IDA INCREASED 4.3% FROM 1-1-2025 - TOTAL 228.5%

Monday, 30 September 2019


Smt.N.K.SUJATHA PS TO PGM HQ O/o CGMT STR CHENNAI 32 is retiring on superannuation from the AN of 30.9.19 has joined as Life member of our AIBSNLPWA STR DIVISION CHENNAI. WE whole heartedly welcome her to our Association and wish her a Happy and Healthy retired life. Her Mobile No: 9444941044

Sunday, 29 September 2019



Thursday, 26 September 2019

Sri. V. Gunasekaran, Jt. CCA, TN Circle, Ethiraj Salai is going to retire on 30-9-19 on superannuation. Com M. Kannappan, CHTD Circle Treasurer, Com Vaidyanathan, Division Secretary, CHTD, Villivakkam, Com A. Subramanian,  CHTD Executive Member, Saidapet Dn and Com S. Narasimhan, ADS, STR DN., Com S. Sivasankaran, Asst. Secretary, STR DN. met him in his chamber and wished him a happy, long healthy retired life.

Monday, 23 September 2019

CGHS மெடிகல் கார்ட்  வாங்குவதற்கான வழிமுறைகள்

1. உங்களது BSNLMRS ஒரிஜினல் கார்டினை  உங்களது AGM, BSNL OFFICEல் சரண்டர் செய்துவிட்டு, அவர்களிடம் சரண்டர் சர்டிஃபிகேட் பெற்றுக்கொள்ளவேண்டும். இதற்கான மாதிரி கடிதம் கீழே கொடுக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.
(முக்கியமாக கவனிக்க வேண்டிய விஷயம்: BSNL லிருந்து  கொடுக்கப்படும் கடிதத்தில் உங்களுக்கு FIXED MEDICAL ALLOWANCE இனிமேல் இல்லை என்ற வார்த்தைகள் இடம் பெற்று இருக்கவேண்டும்.)
BSNL CHTD லிருந்து கொடுக்கப்பட்ட மாதிரி கடிதம் கீழே கொடுக்கப்பட்டிருக்கிறது.    

2. BSNL லிருந்து கொடுக்கப்படும் சரண்டர் சர்டிஃபிகேட்டை கடிதத்தை  CCA TN, ETHIRAJ  SALAI ல் கொடுத்து,  நமது IDA LAST PAY DRAWNக்கு இணையான CDA PAYSCALEக்கான சம்பள விகிதத்தை மாற்றி அமைத்து  கடிதம்  கொடுக்குமாறு விண்ணப்பிக்க வேண்டும்.   (இதற்கான மாதிரி கடிதம் கீழே கொடுக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.)

3. CCA TN கொடுக்கும் கடிதத்தை பெசன்ட்நகரிலிருக்கும் RAJAJI BHAVANல் உள்ள CGHS அலுவலத்தில் ஒரு விண்ணப்ப படிவத்தில் CGHS CARD வேண்டும் என்ற வேண்டுகோள் கடிதம்  கொடுக்கவேண்டும்.  (அந்த விண்ணப்ப மாதிரி கடிதம் கீழே கொடுக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. அதில் நீங்கள் எந்த CGHS DISPENSARY வேண்டுமென நினைக்கிறீர்களோ அந்த DISPENSARYன் பெயரை அந்த கடிதத்தில்  குறித்து கடிதம் கொடுக்கவேண்டும்).

4. CGHS அலுவலத்தில் நீங்கள் கட்ட வேண்டிய தொகையை குறித்துக் கொடுப்பார்கள். கட்டணத்தொகையை வருடாந்திர அல்லது ஆயுள் கட்டணமாக செலுத்தலாம். கட்டணத்தொகையை DD ஆக மட்டுமே செலுத்தவேண்டும். 

5. CGHS ல் கட்டணத்தொகை செலுத்தியவுடன் தற்காலிக அடையாள கடிதம் INDEX CARD நமக்கு அளிக்கப்படும். 3 மாதங்களுக்குள் plastic அட்டை கிடைக்கும். 

6. INDEX CARDன் காப்பியுடன், BSNLMRS CARD SURRENDER CERTIFICATE காப்பியையும் இணைத்து BSNL அலுவலத்தில் சமர்ப்பித்து, நாம் கட்டிய தொகையை திருப்பி தருமாறு விண்ணப்பிக்க வேண்டும். 

7. இதில் சந்தேகம் எதுவும் இருந்தால் நமது சங்கத்தை தொடர்பு கொள்ளவும்.

Thanks to all donors.

