IDA INCREASED 4.3% FROM 1-1-2025 - TOTAL 228.5%

Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Dear Comrades,
To the attention of those pensioners who had retired before the year 2000.
CCA Tamilnadu is sending revised Pension orders for DOT retirees. All CDA pensioners are requested to check with the Banks/Post Offices from which they receive pensions.
If the order is not received, Please contact Circle Secretary immediately.

With fraternal greetings,
Circle secretary,
TN Circle.

CDA Increase From January 2018

AICPI (IW) for December, 2017 is 286 points. 
That is 2 points down from November index. 
The Central govt  employees will get 2% additional DA from January, 2018. 
With that the total DA will be 7% .

Sri.G.Sankar Deputy General EB  O/o CGMT TN Circle is retiring  on 31.1.2018.He has enrolled himself as life member  in AIBSNLPWA  Chennai  STR branch .We whole heartedly welcome him.We wish him a Happy and Healthy Retired Life.
Shri.K.Narayana Shenoi, SSS O/o DE/LD Madras, (STSR)retired in 1991 has joined in our Association in STR Division as Life member.
We whole heartedly welcome Com.Narayana Shenoi.  His Phone Number is   2746 6693 
We whole heartedly Welcome Smt.R.Shanthi,  W/o C.Raji (Late),RM, ChTD.  Family Pensioner, who has joined us as Life Member.

Saturday, 27 January 2018

It is evident that our AIBSNLPWA only concerns more on the welfare of entire pensioners. Once again it has been proved  without any doubt. Yes. When the BSNL authority is keeping mum about the third and aftermath MRS payment without voucher, our association has taken the lead to solve the problem. Our GS has written a letter to BSNL CO and is now on the way to Delhi to discuss the issue with concerned authorities. 
Let us all hope for the best. Let us all sing the Ballad of our Association. The letter to BSNL CO is shown here under.

                                       (REGD. 1833/09)
                             CENTRAL HEADQUARTERS
AH 189/
61, 3rd Street, Aurovile Flats, Anna Nagar, Chennai-600040
President: P.S.Ramankutty.            General Secretary:G.Natarajan
Mobile – 09447551555                      Mobile – 09444929799

The Director (HR),
BSNL Co, Janpath, New Delhi.

Respected Madam,

Sub: Extension of BSNL MRS without voucher facility:

We are extremely thankful for restoration of without voucher facility to the Pensioners from April 2017. The order also envisaged Review of the Policy after Six months. The Third Quarterly Installment has also become due now. The pensioners who opted for w/o  voucher facility are put too much difficulty as they cannot submit the bills for reimbursement now.
Hence we request you madam kindly to extend this facility  up to April 2018 and any review can be done from April which will help the pensioners very much.
We will be extremely thankful for this kind action
Thanking you
Yours faithfully,
General Secretary

Friday, 26 January 2018

Our GS Com.G . Natarajan leaves for Newdelhi tomorrow to discuss with BSNL authorities about MRS without voucher for 3rd and aftermath quarters and also with DOT Secretaries about the pending problems. He is accompanied by Com.T.Vittoban, our CHQ Treasurer.
We wish them all success. 

Thursday, 25 January 2018


This is regarding our yesterday’s posting, regarding the two cases we propose to file before CAT, Ernakulam.I have received number of anxious calls from our comrades of different stations.
..1.. .Nobody has any doubt about the first case. Our pension was revised with 78.2% IDR. It is done notionally from 1-1-2007 to 9-6-1013. And actual payment was made from 10-6-2013. Why 10-6-2013? Because of the DoT order consequent upon the agreement made by BSNL staff unions and BSNL management in 2013.

Pensioners are not party to the agreement. We want that the date of actual Pension revision with 78.2 should be 01-01-2007, not 10-6-2013. Financial condition of BSNL is not relevant to our Pension Revision. One case is already filed by another Association before Principal bench of CAT, New Delhi. Another case is being filed before Supreme Court directly. If the Supreme Court rejects the case on MERIT, then that is the end of their fight Let us hope that Supreme Court will not reject the application.

Pensioners have raised a just demand. Judges with judicious mind will not reject. The principal bench and different benches of CAT have equal status. Only difference is that anybody from any part of India can approach Principal bench .But those who are staying within its jurisdiction only can approach a particular bench of CAT in states. There is no difference between CAT Chennai or CAT Ernakulam or CAT Chandigarh. So, only those who reside in Kerala can approach CAT Ernakulam. If others are there as applicants, then the case can be rejected at admission stage itself. 

