Monday, 19 November 2018
Dear Comrades,
When we sit on hunger strike on 22-11-2018 we should shout slogans raising our demands. I am giving below some topics for such slogans. You may please translate them into your language. You can add more slogans also. But, we should not abuse anybody. We should not crititize anybody . Purpose is to popularize our demands and issues. Please do needful. ….. PSR
1. We demand Pension Revision,
2. We are BSNL/MTNL retirees, because we retired from BSNL/MTNL
But we are govt. pensioners, Because we are getting pension from Govt.
(Like “sacch he hum BSNL/MTNL pensioners; kyomki hum BSNL/MTNL se sewa nirvruth he. Lekin hum sarkaaree pensioners he; kyomki hum ko miltha he pension sarkaar se”)
3. Revise our pension,
Delink from pay revision
Delink from BSNl/MTNL financial position
Delink from PRC report
Delink from PRC formula
Revise our pension with CPC fitment formula.
4. We placed different demands earlier,
Now we are together
We are united now
We place only one demand
We want pension revision with CPC formula.
5. We are retired; not tired. We are fit for another fight.
6. We demand justice.
7. We demand pension revision in IDA pattern itself.
8. We are united; we are moving together.
9. We developed Indian telecom industry; we made it profit earning; Do not ignore us.
Friday, 16 November 2018
Thursday, 15 November 2018
Wednesday, 14 November 2018
The monthly Meeting of STR was conducted on
13-11-2018. Com. A.Sugumaran , President
of STR Division presided over the meeting. First one minute silence was
observed for the demise of com. PanneerSelvam , our member, who expired on 10-10-18. After that president narrated the help rendered
by Shri. Anantakumar, Hon minister, who
departed on 12-11-18 to our association in getting 78.2 and 60:40 annulment.
Then one minute silence was observed for his demise. Com. Victor Raju welcomed Dy.GS and CS and all our comrades including circle office bearers. Com. Sridharan read out
the minutes of the last meeting and was approved . Com. N. Mohan read out the
birthday greetings and names of the persons who are completing 70 years and
asked them to attend next month meeting in which they will be honoured. Then
president introduced 17 new members who
joined this month and also gave the welfare news of our members. He also
explained on behalf of secretary, the cases taken up and the position of them
with CCA ‘s office. He asked the members to give Life Certificate for pension
and for Land Line Telephone during the
month of November.
Com. K. Muthiyalu in his speech commended the
efforts taken by com. Sundarakrishnan in preparing this report even though being
pre occupied with his wife who was
hospitalised . He then elaborated in detail how Hon. Ananthakumar helped our
association to get 78.2 and annulment of 60:40. He praised him
for the whole hearted support to us till the end. President then asked our member and President
of NFTE TN com. P.Kamaraj to throw some
light on the returned letter by DOT to BSNL asking queries and the stand of AUAB. Com.
Kamaraj explained that pension revision should be delinked with pay revision ;
the financial constraints of BSNL ; no
zero percent as some rumours are circulating and the agitational programs they
intend to do. He also asked us to unite other associations also to join us for
this cause.
Then com. RV, our CS explained the efforts
taken by us for unity on this issue. Now MTNL and AIBSNLREWA are joining with
us and more will join us in future. He also explained about medical bills
position that along with Sundarakrishnan he goes every week but the fund
position may not get eased soon. It may take long time. He wanted max
participation from our division for 22nd fast.
The president after introducing new members
told that at present the strength rose to
935. Further he explained for a
query raised by a member regarding non settlement Medical bills that is at
present BSNL is having negative growth and not in a position to pay even EB
bills of BTS and Exchanges and TNEB disconnected those services and in that
condition it is not worthwhile to demand settlement of medical bills and as per
advice of Director HR BSNL board we have to switchover to CGHS for OD treatment
and for ID treatment some sort of method to be envisaged to link insurance and
further explained that at the time of taking absorption in BSNL, the
organisation promised to take care Medical needs of absorbed employees whereas
in present scenario we cannot depend on BSNL. For getting CGHS facility each retired
employee at the level Group B should pay RS. 80000/ as one time payment and for
that BSNL should pay the one time payment whereas BSNL unofficially asked to
pay the same and would be reimbursed once the financial condition is improved
and for that our union not agreed and the GS has already written letters .
