IDA INCREASED 4.3% FROM 1-1-2025 - TOTAL 228.5%

Monday, 31 July 2017

STR Division Circular No.191 released and sent to our 491 members email id.
To download the circular please CLICK HERE 

Our STR Division has paid LIFE MEMBERS SUBSCRIPTION QUOTA for another 60 persons to CHQ Today.  The total number of LIFE MEMBERS quota paid to CHQ now is 635.    We have also paid 78.2% pension revision arrears donation quota for another 60 members to CHQ today.  The total number of pensioners quota for 78.2% donation paid to CHQ is 180 now.

Sunday, 30 July 2017

1.. Smt. T.S. Visalakshi, DGM, STR, CNI          Mobile: 9444979821
2.. Sri.   S.V. Rangaraajan, OS, TN, CNI             Mobile: 9444054500
     3.. Sri.   P.S. Kasthurirangan, JE, REM, CNI     Mobile: 9790822646
     4.  Smt. J. Chelvilakshmi, AGM, TN, CNI           Mobile: 9486100094
     5.  Sri.   Gunachandran, EE, CIVIL, CNI

We convey our best wishes for the above mentioned officials who are retiring on 31-7-2017. Smt. J. Chelvilakshmi retired on VRS on 28-7-17.

We wish them for a healthy, peaceful, long happy  retired life.

They are going to join our STR DIVISION as LIFE MEMBER from 1.8.17.

We welcome them to our division wholeheartedly.

Saturday, 29 July 2017

Our Circle Secretary Com K. Muthiyalu is suffering from heart problem. He was hospitalized yesterday for one day and Anjiyo and ECG tests were taken for him. It was found that 30% block is there in the vessels and also found that oxygen supply for his lungs was very poor. He is taking oxygen mask during night time to improve oxygen to his lungs. He is also suffering from leg &  knee joint pain and unable to walk now.  Doctors have given medicines and advised him to take rest. 