At first stage, we will try to get a favourable verdict from CAT Ernakulam and then try to get it extended to others. The legal fight in this matter is just begun. We should keep the lists of all other Circles ready. So. Continue the data collection .Hardly 25% branches have sent the list to CHQ. We cannot wait till 100% lists reach CHQ.

2 The other case is for getting pension at 50% of LPD. After the sixth CPC report, the pension is granted at 50% of Last Pay Drawn for those who retired on or after 1-1-2006 on completion of ten years of service. But, those who retired before 1-1-2006, pension was granted 50% of last 10 months’ average pay and that too after completion of 33 years of service. Otherwise it is pro rata pension. 
Recently Central government granted a new formulation for pension revision of CDA pensioners. Even a person retired in 1982, gets his last pay drawn revised again and again notionally based on fitment formulae suggested by IV CPC, V CPC, VI CPC and VII CPC. Then his pension is re-fixed at 50% of the notionally revised Basic Pay from 1-1-2016.In other sense, all the central pensioners, retired before 2006 also get the benefit of Last Pay Drawn in pension. But it is not extended to BSNL retirees. 
Department of Telecom is not prepared to look into our demand. Court Case is the last resort. It is time consuming, no doubt. But, situation in Kerala CAT is bit better.

Hence we have decided to approach CAT Ernakulam first. The Advocate Mr Sreeraj is sympathetic to pensioners. We have a Legal committee at Ernakulam to help our Association in legal matters also. Let us hope the best. Let us try. TRY, TRY and TRY….. ... ... P S Ramankutty
With profound grief, we bring the sad demise of our member Sri.V.Babu, Retired SSS, STR, Chennai this morning.
Funeral will be on 26-01-2018.
We pray the Almighty, to keep his soul at rest.
His Address,
48/6 Surya Flats,
Welcome Colony,
Anna Nagar west,
Phone 2616 0430
Mobile: 94443 76374.

Wednesday, 24 January 2018

There is always a 
at the end of the 
One of our com G K Pathak of Chandigarh had gone to court for allowing him benefit of one increment in pension. Today he has won the case. he says court has directed that all similarly placed pensioners be given this benefit. Let copy of judgement be received will forward on receipt.
JS Dahiya, AGS
Message as received from Com.PSR forwarded

STR Division Monthly meeting was conducted on 23-01-2018 at 1500 hours. Com.Sundarakrishnan presided over the meeting. Com.D.S.Ramalingam  DS welcomed all and conducted the proceedings.
One minute silence was observed to the demise Sri. Nagarajan, Brother In Law of Com.S.Ramakrishnan ,our Div.Treasurer.
Last month meeting’s minutes was read out by com.Sridharan and the same was approved by the sabha. Com.N.Mohan informed welfare news and read out the names of our Members whose birthdays fall this month amidst thundering applause of members.
Com.DSR explained about his efforts in pursuing officers of STR Section for medical expenses payment and he appreciated  Com.Sundarakrishnan the hard efforts taken who  pursues  all cases and  enroll new  members pertaining to TN Circle section. He requested all our members to give AIC donation of Rs 50/-. Immediately 65 members have responded  to his request.
Com.Sundarakrishnan explained about his visits to CGM office in various occasions  and got the problems solved . As and when he received any problem from any member through any means, he would go and meet the concerned official and got it solved.
Com.R.Venkatachalam,  Assistant  Circle Secretary, addressed the meeting and explained our fight to get our 78.2 IDA of course from 10-06-2013 and now we are trying to get the arrears from 01-01-2007 and also pension to be fixed on LPD for those who had retired from 01-01-2000 to 31-12-2005 through CAT, and expressed his strong hopes of achieving them. He, being from Trichy which hosts the ensuing TN Circle conference in August 2018, invited all to attend the Circle conference .
Com.Victor raju in his speech said that vendor creation problem in STR exists for a long period and the Circle should intervene in the matter and sort out the things.
Com L.K and Com veerabadran also spoke and expressed their views.
Com.K.Muthiyalu in his lengthy address explained about his past health condition and he had come out of it by all our wishes. He explained there was no shortage of fund for medical reimbursement for pensioners but it is being diverted to the working staff. There is a ban on recruitment since 1984. In spite of that our staff members are working very hard and some delay in payment may be there. Many of our pensioners are not in whatsapp group and some do not possess mobile phones even, for those, our messages and information should reach in time.
Com. N.S.Dheenadayalan informed that there are about 400 members  in STR Division who are not having whatsapp facility.For those members , informations are sent via SMS. About 20 members are having only land line phones, for them information are being passed orally through dial up and he conveyed vote of thanks. SKC was supplied to all.
113 comrades attended the meeting among them 14 were lady comrades.

