IDA INCREASED 4.3% FROM 1-1-2025 - TOTAL 228.5%

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Com D.S. Ramalingam has gone to CGM TN CIrcle Office Greams Rd yesterday (24-10-16). He met the accounts officers there and enquired about 78.2% pension revision progress.  They said that they are making preparations for processing the cases. The pay bill section is only looking after this 78.2% pension revision work. They said that they are now busy with employees salarary payment work and bonus payment work. They asked him to come after 1-11-16. Anyhow he requested them to process the pension revision cases quickly.  
He also enquired about our member Com R. Mohanraj's family pension authorisation case there. it is learnt that this case is under progress. He enquired about our member Com K. Rathakrishnan's stepping up of pay case. Com K.Rathakrishnan  has also come there.  that case is also under process..
Corporate office has  instructed to pay Bonus payment Rs.3000/- before 28th of this month to all employees.  we request our eligible members (already informed) to check their bank credits for bonus payment after that date.
We hope that 78.2  pension revision work at CGM Office will get momentum after 1st of next month.


  1. Sir, it is very unhappy to note that now only TN Circle office started the prepatory work in r/o 78.2% IDA fixation case. The reason given is that they are now busy with salary and bonus payment. The 78.2% order was issued by DOT well in advance some where in mid of August 2016. It is learnt that STR, STP and Chennai Telephones are doing appreciable progress. Even the SSAs in TN Circle also sending the cases to DOT Cell regularly. To our dismay TN Circle is not delivering good and satisfactory results in this regard. We the retirees from TN Circle office shall get the pension refixed before 31/12/2016? I think more push and pull is necssary from Association side.
    K.Selvarajan, Rted. DGM, TN Circle office, Chennai

  2. Sir
    While I appreciate your sincere efforts to reach Greams Road Tamilnadu Circle office to know about the developments in respect of 78.2 pay fixation case really it is very disappointing to observe the lethargic attitude of Circle Administration especially Finance wing. While all other units big or small doing the work of fixing 78.2 to retired staff and sending files to CCA Tamilnadu, the attitude of circle office, which is supposed to be role model for all other units working under CGM Tamilnadu, giving flimsy replies to cover up their delayed start, needs to be brought to the knowledge of Higher officers.

    DGM VIGILANCE RTD Tamilnadu Circle