We wish him to get well soon.*

Monday, 24 July 2017

Sunday, 23 July 2017

Thanjavur pension Adalat : Report by Com D. Gopalakrishnan

CCA, Tamilnadu has introduced a new concept of holding pension adalat at four regions of Tamilnadu.  Trichy region (comprising Trichy, Thanjavur, Kumbakonam & Cuddalore SSAs) pension adalat was held on 21/7/17 at Thanjavur under the chairmanship of CCA, Dr R.Niranjana.  Last Adalat was held in November 2016 and there was a gap of 8 months.  Coimbatore Region pension adalat will be held at Erode on 11/8/17.  Dates are yet to be announced for Madurai & Madras region.
Joint CCA (Pension) Shri Anbalagan welcomed all.  PGM, BSNL, Thanjavur Shri Vinod welcomed all and offered shawl to CCA & other officers.  On behalf of pensioners, Com DG welcomed all.  Our Thanjavur District Unit honoured, all the officials of O/o PCCA, Tamilnadu and officers of Thanjavur BSNL & Bank/GM PA&F representatives, by offering shawl. 
Representative from Indian Bank, IOB & GM (PA&F) only participated.  We have lot of grievances in SBI & Canara Bank but there was no representation from these banks.  From BSNL, representatives from Cuddalore, Kumbakonam, Trichy & Thanjavur participated.  GM (PA&F) representative only came prepared to answer the question pertaining to that agency.  At one point of time, when Dy. CCA said that papers are yet to come from GM (PA&F) the representative of that agency said that it was sent by registered post in November 16 and he gave the number of registered letter also.  (Both the offices are just opposite but the letter sent by GM PA&F 8 months back was not received by O/o PCCA, Tamilnadu according to Dy.CCA).   CCA intervened and said that they will try to trace it out.  But representatives of other agencies did not come prepared with details. 
CCA, Tamilnadu in his introductory speech told that the pension adalat could not be held earlier because of the pre-occupation with 78.2% DA merger revision cases.  Tamilnadu had the highest number of cases in the country.  While dealing with huge volume of work mistakes happened.  The staff and volunteers from the Association did a very good job and that has to be appreciated.  From the entire state we have received about 700 grievances for the adalat from the pensioners and Associations.  Highest number of 174 was from Trichy region and within this region, Thanjavur had the highest and that was the reason to choose Thanjavur for holding Adalat.  We received 174 grievances from this region and we have settled 160 grievances.  7 grievances from individual pensioners and 7 from Association remain unsettled due to various reasons.  Dy. CCA (Revision) Shri Sankarapandian read out the disposal of individual cases. 
Our intervention
Com DG, brought to the notice of CCA that wide publicity should be made for conducting the adalat and in this aspect DoP&PW guidelines are not followed.  He pointed out that though the individuals got the acknowledgement for receipt of their grievances they were not informed about the date and venue of pension adalat which is the requirement as per the guidelines.  The same was not published in the dailies.   It was not exhibited even in the O/o GMs, BSNL.  Com Ramarao and others raised their voice in support of DG’s contention.    Com DG also said that this CCA has introduced a new concept of dividing Tamilnadu into four regions for holding the pension adalat.  CCA told that he only followed the method adopted by Shri G.Alagarsamy who was PCCA, TN earlier.  DG told that during the tenure of Shri Alagarsamy, pension adalat was held in different SSAs but the grievances of all the SSAs and CHTD were taken up.  He also informed about the practice in adjacent circles like Kerala, Andhra & Telengana.  CCA asked the difficulties faced in this arrangement.  DG informed that the staff of PCCA office may have to spend more time to deal with adalat cases which may affect the other routine work including CDA revision cases.  Further, pensioners may have to wait for longer time to get their grievances redressed.  CCA informed that there is no intention to divide tamilnadu into four regions and he is open for review after three more adalats in other regions.  The Association can give its views in writing and due consideration would be given. 
When an individual case was discussed, Dy. CCA informed that as per para 4.2 of DoT OM dated 15/3/2011, the minimum pension is guaranteed at 50% of minimum of revised pay.  On this issue, DG intervened and asked what was the minimum pension as on 1/1/2006?    DG told that body of 15/3/2011 mentions  the minimum pension as Rs.3500/- and annexure mentions as Rs.3880/-.  

CCA told that let there not be interrogatory nature of discussion and asked whether there is any case whose pension is less than the minimum pension.  DG replied ‘yes’ and pointed out the case of Shri Palani of Vellore SSA and even Sundarappan whose case is being discussed.  Then CCA told that the Association can write the details and due action would be taken. 
DG wanted to know the present position of 78.2.  Dy.CCA gave the following information.
Revised Authority was issued to 16,152 pensioners and nothing is pending with O/o PCCA, TN.  But 513 cases of pre-2007 are yet to be received from BSNL units (Trichy-99, CBE-79, PY-11, ERD-16, KKD-13, STR-4, TN circle-75, TVL-8, TT-53, VLR-16, TNJ-5, KMU-6, NGC-13, MA-13, SLM-16 & CHTD-86).  Similarly 229 cases of post-2007 are yet to be received from BSNL.
DG told that though authority was issued to 16,152 pensioners, many of them are still waiting to receive the arrears.  There is heavy delay at every point like Despatch, CPPC, GM (PA&F), HPO etc.  He brought to the notice of CCA, TN that Punjab CCA had a meeting with all bank officers along with pensioners association to expedite the disbursement.  CCA, TN has to take necessary steps to impress upon the agencies the need for expediting the payment.  CCA informed that already that process is going on and if need be, Directorate would be informed to take up the issue with top level officers of the banks.  He also told that he is open to criticism and his staff and he himself is trying to help the pensioners as much as they can. 
Apart from DG & Ramarao from our Association, Circle office-bearers Coms K.S.Krishnamurthy, Dhanapal, District Secretaries of Trichy, Thanjavur & Cuddalore along with some activists participated.  Nearly 30 individual pensioners also participated.  The meeting ended well.  
Our leaders Com D. Gopalakrishnan and K. Muthiyalu are felicitating Com R.K. Our members are welcome
A great leader, our member is going to be honoured for his service to the working class. We wish the function success.

