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Sunday, 23 July 2017

Thanjavur pension Adalat : Report by Com D. Gopalakrishnan

CCA, Tamilnadu has introduced a new concept of holding pension adalat at four regions of Tamilnadu.  Trichy region (comprising Trichy, Thanjavur, Kumbakonam & Cuddalore SSAs) pension adalat was held on 21/7/17 at Thanjavur under the chairmanship of CCA, Dr R.Niranjana.  Last Adalat was held in November 2016 and there was a gap of 8 months.  Coimbatore Region pension adalat will be held at Erode on 11/8/17.  Dates are yet to be announced for Madurai & Madras region.
Joint CCA (Pension) Shri Anbalagan welcomed all.  PGM, BSNL, Thanjavur Shri Vinod welcomed all and offered shawl to CCA & other officers.  On behalf of pensioners, Com DG welcomed all.  Our Thanjavur District Unit honoured, all the officials of O/o PCCA, Tamilnadu and officers of Thanjavur BSNL & Bank/GM PA&F representatives, by offering shawl. 
Representative from Indian Bank, IOB & GM (PA&F) only participated.  We have lot of grievances in SBI & Canara Bank but there was no representation from these banks.  From BSNL, representatives from Cuddalore, Kumbakonam, Trichy & Thanjavur participated.  GM (PA&F) representative only came prepared to answer the question pertaining to that agency.  At one point of time, when Dy. CCA said that papers are yet to come from GM (PA&F) the representative of that agency said that it was sent by registered post in November 16 and he gave the number of registered letter also.  (Both the offices are just opposite but the letter sent by GM PA&F 8 months back was not received by O/o PCCA, Tamilnadu according to Dy.CCA).   CCA intervened and said that they will try to trace it out.  But representatives of other agencies did not come prepared with details. 
CCA, Tamilnadu in his introductory speech told that the pension adalat could not be held earlier because of the pre-occupation with 78.2% DA merger revision cases.  Tamilnadu had the highest number of cases in the country.  While dealing with huge volume of work mistakes happened.  The staff and volunteers from the Association did a very good job and that has to be appreciated.  From the entire state we have received about 700 grievances for the adalat from the pensioners and Associations.  Highest number of 174 was from Trichy region and within this region, Thanjavur had the highest and that was the reason to choose Thanjavur for holding Adalat.  We received 174 grievances from this region and we have settled 160 grievances.  7 grievances from individual pensioners and 7 from Association remain unsettled due to various reasons.  Dy. CCA (Revision) Shri Sankarapandian read out the disposal of individual cases. 
Our intervention
Com DG, brought to the notice of CCA that wide publicity should be made for conducting the adalat and in this aspect DoP&PW guidelines are not followed.  He pointed out that though the individuals got the acknowledgement for receipt of their grievances they were not informed about the date and venue of pension adalat which is the requirement as per the guidelines.  The same was not published in the dailies.   It was not exhibited even in the O/o GMs, BSNL.  Com Ramarao and others raised their voice in support of DG’s contention.    Com DG also said that this CCA has introduced a new concept of dividing Tamilnadu into four regions for holding the pension adalat.  CCA told that he only followed the method adopted by Shri G.Alagarsamy who was PCCA, TN earlier.  DG told that during the tenure of Shri Alagarsamy, pension adalat was held in different SSAs but the grievances of all the SSAs and CHTD were taken up.  He also informed about the practice in adjacent circles like Kerala, Andhra & Telengana.  CCA asked the difficulties faced in this arrangement.  DG informed that the staff of PCCA office may have to spend more time to deal with adalat cases which may affect the other routine work including CDA revision cases.  Further, pensioners may have to wait for longer time to get their grievances redressed.  CCA informed that there is no intention to divide tamilnadu into four regions and he is open for review after three more adalats in other regions.  The Association can give its views in writing and due consideration would be given. 
When an individual case was discussed, Dy. CCA informed that as per para 4.2 of DoT OM dated 15/3/2011, the minimum pension is guaranteed at 50% of minimum of revised pay.  On this issue, DG intervened and asked what was the minimum pension as on 1/1/2006?    DG told that body of 15/3/2011 mentions  the minimum pension as Rs.3500/- and annexure mentions as Rs.3880/-.  

CCA told that let there not be interrogatory nature of discussion and asked whether there is any case whose pension is less than the minimum pension.  DG replied ‘yes’ and pointed out the case of Shri Palani of Vellore SSA and even Sundarappan whose case is being discussed.  Then CCA told that the Association can write the details and due action would be taken. 
DG wanted to know the present position of 78.2.  Dy.CCA gave the following information.
Revised Authority was issued to 16,152 pensioners and nothing is pending with O/o PCCA, TN.  But 513 cases of pre-2007 are yet to be received from BSNL units (Trichy-99, CBE-79, PY-11, ERD-16, KKD-13, STR-4, TN circle-75, TVL-8, TT-53, VLR-16, TNJ-5, KMU-6, NGC-13, MA-13, SLM-16 & CHTD-86).  Similarly 229 cases of post-2007 are yet to be received from BSNL.
DG told that though authority was issued to 16,152 pensioners, many of them are still waiting to receive the arrears.  There is heavy delay at every point like Despatch, CPPC, GM (PA&F), HPO etc.  He brought to the notice of CCA, TN that Punjab CCA had a meeting with all bank officers along with pensioners association to expedite the disbursement.  CCA, TN has to take necessary steps to impress upon the agencies the need for expediting the payment.  CCA informed that already that process is going on and if need be, Directorate would be informed to take up the issue with top level officers of the banks.  He also told that he is open to criticism and his staff and he himself is trying to help the pensioners as much as they can. 
Apart from DG & Ramarao from our Association, Circle office-bearers Coms K.S.Krishnamurthy, Dhanapal, District Secretaries of Trichy, Thanjavur & Cuddalore along with some activists participated.  Nearly 30 individual pensioners also participated.  The meeting ended well.  

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