10 New Life Members have joined this month. With this our member strength rises to 763.


Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Our Member Com. Pradhaban 
( Retired DE ChTD) son 
Selvan : Karthik Kiran's 
Marriage with
 Selvi : Sneha Anand 
was conducted on 22-01-2018 
in a grand manner at 
Kovilambakkam Chennai.
 Many of our members  attended 
the marriage and greeted 
the Couples on behalf 
of our Association.

Monday, 22 January 2018

Smt.Mythili Raghavan 
Retired on 31.12.2017 
as  PS to PGM  O/oCGMT TN Circle 
has joined in 
as life member.
 Mobile no 94861 00553.

Sunday, 21 January 2018

Dear Comrades, 
The Monthly meeting of
  will be held 
on 23-01-2018 at 1500 hrs 
at  5th floor
 Flower Bazaar Exchange
Chennai -1
All our Members are requested 
to attend the Meeting
without fail.
Fraternally Yours
Divisional Secretary,
STR Division,
Chennai .
AIBSNLPWA  STR DIVISION Conveys Hearty Welcome to new Members who have joined our Division this month as Life members.
Retired on 
 10-1-2008, joined as 
Retired on 23-11-2000 on VR, 
PH.76673 46758,

Yesterday I received half a dozen messages saying that DOT has prepared a Cabinet Note for giving pay revision to BSNL staff with 10% Fitment benefit. Nobody knows the source of this information. I am happy if BSNL staff get 10%.
But  anything will materilize only when Cabinet takes a decision. That is the problem too. 
Some other PSEs have given pay revision without Cabinet approval. Nothing will come just because a proposal is mooted.
Even the above mentined information turned out to be wrong. It is the desire or imagination of some people.

We are interested in the matter because one DDG in Sanchar Bhavam Newdelhi says that they will think of our Pension Revision only after pay revision is decided. He is worried about probable anomaly. 
There is an anomaly existing for 17 years. He is not prepared to remove it despite Court Order.
Affected people are now 77 years and above. Many left this world with the anomaly. DDG is not worried.

Saturday, 20 January 2018

Dear Comrades, 
 Monthly meeting will be held 
on 23-1-18 at 1500 hrs 
at  5th floor
 Flower Bazaar Exchange. 
All are requested 
to attend.
Divisional Secretary,
STR Division,
Chennai .

Friday, 19 January 2018

Extra increment case was 
not taken up today 
because of the demise of 
CAT judge yesterday.
 It was postponed to 1/3/18. 
But today our lawyer 
pleaded to prepone the date 
and because of that 
now it's listed for 
Message conveyed by Com.DG.

Sunday, 14 January 2018

Finally we are filing the two cases in CAT Ernakulam.
1. To get arrears from 1.1.2007 instead of 10.6.2013 in 78.2 revision.
2. To get pension for all at the rate of 50% of last pay drawn on completion of ten years service.

Delhi and Chennai advocates demand very high fees.
In any case Govt will take us to High Court and Supreme Court.  So,  it is better to spend less money for cases  in CAT.
Com. DG and myself will meet the advocate on 23rd January and proceed further. Being a resident of Kerala I can file the cases on behalf of AIBSNLPWA CHQ
Msg reproduced as Recd from Com.PSR

Saturday, 13 January 2018

இன்று உள்ளத்தில் பொங்கும் 
ஆனந்தம், மகிழ்ச்சி , குதூகலம் ,
உவகை, உற்சாகம் ,சந்தோஷம் 
என்றென்றும் உங்கள் வாழ்வில் 
நிறைந்து நிலைத்திருக்க -
STR கோட்ட  சங்கம் வாழ்த்துகிறது.