IDA INCREASED 1.0% FROM 1-7-2024 - TOTAL 217.8%

Friday 22 September 2017

CCA TN Pension Adalat Meeting for STR, STP, TN Circle, Chennai, Pondicherry, Vellore area was conducted in Chennai on 22-9-17 at 10.30 AM. Dr. R. Niranjana, Pr. CCA chaired the meeting and welcomed all pensioners and pension association leaders.

Sri C. Sankarapandi, Dy.CCA said that they have received 226 cases from pensioners for this adlat meeting and out of which 217 cases were settled. There are remaining 9 cases are pending and informed that those 9 cases were under process.

He read out the individual cases first and told the action taken on those cases.  He then read out the pensioners association cases and also explained about the action taken on them.  
A large number of Our STR DIVISION member’s individual cases were taken up in this adalat and almost all the cases were settled.  We cannot publish the list here because CCA Office has not given a copy of the individual cases. A good number of our members numbering more than 10 have attended the adalat and they are very happy to see that their cases were settled there. The adalat was very useful for settling the problems of pensioners. We must use this opportunity when there is a pension case problem for us. 

Our leaders Com D. Gopalakrishnan, Com V. Ramarao, Com D.S. Ramalingam, Com S. Narasimhan, Com N. Mohan & Com S. Sundarakrishnan attended the meeting.

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