Com.D.S. Ramalingam VP gave vote of thanks.
123 members participated .
Thank You.
Comradely yours,
District President,
Monday, 12 November 2018
Sri Ananthkumar in our 78.2% VICTORY CONFERENCE AT BANGALORE in 12.11.2016
பெங்களுர்: மத்திய அமைச்சர் அனந்த்குமார் (59) நேற்று நள்ளிரவில் காலமானார் மத்திய அரசின் ரசாயனம் மற்றும் உரம், நாடாளுமன்ற விவகாரத்து அமைச்சராக இருந்தவர் அனந்தகுமார். பாஜக கட்சியை சேர்ந்த இவர் 1996ல் இருந்து பெங்களூர் தெற்கு லோக் சபா தொகுதியில் இருந்து வெற்றி பெற்றவர். அதன்பின் 6 முறை அதே தொகுதியில் வெற்றிபெற்றார். ஒருமுறை கூட தேர்தலில் தோல்வி அடையாத இவர் கர்நாடக மாநில பாஜக தலைவராகவும் இருந்துள்ளார்.
இரண்டு மாதம் முன் இவருக்கு புற்றுநோய் இருப்பது கண்டறியப்பட்டது. இவர் புற்றுநோய்க்காக சிகிச்சை பெற்று வந்தார். பெங்களூரில் உள்ள தனியார் மருத்துவமனை ஒன்றில் கடந்த 2 மாதங்களாக சிகிச்சை பெற்று வந்தார்.
இதன் காரணமாக அமெரிக்காவில் கடந்த சில நாட்களுக்கு முன் அறுவை சிகிச்சை செய்யப்பட்டது.அதன்பின் இவர் உடல் நிலை தேறி இந்தியா வந்து தனது பணிகளை தொடங்கினார். கடந்த அக்டோபர் 20ம் தேதிதான் சிகிச்சை முடிந்து பெங்களூர் திரும்பினார்.
இந்த நிலையில் சில வாரம் முன் மீண்டும் இவருக்கு உடலில் பாதிப்பு ஏற்படவே மருத்துவமனையில் அனுமதிக்கப்பட்டார். அவர் ஐசியு பிரிவில் சிகிச்சை பெற்று வந்தார். ராஜ்நாத் உள்ளிட்ட சில தலைவர்கள் அவரை நேரில் சந்தித்து உடல் நலம் பற்றி விசாரித்து வந்தனர்.
நேற்று அவருக்கு உடல்நிலை மிகவும் மோசம் ஆனது. அவருக்கு அளித்து சிகிச்சைகள் எதுவும் பலன் அளிக்கவில்லை. இந்த நிலையில் நேற்று நள்ளிரவில் அவர் சிகிச்சை பலனின்றி மரணம் அடைந்தார்.
மத்திய அமைச்சர் அனந்தகுமார் மறைவுக்கு, பிரதமர் மோடி, ராஜ்நாத் சிங், கர்நாடக முதல்வர் குமாரசாமி ஆகியோர் இரங்கல் தெரிவித்துள்ளனர். இன்னும் பல முக்கிய தலைவர்கள் இரங்கல் தெரிவித்துள்ளனர்.
அனந்தகுமாரின் உடல் பெங்களூரு தேசிய கல்லூரியில் பொதுமக்கள் அஞ்சலிக்காக வைக்கப்பட்டு இருக்கிறது. இதையடுத்து கர்நாடகாவில் அரசு மற்றும் தனியார் பள்ளி கல்லூரிகளுக்கு இன்று விடுமுறை அறிவிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.
Union minister HN Ananth Kumar, 59, passed away in Bengaluru in the wee hours on Monday
He was undergoing treatment for cancer at at Shankara Cancer Hospital in Bengaluru.
He had become a MORNING STAR TO GET. OUR 78.2 merger.
Our heartfelt condelonces to the brave Heart of Mr. Anandakumar.
He never talked politics to us. He helped us knowing that our Association had members of diverse political views.
He was practical in approach. Quick in action. Polite and Positive.