Our members interested in the felicitation meeting are welcome.

Friday, 21 July 2017

The Pension Adalat as scheduled by CCA chennai was conducted in Thanjavur at  GM Thanjavur office  conference hall today, the 21st in a grand manner. The Adalat started exactly  by 10.30 and ended by 13.30. About more than 90 to 100 persons attended the adalat. 
From CCA Office Chennai about 10 members team headed by CCA Dr.Niranjana, Dy. CCA, Jt.CCA, Two AOs, etc and officials attended.
GMT TNJ side headed by Shri.Vinoth Kumar PGMT, DGM Administration, Finance, CAO in charge of  adalat of TNJ SSA and about 10 officers participated along with other officials.
From AIBSNLPWA side  Com DG, Com V. Ramarao, Com K.S. Krishnamurthy, Com. C.V. Thangaiyan  both circle executives attended and took part in the proceedings. 
From AIBSNLPWA  TNJ Dist more than 10 Coms headed by V. Swaminathan  District Secretary,K. Santhanagopalan , Vice President, Mariappan Finance Advisor, K. Seenu Treasurer, and active coms numbering about 10 attended.
From Trichy SSA Div Secy and about 10 Comrades  and from Cuddalore 5 Comrades along with Div. Secy and from Kumbakonam AO KMB and 5 active Coms attended.
The Adalat events were conducted by shri Sankara Pandi in a highly appreciable manner and definitely we found a good and respectable change with due care to the senior citizen shown  after the Dharna in front of the CCA office, Chennai on 19.07.17 by our AIBSNLPWA Association. A remarkable improvement and a happy atmosphere with enthusiasm prevailed during the entire adalat procedings.
CCA inaugurated the adalat and GMT TNJ welcomed the gathering. Shawls were offered to the entire CCA team by GM TNJ unit.
AIBSNLPWA Thanjavur District Branch presented  Shawls and honoured the entire team of CCA Chennai, entire GMT TNJ officers including the Bank representatives of various Pension drawing branches from Thanjavur.
From the CCA side  it was reported that out of 174 cases pertaining to the 4 SSAs,  160 cases were settled and the remaining  14 ( 7 are individual and 7 association cases ) will be settled in due course at the earliest. They assured total cases of 78.2  settled so far and to be settled will be put in CCA TN office web site soon except 10% BCR increment cases.(nearly 511 cases) of post 2007 have to be dealt and the details of the same district wise were also given. Next adalat will be held at Erode on 11.8.2017 ( SSAs included are Coimbatore, Erode, Salem, Dharmapuri and Coonor) discussions of delinking cases fixation of minimum pension were also taken place.
Com DG (who also delivered Welcome address )and V. Ramarao  dealt the entire cases in a amicable way and gave suggestions then and there to solve the cases. Individual Coms also took participation and got cleared all their doubts/cases. 
Finally vote of thanks by Sri Balasubramanian and also by our Com. DG .
Delicious snacks with sweet and tea was served  by the GMT TNJ. The events came to an end by 1330 hrs and a satisfied atmosphere prevailed everywhere.

( Input From Com.K.Santhanagopalan, VP, TNJ Dist, and Com.N.Thirugnanam Cuddalore District Secretary. Photos will be uploaded as and when received )
Tamilnadu CCA PENSION ADALAT Meeting is going to be held at Thanjavur at 10.30 Hrs today 21-7-17. Trichy, Thanjavur, Kumbakonam & Cuddalore SSA cases will be taken for discussions in the meeting today. Com D. Gopalakrishnan & V. Ramarao is attending the Adalat.

Wednesday, 19 July 2017

The MASS DHARNA on conducted in front of CCA Office Ethiraj Salai on 19-7-17 was a great successful one. More than 400 pensioners from all over Tamilnadu and CHTD attended the DHARNA. 

The DHARNA began with slogan shouting in the front gate of CCA Office. Com K. Ramarao, TN Circle President and Com Madurai Muthu of CHTD jointly presided the meeting.

