IDA INCREASED 4.3% FROM 1-1-2025 - TOTAL 228.5%

Sunday, 14 June 2020


Dear Comrades, Good Morning. Due to the Covid 19 lock down no public transport facility is extended at Chennai. We have to understand the difficulties of Officers/staff who are supposed to attend offices during this period. In spite of the RED ZONE ALERT at CHENNAI  a few  STAFF are being brought to CCA office for duty. Purely for release of "EPPO" for the VRS 2019 persons before Mid July 2020. However based on our request e ppo released to those who went on VRS during Jan 2020 and actual date of retirement during APRIL/May. Gratuity paid to some of our comrades. Action taken to process commutation upto those whose superannuation date falls during June 2020. Some of our comrades waiting for CDA mapping letter from CCA. This can be done only after restoration of normalcy. Even pension is drawn to SAMPANN pensioners without Life Certificate. CCA office agreed to receive LC through hard copy by post with proper attestation. Subsequently DOT has given relaxation for submission of LC upto JULY  2020. DLC through Jeevan Pramman is always allowed. 

Regarding option for Outdoor treatment under BSNL  MRS, BSNL has  issued revised guideline vide their lr.dtd 8.4.2020 reducing the annual limit. No change in procedures. Our comrades are asking queries as if a new facility is being extended. 2nd letter of BSNL CO is only giving last date of option as 30.06.2020. Accordingly CH.TD and TN Circle has issued guidelines.TN circle office has mentioned email id only for Circle office card holders not for other SSA Pensioners. Now STR and STP wants option letter from  all. Various queries are being received on submission of MRS OPTION.  Salient points for consolidated queries. 

1.This BSNL  MRS is only an existing facility not a new one. May 8th letter reduced the ceiling limit for 2020-21.    
2.Last date is mentioned only for option to avail with or without voucher. Not for migration to CGHS. 

3.BSNL.MRS CARD holders can migrate to CGHS at any time during the year. Till the date of surrender of BSNL MRS CARD both outdoor as well as Indoor medical facility can be availed. 

4.Pending medical bills will be paid by BSNL as and when fund is alloted. Our CHQ has already written letter.

5. Medical bills can be submitted with the available latest prescription.

6.As the bills are to be submitted in original it has to be sent by post not possible to sent by mail. 

7.No ERP data feeding facility to Pensioners for Medical input.

8.Requirement of  xerox copy of AAadar, PPO, bank pass book first page or cancelled cheque, PAN CARD      are only for first time optees and those who retired from 1.4.2019 to 313.2020. This is for creation of Pensioner Vendor code for effecting payment. Other pensioners can simply exercise option . This is mandatory. 8 mandatory for STP,STR,TNCIRCLE and CH.TD.
TN CIRCLE BSNL MRS CARD HOLDERS who are already availing Medical facility has to exercise option either by mail or post only IF THEY WANT MEDICAL ALLOWANCE.  IF NO OPTION is given, with voucher facility will be considered. No harm in giving option. STR/STP/CH.TD all have to exercise  OPTION.  PROJECT ACCEPTS by MAIL.  STR BY POST. CH.TD different areas so mail id. A lot of comrades are asking queries on MRS. It is very simple. Regarding Reimbursement of amount paid to CGHS Payment, BSNL CO requested circle to prepare pay bill for May 2020. TNC,CH.TD.STP,STR have included the pending sanctioned CGHS Bills along with Salary fund. STR Projected fund for APR bills. Along with June salary TN subregion bills will be included. It is very difficult for the staff of Bsnl to come to office. Getting information is more difficulty during this Due to Lock Down we are not able to conduct regular meeting . Thanking you. 

Comradely Yours. S.Sundarakrishnan Dist Secy.

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