Wednesday, 7 November 2018
Monday, 5 November 2018
Saturday, 3 November 2018
I have given DIGITAL LIFE CERTIFICATE through my PC just now today. for this i am having a MANTRAA - MFS 100 FINGER PRINT SCANNER. I purchased it last year itself for rs.2800/- i gave my life certificate through this finger print scanner. (last year also i gave life certificate in digital life certificate method. please see below my DIGITAL LIFE CERTIFICATE ISSUED TODAY BY JEEVAN PRANAAM WEBSITE
Members residing in foreign countries can try this method. Now OTP is sent to your email ID is also. So otp receiving in Indian mobile number problem is solved
The only problem is to purchase a finger print scanner for rs 2800/-. It is available in Richie street Chennai or available in amazon Mantra MFS-100
Or you can go to nearby state government ESEAVA centres and can give your life certificate
Our members asking some doubts and clarification about DIGITAL LIFE CERTIFICATE (JEEVAM PRAMAAN).
please see below for the FAQ for DIGITAL LIFE CERTIFICATE Proceedures.
Life certificate for Pensioners – FAQ
What is Jeevan Pramaan?
Jeevan Pramaan is computer generated digital life
certificate for pensioner. Jeevan Pramaan Certificate is produced for
individual pensioner using his Biometric Credentials
How is this different from traditional Life
Certificate issued by Govt Officers/ Agencies?
For this certificate individual pensioner has not
to present himself/ herself in front of seniors authorised Officers. This can
be generated even from home. Only you need a internet connection and Biometric
How can I create Jeevan Pramaan if I do not have
internet connection?
Visit your nearest Citizen Service Centre or
designated Offices or ESEVA Centres in Tamilnadu and get your self registered. (details available
on site using locate a centre link)
How can I find the CSCs / Designated Offices (in
Access Jeevan Pramaan web site at or and find the
centre using “Locate A Centre” option or alternately you can send SMS to
7738299899, the SMS body must start with keyword “JPL” and after space write
you pin code e.g.
SMS: JPL 110003 to 7738299899
SMS: JPL 110003 to 7738299899
The Portal Reply message will have list all centres
where you can visit for Jeevan Pramaan.
Can I visit the CSCs for a certificate?
Yes. Any Pensioner having pension account in
Bank/Post Offices can go to CSC for the certificate.
Who can visit designated Offices?
Any Central Government Pensioner having pension
account in Bank can go to District Centre of Delhi. But Central Government
Office Centres may be visited by their respective office Pensioners only.
What is required for registration on Jeevan
Pensioner needs to know and provide his/her Aadhaar
Number, PPO Number, Bank Account number and branch detail, Name, Address etc
How can I register myself for a Jeevan Pramaan?
There are three ways to register and get a Jeevan
• visit your nearest CSC centre and register online
using CSC services and you may have to pay nominally for this
• visit a Designated Office and register yourself
• Download the application & install on your
android based smart phone/tablet or Windows PC/Laptop and register yourself
(you will need biometric device for this step)

The Jeevan Pramaan Client application currently
supports the Mantra & Morpho finger print scanner and Iritec Iris scanner
for use with the software. Supports for other devices are being added and will
be updated in the website download section. The Jeevan Pramaan software
upgrades over the air, therefore for new functionality software will not
require re-installation.
How do I register for a Digital Life certificate?
Pensioner’s information like Pension Aadhaar
number, Pensioner Name, PPO Number, Bank Account detail, Address, Mobile number
etc are fed into the system though web based / client interface and finally
pensioners person information are authenticated using the Aadhaar number and
pensioner has to put his finger on to the finger print scanner or eye on the
Iris scanner.
After successful authentication, Pramaan ID / the
transaction number is displayed on the screen and same has is sent to
Pensioner’s mobile as SMS from the portal.
The portal generates Electronic Jeevan Pramaan for
the successfully authenticated pensioner and it is stored in the central Life
Certificate Repository database.
The disbursing Bank can access and get the Jeevan
Pramaan certificate from the portal for his pensioners though the electronic
data transfer mechanism created between the portal and Bank server.
Pensioner has to inform to the Bank that his Jeevan
Pramaan has been generated through online registration from Jeevan Pramaan
Is it necessary for a Pensioner to be in India for
getting a Jeevan Pramaan?
No, Pensioners can use Android / Windows PC based
application available for download at portal and may
register from any location.
How many times individual has to register in a
Individual has to register once and later he can
generate Jeevan Pramaan using Biometric authentication.
Is the online registration chargeable?