Com K. Ramarao in his presidential address told our association is giving full cooperation to CCA office but CCA office is not cooperating with us. He told that pensioners from Cuddalore, Chidambaram, Vellore, Tirunelveli and Trichy have come for this DHARNA. Com Madurai Muthu, CHTD welcomed the pensioners.

Com K. Muthiyalu in his speech said that the staffs in CCA office are working very hard and released 17000 pension revision orders. He said that there are several irregularities in the orders. The same problem in 68.8 pension revisions were again occurred.  When he pointed out those mistakes to the administration the officers are not listening to us and not ready to rectify it and said that those things will be looked only after 2 months. The address changes made in the computer are not put in the file for change of address.  A large number of ppos are sent to old address again. The released orders are sent by post after one month delay only. They are saying that there is no money for purchase of stamp. If that was the problem he asked how they have sent back 600 to 700 service books to SSAs in one Saturday. He said the staffs are cooperating but the officers are not cooerating. When he asked the officers to publish the list of PPOs issued in their website, the officers are not ready for it even though we are ready to offer our technical people to help them. He said that the officers have declared a emergency rule in CCA office. The officer has now ordered that no staff should discuss the issues with association leaders. The officers are not giving due respect to the pensioners or association leaders when they go for enquiring of pensioners problems. He said that this attitude of the officers should change. 
Com M. Govindarajan in his address told that when he offered pensioners for cca work for pension revision work initially the cca office rejected his offer. Later they asked for help from him. 8 pensioners from CHTD worked for pension revision work without any remuneration and  they cleared 7000 files. He said we are ready to cooperate with the cca office but the cca officers are not cooperating with the association.
 Com G. Natarajan, General Secretary told that he was meeting the officers in DOT and pointing out the delay in settlement of 78.2% pension revision.  But the officers are changed frequently in DOT.  Now the new member finance has fixed that the entire pension revision work must be completed before 15-7-17. But it is not yet over still.  

Com A. Sugumaran said the main reason for the dharna is to protest against the attitude of some officers in cca office. They are not giving proper respect or replies to the pensioners and the association when they visit the cca office. Some officers are very adamant and they are not ready to rectify the irregularities in the orders when the association leaders inform them.
 Com Balakrishnan, Cuddalore gave a very lovely speech in humorous way. He said that pensioners believe their association leaders only for settling their demands. The pensioners will obey any instructions given by their leaders only.  They are ready to go to any extreme if they leaders order them.

Com Murugan, Vellore, Com R.. Venkatachalam, Trichy, Com T.S. Vittoban, All India treasurer, Com Kannappan, treasurer, CHTD, spoke briefly about our demands. 

Com D. Gopalakrishnan told that during the past 10 years we have met so many CCAs, ie S/Sri. Alagarsamy, Geetha Paul and Barriar. Sri Alagarsamy only settled the one increment pension revision case. We are meeting Sri Niranjana, CCA for the past 1 ½  years. The CCA office sent back the extra increment case files to the SSAs without understanding the rules. The DOT order is not correct. There is a SUPREME COURT ruling that no recoveries should be made from the pensioners and it was also endorsed by DOP & Training. CCA should have discussed the issue before sending back the files. One officer in cca office told that pension work is not important to them and the USO & SPECTRUM charging are only important to them. Com D.G. said that pension work is a statutory work and it cannot be a secondary one
He said the association leaders are not permitted to meet the staff and a emergency is declared in cca office.  He said that our AIBSNLPWA cannot be neglected or ignored like this. We are allowed a meeting only once in a month and he said we want a meeting once in 15 days since we are having more than 8000 pensioners with us. He said that we want attitudinal change in the minds of the officers. CCA job is not over till the pensioner receives his payment. He said that our association is not their enemy and we are helping them only to correct their mistakes. He pointed out that our pensioners only helped them to clear 7000 pre 2007 pension revision work without any remuneration. Our association is bridging cooperation between cca office and pensioners.
At the lunch time A delegation consisting of Comrades K. Muthiyalu, D. Gopalakrishnan. G. Natarajan, Ramarao & M. Govindarajan met Jt. CCA in his chamber and handed over a memorandum. Com D. Gopalakrishnan told Jt. CCA that our association wants a change in attitude in CCA office. Our association is not asking or demanding any unjustified demand. We are coordinating pensioners with cca office. He said that we want a meeting once in 15 days, wants respect to pensioners and pension association leaders when they visit cca office. He clearly said that our association is not COERCING the cca office by conducting soft DHARNA for settlement of irregularities and for legitimate issues. He said that there is a clear cut ruling by SUPREME COURT that no recovery should be made from pensioners and DOP&T also endorsed it. He said that our association gave cooperation to cca office by giving 8 pensioners to do pension revision work. He said that we are not enemies for cca office but friends only. We expect the same thing from the officers. Jt.CCA said that he will consult his officers and inform us.

