IDA INCREASED 4.3% FROM 1-1-2025 - TOTAL 228.5%

Friday, 21 July 2017

The Pension Adalat as scheduled by CCA chennai was conducted in Thanjavur at  GM Thanjavur office  conference hall today, the 21st in a grand manner. The Adalat started exactly  by 10.30 and ended by 13.30. About more than 90 to 100 persons attended the adalat. 
From CCA Office Chennai about 10 members team headed by CCA Dr.Niranjana, Dy. CCA, Jt.CCA, Two AOs, etc and officials attended.
GMT TNJ side headed by Shri.Vinoth Kumar PGMT, DGM Administration, Finance, CAO in charge of  adalat of TNJ SSA and about 10 officers participated along with other officials.
From AIBSNLPWA side  Com DG, Com V. Ramarao, Com K.S. Krishnamurthy, Com. C.V. Thangaiyan  both circle executives attended and took part in the proceedings. 
From AIBSNLPWA  TNJ Dist more than 10 Coms headed by V. Swaminathan  District Secretary,K. Santhanagopalan , Vice President, Mariappan Finance Advisor, K. Seenu Treasurer, and active coms numbering about 10 attended.
From Trichy SSA Div Secy and about 10 Comrades  and from Cuddalore 5 Comrades along with Div. Secy and from Kumbakonam AO KMB and 5 active Coms attended.
The Adalat events were conducted by shri Sankara Pandi in a highly appreciable manner and definitely we found a good and respectable change with due care to the senior citizen shown  after the Dharna in front of the CCA office, Chennai on 19.07.17 by our AIBSNLPWA Association. A remarkable improvement and a happy atmosphere with enthusiasm prevailed during the entire adalat procedings.
CCA inaugurated the adalat and GMT TNJ welcomed the gathering. Shawls were offered to the entire CCA team by GM TNJ unit.
AIBSNLPWA Thanjavur District Branch presented  Shawls and honoured the entire team of CCA Chennai, entire GMT TNJ officers including the Bank representatives of various Pension drawing branches from Thanjavur.
From the CCA side  it was reported that out of 174 cases pertaining to the 4 SSAs,  160 cases were settled and the remaining  14 ( 7 are individual and 7 association cases ) will be settled in due course at the earliest. They assured total cases of 78.2  settled so far and to be settled will be put in CCA TN office web site soon except 10% BCR increment cases.(nearly 511 cases) of post 2007 have to be dealt and the details of the same district wise were also given. Next adalat will be held at Erode on 11.8.2017 ( SSAs included are Coimbatore, Erode, Salem, Dharmapuri and Coonor) discussions of delinking cases fixation of minimum pension were also taken place.
Com DG (who also delivered Welcome address )and V. Ramarao  dealt the entire cases in a amicable way and gave suggestions then and there to solve the cases. Individual Coms also took participation and got cleared all their doubts/cases. 
Finally vote of thanks by Sri Balasubramanian and also by our Com. DG .
Delicious snacks with sweet and tea was served  by the GMT TNJ. The events came to an end by 1330 hrs and a satisfied atmosphere prevailed everywhere.

( Input From Com.K.Santhanagopalan, VP, TNJ Dist, and Com.N.Thirugnanam Cuddalore District Secretary. Photos will be uploaded as and when received )

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