Secretary in his speech he appreciated our branch for
its style of functioning. He explained in detail how Sri Ananthakumar helped us
in getting our 78.2% IDA Pension revision in the cabinet meeting. He said
because his intervention only the case is settled. He said that he has written
a letter to Secretary for an appointment and waiting for the same to discuss
the issue or pro rata pension for pre 2006 retired bsnl pensioners and gratuity
enhancement of Rs. 20 lakhs from 10 lakhs. He said that he has already written
letters to dot secretary. In pro rata pension revision case that CCA KTK &
CCA Kerala has asked some clarifications from DOT and DOT has written letter to
DOP for clarification. He said that as per the 7th CPC recommendation
government has raised minimum pension Rs.9000/- for CG Pensioners. So we are
now asking them to give the same minimum pension of Rs.9000/- for our BSNL
Pensioners also. He said that unity is most important thing now to settle for
many issues. And we have to work for it. Com Natarajan was honoured with shawl
by Com K. Ramdoss.

B. Arunachalam, Coimbatore in his speech said that STR division is having a
very good team of wonderful leaders like Com Muthiyalu, Sugumaran. He
elaborately explained about the difficulties in BSNL MRS Schemes. He insisted
that insurance pokicy arrangements should be given to bsnl pensioners and the
indoor treatment procedures has to be simplified. He requested our TN & CHQ
leaders to take up this case. He said that our TN Circle secretary should get a
general uniform order for all SSAs for clearing 78.2 pension revision cases. He
said that there 1300 are pensioners cases in CBT Division. He said CBT
pensioners has contributed more than 8 Lakhs from their pocket for the
Tamilnadu Circle Conference Meeting. Com Arunachalam was honoured with shawl by Com R. Govindarajan.
Com Muralidharan NFTE TN in his speech conveyed his greetings for our AGB Meeting. He is helping us for enrolling retired officials from CGM TN circle units to our association in a great way. He is also helping BSNL Pensioners by taking up their case with DOT CELL in his same building. Com Muralidharan was honoured with shawl by com D.S. Ramalingam.
K. Muthiyalu in his speech explained in detail about the number of pensioners
in each cadre in our STR DIVISION. He said that our STR DIVISION has played a
mjor role for the formation of the present ALL INDIA ASSOCIATION for us. He
said that after formation of our ALL INDIA ASSN only took up our 68.8% IDA
pension revision for our pensioners and we got it. He said that BSNL Pension
should also be revised as per 7th CPC pension revision. Com
Muthiyalu was honoured with shawl by com D.S. Ramalingam.

V. Ramarao in his speech said that our Association only took up so many FAMILY
PENSION cases and settled them in lakhs of rupees. He said that Sri Ramamurthy
Retd.CGM has participated in 78.2% IDA Pension revision demonstration in RK
Nagar premises. In response to the demand of com Arunachalam about BSNLMRS he
said that there is lot of problems in general insurance cover instead of
BSNLMRS. This should be discussed in detail with the members. Com Ramarao was
honoured with shawl by Com S. Sridharan.
A. Sugumaran said that BSNLMRS is the best scheme compared to all other medical schemes. There is no
maximum ceiling for the claim. But there is ceiling in private insurance
claims. Com Sugumaran was honoured with shawl by com S. Ramakrishnan-II.
Vittoaban in his speech conveyed his greetings to our AGB Meeting. He said that
the achievement of 60:40 condition removal is more important than 78.2% pension
revision. Com Vittoban was honoured with shawl by Com Kulothungan.