Com K. Muthiyalu explained the contents of the meeting discussion with Jt. CCA to the pensioners in the dharna meeting. 

 Com Thangaraj, Chrompet Division secretary gave vote of thanks.

The following pensioners of our STR DIVISION attended the DHARNA.
  1. D.s. Ramalingam 2. S. Ramakrishnan 3. M. C. Kulothungan 4. Pannerselvam 5. S. Kalidoss 6. M. Kalidoss 7. K. Selvarajan 8. Sunderaraman 9. Pannerselvam 10. K. Arumugam 11. Sivaramakrishnan 12. Sridharan 13. S. Narasimhan 14. R. Kannan 15. Rathnaswamy 16. P. murugesan 17. Rexraj 18. G. Kannan 19. S.G. Jayaprakash 20. K. Ramadoss 21. M. Viswanathan 22. R. Venkatachalam TR 23. P.R. Lingesan 24. Saravanan 25. Victor raj 26. M Haja najumudeen 27. M. Premavathy 28. Shamsudeen 29. N. Mohan 30. J.S. Chelladurai 31. P.R. Yagasundaram 32. L. Krishnamoorthy 33. Chandrasekaran 34. V. Paulchamy 35. K.G. Gangadharan 36. A. Sugumaran 37. Madanagopoal 38. M. Subramanian 39. D. Muthuswamy 40. K. Muthiyalu 41. Kamalakkannan 42. K. Radhakrishnan 43. D. Gopalakrishnan 44.Altaf ahmed 45. Mydeen pillai 46. Nandagopal 47. M.R. Krishnamurthy 48. L. Gunabalan 49. Ramanarayanan 50 Sundarakrishnan 51 S. Balasubramanian 52. S Sivasankaran 53. Kalidoss 53. A. Basha 54. S. Sakthivel 55. K. Prema 57. Ragavendra rao 58. A. Bhaskaran 59. Dhakshinamoorthy 60 Sadasivam 61 Alla pitchai. If any  members name is not included please excuse us.  

Tuesday, 18 July 2017



To:  All TV News Channels & News paper Print Medias
A mass DHARNA will be held on 19-7-17 Wednesday at 10.30 AM in front of Controller of Communication Accounts Office, DOT, 60, Ethiraj Salai (Opp to Ethiraj Post Office) by All India BSNL Pensioners welfare Association, Chennai Telephones and Tamilnadu BSNL Circle associations to protest against the unhelpful attitude of the Pension office at Ethiraj salai towards the non settlement of the long pending problems of pensioners in 78.2% pension revision arrears and also to protest against the disrespectful attitude of the CCA OFFICE, Ethiraj Salai showing  towards our leaders and pensioners when they visit the ETHIRAJ SALAI CCA OFFICE for enquiries.

Hundreds of PENSIONERS from Chennai Telephone District and Chennai Traffic Division, Chennai STR Division and a large number of PENSIONERS from adjacent SSAs from CUDDALORE, PONDICHERRY & VELLORE are participating in the MASS DHARNA
-K. Muthiyalu, Tamilnadu Circle secretary – Mobile: 9444666646

We learnt that The following members of Tirunelveli will participate in the dharna at Chennai on19th S.Perumalraj Dr.A.Masanam    T.V.Sreethar S.Sankaran R.Krishnamurthi Janakiraman Ramakrishnan S.Nallaperumal News sent by  Arunachalam DS.
For 19th Chennai CCA office agitation 22 comrades from Cuddalore and 23 comrades from Villupuram going to participate And also fmCdm 3 comrades NT Cdl 
We request all our STR DIVISION members must participate in the DHARNA and make it a grand successful