No. It is free for the pensioner.
Is electronic Jeevan Pramaan a must for the
No, this facility has been given to get hassle free
Life Certificates. The conventional life certificates are also valid.
What is the procedure for getting Aadhaar Number?
Contact nearest Aadhaar Enrolment Centre in your
city for getting a Aadhaar Number. You can find permanent Aadhaar Enrolment
Centres from UIDAI website
Is this certificate valid?
Yes, Digital Life Certificate is a valid
certificate and recognized under the IT Act. The system benefits the pensioner
from having to go before the Pension disbursing Authority to prove that he/she
is alive.
Friday, 2 November 2018
On 26-10-18 we met CCA Karnataka and had a detailed discussion after making over a copy of the letter sent to MOSC regarding CPMS. He assured us all the apprehensions we raised will be taken care of by the time the existing pensioners are brought under CPMS portal. Initially it will be for those who are retiring in November and afterwards.
On 29-10-18 ,CCA has created a WA group " BSNL. DoT retirees Nov' 18 ". Participants are from all SSAs, CCA staff connected with Pension , our CHQ President Com. PS Ramankutty and myself.
Today on 1-11-18 , CCA conducted a training session with the representatives of all SSAs. Myself and Com. R Changappa CS KTK have also been invited to attend.
Joint CCA Mrs. Arulmathi gave presentation mainly on
1). HOO ( Head of office ) unit module ( SSA )
2). Retiree module
3). Pension section module
4). PDA module
5). Grievance Management module etc
Mostly on November 23rd the portal will be operative in Karnataka and detailed process has been explained for the benefit of the coordinating officers from SSAs, immediately about
a). Superannuation
b) Family
c) VR
Pension cases.
CCA has assured to open PENSIONERS' LOUNGE at the following major cities in KTK as suggested by us
At these places CCA staff will assist the SSA staff as well as Pensioners of these SSAs and also neighbouring small SSAs.
When we expressed repeatedly about our apprehensions regarding
1) Submission of Life Certificate every year especially by the Pensioners from remote areas and
2) Getting Form 16 for IT purpose ,
CCA has again assured us in the presence of all SSA representatives that these problems will be addressed to the best advantage of the Pensioners.
We are happy that a very good initiative has been taken by CCA Karnataka.
We are hopeful that he will make it as a pro- pensioner portal.
P Gangadhara Rao GS
Central Head Quarters [ Regd. No. T 1833/09 ]
H. No 6, G No 12th Street, Jogupalya, Halasuru, Bangalore 560008
email: Website:
President: P S Ramankutty General Secretary: P Gangadhara Rao
Phone: 9447551555 Phone: 9448088404
Date: 30/10/2018
Smt. Aruna Sundararajan,
Secretary (Telecom),
Sanchar Bhawan,
20, Asoka Road,
New Delhi-110001
Respected Madam,
Sub: Nation-wide day-long fast on 22/11/2018 by the pensioners intimation – reg:
We have been demanding pension revision, for those who retired from BSNL/MTNL, covered under CCS (Pension) Rules 1972. The demand is simple viz. Existing pension plus Dearness Relief as on 1/1/2017 plus 32% weightage (of basic pension) as recommended by 7th CPC and implemented to 62 lakh C.G. pensioners. C.G. pensioners got the benefit nearly 2 years back. We have written more than dozen letters on the subject. We met Hon. MoC on 12/9/2017, present Secretary (T) twice during November 17 and March 18 and explained the demand in person. As per the decision of our Central Working Committee, we conducted nationwide ‘demonstration’ on 20/6/18 & ‘dharna’ on 18/7/18, passed resolutions and sent to Hon. Prime Minister, Hon. MoC & Secretary (T).
Despite all these efforts, DoT has not even prepared the Cabinet Note for circulation among the nodal departments. Pensioners have become restive. So, our AIC, held at Puri in September 18, decided to organize a nation-wide fast on 22/11/18. Pensioners at the age of 80+, 70+ are forced to sit on hunger fast because of the inordinate delay. The fast will be held in front of Corporate office/CGM/PGM/GM, BSNL & CCA offices throughout the country. We earnestly request you, madam, to take necessary action for getting the approval of the cabinet for pension revision without further loss of time.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully,
(P.Gangadhara Rao)
General Secretary.
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