D. Gopalakrishnan in his speech told that it took 3 years to achieve our 78.2%
IDA pension revision. He explained in detail the reason for the delay. He said
that there are so many sections in DOT.
He said each section is clashing within themselves and with other
sections also for each and every case. He said that he got the full details
from DOT through RTI for the time taken by each section for clearing our file
and also from other nodal ministries. He said that 78.2% IDA pension revision
file has to get ratified from DOP, DOE AND DPE. He said then when we sought the
influence of Sri Ananthakumar Minister for Petroleum and chemicals some other
associations critised it saying that he is not the Mininster for Communication.
Com D.G. said that Sri Ananthakumar proved how powerful he is by contacting all Secretaries in the
Ministries including the Private Secretary to Prime Minister of India. He said
because of sri Ananthakumar’s intervention the 60:40 condition was also
included in the cabinet memo and cleared. He said that the Cabinet has given a
deadline 31-12-2016 for making 78.2% pension revision arrears payment to
pensioners. He said we are now going to take up the following cases: Gratuity and commutation revision for this
pension revision. Arrears should be paid from 1-1-2007. Com D. Gopalakrishnan
was honoured with shawl by Com D.S. Ramalingam.

R. Niranjana, CCA, TN participated in the meeting. He conveyed his greetings
for our AGB Meeting. He said that work has already started for processing 78.2%
IDA pension revision cases. He said a separate cell has been formed to clear
these case. He said so far 900 case received and 360 cases were cleared. He
said that they are expecting that around
19000 to 20000 PENSION REVISION cases may come. He said that he know that there
is a deadline for finishing all the pension revision cases before 31-12-2016
and said that he is taking various steps to implement it. He said that he is
going to approach BSNL CGMs to depute some BSNL regular employees for assisting
this work. He appreciated that Pensioners associations also has come forward to
give volunteers for doing this work. He said that he will find out some method
before November. Regarding pension
adalat he said that 171 cases has come for the adalat. Out of which 49 cases
are from pensioners directly and the remaining from associations. He said that
he wanted to settle some case even before the adalat meeting. He said that
Pension adalat meeting date will be finalized today afternoon and it will be
known tomorrow. He said that there will be a change in pension payment system
in future. Instead of asking banks for payment DOT CELL itself will credit the
monthly pension to DOT and BSNL Pensioners in their bank account. It may take six to one year time. And he said
that there will be some difficulties in implementing that scheme like life
certificate issue, Tax deduction at source issue. Sri R. Niranjana was honoured
with shawl by our president Com A. Sugumaran.

Kannappan Treasurer, CHTD participated in the meeting and conveyed his
greetings to our AGB Meeting. He said that there are 2200 life members in CHTD
and 12 branches. He said that Villivakkam branch is 5th biggest
branch in India. He said that there was some confusion in CHTD for processing
78.2% pension revision work. It was now cleared with the intervention of our
association and the work is started now with full swing. He said that 6
volunteers from pensioners of our association are joining with the
administration in processing the pension revision work from today. Com
Kannappan was honoured with shawl by Com V. Santhanakrishnan.
Veerachamy from Madurai participated in the meeting and conveyed his greetings
to our AGB Meeting. He praised the service our member com S. Narasimhan for
giving quick information for his division members. Com Veerachamy was honoured
with shawl by Com N. Mohan.
Venkatachalam Trichy, Com Jayaraman, Cuddalore participated and greeted our AGB
Meeting. Com Venkatachalam was honoured with shawl by Com S. Ramakrishnan-III
and Com Jayaraman was honoured with shawl by Com Arumugam SSS CBT.
Ramamurthy, Retd CGM, our member during his speech conveyed his greetings to
our AGB Meeting. He was honoured with shawl by Com A. Sugumaran. Com Ghouse
Basha Treasurer, Tamilnadu Circle association was honoured with shawl by Com
N.S. Deenadayalan. Com Sampathkumar, TN Circle office bearer was honoured with
shawl by Com S. Ramanarayanan.
Com Sathyanarayan, Division Secretary, Traffic Division, Nanganallur spoke and conveyed his greetings to our AGB Meeting. Com Sathyanarayana was honoured with shawl by com A. Sugumaran.
The Meeting has come to an end with Com N.Deenadayalan conveyed vote of thanks. 175 members participated in the meeting.
Lunch was provided to all members.