Sunday, 16 July 2017

Thursday, 13 July 2017

Com K. Muthiyalu has gone to CGM TN CIRCLE OFFICE today and got the information that  3% increment arrears cheques are ready for the following pensioners at CGM TN CIRCLE OFFICE. They can go and collect it from there now.
Comrades: 1. S. Ravi, SDE 2. T.S. Sivarajan, SDE, 3. C. Selvaraj 4. M. Srinivasan 5. P. Balasubramanian 6. P. Paramasivam 7. M. Subramanian 8. R. Jayalakshmi, DE 9. A. Pauraj 10. V. Natarajan, JTO 11. K.S. Sampathkumar, Sr. A.O. 12. P. Thangaraj, SDE  

TN Circle assn going to file a case in CAT for pensioners affected by 78.2 pension revision due to deduction of BCR one increment case.  Lawyer needs the following particulars :- Name, PPO No, Date of Retirement &  Date of grant of extra increment. These details are required urgently. Circle Union shall bear the cost. Affected members pl contact Ramalingam or Deenadayalan. we can file the case in two days time.

Wednesday, 12 July 2017


தோழர் A. சுகுமாரன் அவர்கள் இந்த மாதாந்திரக் கூட்டத்திற்கு தலைமை ஏற்று நடத்தினார். மறைந்த தோழர் D. ஞானையா, EX. GENERAL SECRETARY, NFPTE அவர்களுக்கும், மற்றும் நமது உறுப்பினர் தோழர் C.V. வாதிராஜனுக்கும் ஒரு நிமிடம் மவுன அஞ்சலி செலுத்தப்பட்டது. தோழர் N. மோகன் சென்றக் கூட்ட அறிக்கையை அவையில் வாசித்து உறுப்பினர்களின் ஒப்புதலைப் பெற்றார்.
தோழர் S. நரசிம்மன் இந்த மாதம் பிறந்தநாள் வரும் உறுப்பினர்களுக்கு பிறந்தநாள் வாழ்த்துக்களைக் கூறினார். STR DIVISION குடும்பநல நிகழ்ச்சிகளை எடுத்துக் கூறினார். புதிதாக சேர்ந்துள்ள 17 பென்ஷனர்களை அவையில் அறிமுகப்படுத்தினார். பின்னர் பேசுகையில் ஜூலையிலிருந்து IDA 1.9% உயர்ந்திருப்பதாகக் கூறினார். 78.2% பென்ஷன் ரிவிஷன் அரியர்ஸ் பற்றிய தற்போதைய நிலைப்பற்றியும் கூறினார். ஆகஸ்டுக்குப் பிறகு நடைபெற உள்ள பென்ஷன் அதாலத்தில் STR DIVISION பிரச்னகள் பற்றி விவாதிக்கப்படும் என்றார். நமது மத்திய சங்கம் 78.2 பென்ஷன் ரிவிஷன் அரியர்ஸ் 1-1-2007 லிருந்து பெறுவதற்கு நீதிமன்றத்தில் வழக்குத் தொடுக்கப் போவதாக தெரிவித்தார். அனைவரும் ஆயுள் சந்தா உறுப்பினராக வேண்டும், 78.2% பென்ஷன் ரிவிஷன் நன்கொடை அளிக்க வேண்டும் என்று உறுப்பினர்களைக் கேட்டுக்கொண்டார். இந்தக்கூட்டத்திற்கு சேலத்திலிருந்து வந்துள்ள தோழர் செல்லப்பன் அவர்களையும், நமது உறுப்பினர் தோழர் செல்வம், பொதுமேலாளர், சென்னை தொலைபேசி அவர்களையும் மகிழ்ச்சியுடன் வரவேற்பதாகக் கூறினார்.
தோழர் சுகுமாரன் பேசுகையில் CCA அலுவலகத்தில் வேலைகள் மோசமாக நடைபெற்று வருவதாகக் கூறினார். அதன் தாமதப் போக்கைக் கண்டித்து நமது சங்கங்கள் வரும் 19ந்தேதி காலை 10 மணிக்கு எதிராஜ் சாலையில் உள்ள CCA அலுவலகம் முன்பாக தர்ணா போராட்டம் நடத்த முடிவு செய்திருப்பதாகக் கூறி நமது உறுப்பினர்கள் அனைவரும் தவறாது கலந்து கொள்ள வேண்டும் என்று கூறினார். மேலும் பேசுகையில் தமிழ் மாநில சங்கம் DOT யின் “EXTRA INCREMENT” RECOVERY சம்பந்தமாக நீதிமன்றத்தில் வழக்கு தொடுக்க இருப்பதாகக் கூறினார். இதனால் பாதிக்கப்பட்ட தோழர்கள் மாநிலச்சங்கம் கேட்கும் தகவல்களை உடனடியாக தருமாறுக் கேட்டுக்கொண்டார். 
தோழர் D.S. ராமலிங்கம் பேசுகையில் CCA அலுவலகத்தில் 15700 PPOக்கள் வெளியிடப்பட்டு விட்டதாகவும், 579 பேர்களுக்கு இன்னும் வெளியிட வேண்டியிருப்பதாகவும் கூறினார். அவர்கள் PPOக்களை பழைய விலாசத்திற்கே அனுப்புவதாகவும் கூறினார். நமது CHQ 78.2% பென்ஷன் ரிவிஷன் அரியர்ஸ் 1.1.2007 முதல் கிடைக்க நீதிமன்றம் செல்ல இருப்பதாகக் கூறினார். நீதிமன்ற செலவுகள் அனைத்தையும் CHQ வே ஏற்றுக்கொள்ள இருப்பதாக கூறினார்.

