IDA INCREASED 4.3% FROM 1-1-2025 - TOTAL 228.5%

Saturday, 22 June 2019

Adalat meeting was conducted in the afternoon of 21.06.19 at the Hall of Inspiration Chennai..Pr.CCA,CCA,DY.CCA and AOs and staff from CCA officeside attended.Representatives from SBI,IOB,Indian  bank  and GM postal accts ,Accouts officers from CGMT TNC,STR,STP and Ch.TD attended. Com.D G CHQ VP,Com.Rathna AGS Co m.Vittoban CHQ Treasurer Com.Arunachalam AGS.CP,CS and CT attended.From STR Divion Comrades .D.VictorRaju VP,S.Sundarakrishnan DS Narasimhan ADS, N.Deenadayalan ADS. N.Mohan Dist. Treasurer L.Krishnamurthy ADS Jayaraman, Ramasubramanian, C.T.Sampathkumar OS ,Subbarao, Ramanarayanan, Suryanarayanan, Ramadass OS, P.Murugaesan attended the adalat. Formal procedure of welcome address was not followed while commencement which was objected by Com.DG .Com Narasimhan also objected. With the welcome address meeting commenced.Com.DG told the this Adalat is conducted after 9 months gap.DyCCA Told that in future adalat will be conducted once in 3months.Report of CCA over STR divn grievances.1.S.Usha Devi 2.S.Ramasubramanian V.Usha ...Co authorisation of FP to the disabled child.CCA says that these cases are not sent by STR with proper sanction.Cases are forwarded without sanction.If specific san ction is submitted .all the 3 cases will be processed.When we ask about any proforma is available ,Dy CCA said that BSNL authorities knows the procedure.AO STR told that she will consult CCA and send the sanction.4.M.Shanmugam Proj address change  incorporated.He also confirmed  receipt of letter .5.S.Jayabharatha address change at Trichy. Incorporated. 6.S.Chandrasekaran REM Change in DOB of Spouse incorporated. 7.P.R.Yagasundaram Revn.of Pension.
Authorisation sent to Postal. 8.S.Thangavelu MD Madurai. Revn of Pension due to NEPP. Proposal from STR Not recd. 9.S.Aeganthalingam Revn of as 50%of LPD.Pension is drawn as per 50%of LPD VIDE CCAsanction lr 30.6.10. 10. K.Madasamy Correction in spouse name .Corregundem issued to CPPC SBI.1 1.K.Radhakrishnan Pension revision due to stepping up of pay.Clarrification and SB is asked for from TN C.We told that every thing is available with CCA OFFICE.However DY.CCA agreed to revise the pension as per the stepped up Pay.12.A.Govindarajan Reauthorisation of FP to second wife.They want report from BSNL.We informed every thing is sent by BSNL.They agreed to check and issue reauthorisation.
In addition we gave 5 cases recd from AP and KTK.3 CASES clarrifications sought for.1 case pension case under examination.Com.Tiripurasundari JTO directly sent her grievance to DOT Cell reg.Pension revision considering officiating period.It was ready by DY.CCA as per DOT letter officiating period increment can not be considered for Pension.In addition to the above Non revision of pension by CPPC SBI to Sri.T.S.Vasudevan retd CGM TNC was discussed with AGM SBI who came for Adalat.Copy of Pension revision order is given.Pension has to be revised and arrears to be drawn.He told that he will settle it within a week. This is the gyst of the meeting pertains to our Division. EXCEPT COM.Shanmugam and com. Yagasundaram ,nobody reported about the receipt of reply from CcA. Thanking You Comrades .S.Su darakrishnan

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