தோழர் முத்தியாலு பேசுகையில் BSNL ஊழியர்களுக்கு ஊதிய விகிதங்கள் மாற்றி அமைக்கப்படவேண்டும். லாபமில்லை என்று கூறி அதை மறுப்பது ஞாயமில்லை என்று கூறினார்.  7வது ஊதியக்குழு பரிந்துரைப்படி BSNL பென்ஷனர்களுக்கு பென்ஷன் ரிவிஷன் வேண்டும் என்று நாம் கோரி வருகிறோம் என்றார். CCA அலுவலகத்தில் பென்ஷனர்களை மதிப்பதில்லை என்றும், சரியான முறையில் தகவல்களைத் தருவதில்லை என்றும் கூறினார். மாநில நிர்வாகிகளுக்குக் கூட நல்ல முறையில் பதில் தருவதில்லை என்றும் கூறினார். ஆகையால் இதை கண்டித்து வருகிற 19ந்தேதி எதிராஜ் சாலையில் உள்ள CCA அலுவலகம் முன்பாக தமிழ் மாநில சங்கமும், சென்னைத் தொலைபேசி மாநில சங்கமும் இணைந்து மாபெரும் தர்ணா போராட்டம் நடத்த இருப்பதாகக் கூறினார். இதற்கு நமது STR  கிளையிலிருந்து 200 தோழர்கள் வரவேண்டும் என்று கூறினார்.
தோழர் S. ராமநாராயணன் பேசுகையில் AIFPA வின் அனைத்திந்திய மாநாடு வரும் 21 & 22 தேதிகளில், T. NAGAR ல் நடக்க இருப்பதாகக் கூறி, நமது தோழர்கள் அதில் கலந்து கொள்ளவேண்டும் என்று அழைப்பு விடுத்தார்.
தோழர் L. கிருஷணமூர்த்தி பேசுகையில் பென்ஷனர் பிரச்னைகளை சரியாக தீர்க்காத CCA அலுவகத்தை எதிர்த்து கடுமையாக் போராட வேண்டும் என்றார்.
தோழர் சேலம் செல்லப்பன் பேசுகையில் அவரது பழைய தோழர்களை இங்கு இப்பொது சந்திப்பது மிகவும் மகிழ்ச்சியாக் இருப்பதாகக் கூறினார். STR DN தலைவர்கள் முத்தியாலு, சுகுமாரன், நரசிம்மன், சீதரன் ஆகியோர்களின் தந்நலமற்ற சேவைகள் பாராட்டுக்குறியது என்றார். பென்ஷர்களுக்கு பென்ஷனர் அசோசியன் சேவைகள் மிகவும் தேவை என்றார்.
தோழர் செல்வம் பேசுகையில் STR DIVISION செயல்பாடுகளைப் பற்றிப் பாராட்டிப் பேசினார். பென்ஷர்கள் அதிக அளவில் இந்தக் கூட்டத்தில் கலந்து கொண்டு இருப்பது பென்ஷனர்களுக்கு அதிக அளவில் பிரச்னைகள் இருப்பதால்தான் என்றார். அதவைகள் அனைத்தையும் நாம் வென்று எடுப்போம் என்றார். 
தோழர் சுந்தரகிருஷ்ணன் பேசுகையில் தமிழ் மாநில சங்கத்திலிருந்து 58 பென்ஷனர்களுக்கு GRATUITY REVISION PAPERS, CCA அலுவலகத்திற்கு அனுப்பப் பட்டு விட்டதாகக் கூறினார். மெடிகல் அலவன்ஸ் வேலைகள் CGM அலுவலகம் வரை முடிந்து விட்டதாகவும், மற்ற SSA க்களிடமிருந்து தகவல்களை எதிர்பார்த்துக் கொண்டிருப்பதாகவும் கூறினார். பின்னர் கூட்டத்தில் கலந்து கொண்ட 140 உறுப்பினர்களுக்கும், தோழர்கள்  சேலம் செல்லப்பனுக்கும், தோழர் செல்வத்திற்கும் நன்றி கூறினார். இந்தக் கூட்டத்தில் கலந்து கொண்ட  தோழர்களுக்கு இனிப்பு வழங்கிய தோழர் A.L. வெங்கட்ரமணாவுக்கு நமது நன்றியைத் தெரிவித்த பின்னர் கூட்டத்தை இனிதே முடித்து வைத்தார். இந்தக் கூட்டத்தில் நமது கிளைக்கு மேலும் 20 நாற்காலிகள் வாங்குவது என்று முடிவு செய்யப்பட்டது.

Tuesday, 11 July 2017

78.2% arrears from 1-1-2007?

Our CHQ is going to file a case in court to get 78.2% pension revision arrears from 1-1-2007. For that we are collecting DATAs from our members. STR DIVISION SECRETARIAT has decided that str division will process our members cases and forward it to our CHQ to include their names in the court case on two conditions: 1. We will persue this case only for our LIFE MEMBERS. 2. We will persue this case for those members who have received 78.2% arrears and contributed donations to our association.  Pl note that our association is not going to ask donations from members for filing the court case to get 78.2% pension revision arrears from 1-1-2007. Our CHQ is going to bear all the court case expenses for this.  Hence we request our members to fulfill the above mentioned two conditions to include their names in the court case- -narasimhan.

Sunday, 9 July 2017

Our STR DN. has given one more instalment of 78.2% arrears donation to our CHQ & TN Circle for another 60 persons. Rs.30,000/- to CHQ & Rs.12,000/- to TN CIRCLE yesterday. The total number of persons donations for which we have given to CHQ & TN CIRCLE now is 120 pensioners. The total amount paid now to CHQ is Rs.60,000/- & Rs.24,000/- to TN CIRCLE. 
Members who have received 78.2 arrears sre giving donations to us already. 
We request other members who have received arrears are requested to give donations to us early.
Our CHQ has decided to file a case in court to get 78.2 pension revision arrears from 1.1.2007. 
We will give full details in our coming monthly meeting on 11.7.17

Saturday, 8 July 2017

We regret to inform that Com. Gnanaiah, Ex General Secretary of NFPTE, a great socialist, marxist writer, great humanist passed away today (8.7.17) early morning at Coimbatore. We convey our heartfelt condolences to his family and friends