Dear Comrade
STR Division Chennai has sent Rs 1,01,000/- ( Rupees One Lakh and One thousand only ) has been sent to CHQ account in SBI  Chennai. The well receipt of the amount has been confirmed by the CHQ Treasurer Com. T.S.Vittoban.  Besides this, 13 members of STR have sent directly to CHQ account which amounts to 15,500/-  So totally a sum of Rs 1,16,500/-  received from the esteemed members of STR Chennai has been  sent to PMNRF via CHQ. I think STR Chennai is the only single unit which has crossed One Lakh elite mark  for the time being in India.
With profound pranams,
STR  Division,  Chennai.

-Message from Com P.S. Ramankutty

Saturday, 14 September 2019


Dear Comrades, Thank you for all those who donated for PMNRF. In the beginning our comrades transfered money to CHQ Account SBI ANNA NAGAR. As per the entry our contribution is Rs 12700. Our Treasurer Com.N.Mohan has updated entry in CUB NANGANALLUR ACCOUNT which comes to Rs 69400 as on 13.9.19. Further cash collection received on 9th mtg. is 23400. Total receipt is 105400. Further updation will be after his return to HQRS.
In the STR Chennai Monthly meeting held on  09-09-2019 an appeal was aired for liberal contribution towards PMNRF,  our members with great enthusiasm poured money . A sum of Rs 23,400/- was collected by cash. Donation was received in the form of Cheques also for Rs 5007/-. Also a huge amount of Rs 63,400/- has been credited in STR Account in City Union Bank Nanganallur Branch.   All in total the donation comes to Rs 91807/-. In addition  to this, Directly some of members have sent directly to CHQ account in State  Bank Of India Annanagar. I, as being the treasurer of This Division, Highly appreciate our members enthusiasm,  rising to the occasion , helping tendency of needy above all our Association's sensitive and timely Appeal  for the donation. Once again I thank our esteemed members who have contributed liberally and others who are about to donate. The Donation received on 09-09-2019 by cash has been listed below.

Com N. Mohan, treasurer & Com S. Narasimhan, Asst. Secretary are going out of Headquarters for a week from tomorrow

Thursday, 12 September 2019


Sundarakrishnan S DGM TN CNI: The monthly meeting of STR Division was conducted on the AN of 09.09.19 at TANSTIA HALL Guindy under the presidentship of com.Sri.A.Sugumaran Dist.President. One Minute silence was observed for the demise of three of our comrades viz.1.SMT.GEETHA SRINIVASARAGHAVAN CTS FC STR Retd 2.SRI.B.RAJAGOPALAN SDE CIVIL retd3.SRI.R.RAVI CAO TNC retd.Com..Ñ. Mohan DIst. Treasurer read the minutes of last mtg and got approved. Com.S.Sundarakrishnan DS.welcomed all. He in his speech told that the new member joined during the current month is 5 and Total membership is 1070. He recognised the help rendered by Com.R.Ravi as CAO during the 78.2 pension Revision. He arranged a separate team by posting a separate AO DRAWL II. Otherwise, 78.2 revision in TN CO might have been delayed. He was very much helpful.We lost him. He told that there is no fund flow in BSNL. Our comrades have to submit their medical bill and get the payment as and when fund is  received. He also told that Chennai city is covered by CGHS .SO willing comrades can get migrated .15 wellness centresare available.List of empaneeled  private hospitals are available. He told the procedures to be followed for migration.CH.TD released a letter regarding. CGHS Migration wherein he  mentioned  that one time pay ment will be paid by AO CONCERENED Business area. He told that a request  letter to GM HR TNC and PGM HQ STR has been given for issue of a Similar letter like CH. TD. Regarding one time reimbursement payment  a certificate regarding Non payment of FMA and he had requested both CGM TN and STR to include along with surrender certificate. He also told about the settlement and pending cases in the Adalat Meeting. He thanked the comrades for the donations contributed on his appeal for PMNRF. He told pensioners getting pension through SAMPAN Scheme have to submit their saving details to CCA through login or direct by hard copy for TDS recovery. COM.A.SUGUMARAN in his speech told about extra increment court case at CAT  CHENNAI.It was listed as 59th case  on 5.9.19.CS and himself attended the court.As the 59 the case the  same will not be heard on that day, our lawyer with DOT Council appraised the judges at the mentioning period of the case at the beginning of the court proceedings. The judge ordered to list the case in the top for final hearing on 26-09-2019. In the Adalat CCA told that he has got an idea to revise 78.2 Pension Revison by reducing one increment to those who have not approached court. We told to follow Kerala CAT order.We hope favourable orders will be released. Com.Narasimhan read out  birthday greetings. He also told about obituaries and welfare news. He welcomed new members. He told the problems envisaged for pension revision. He also told details about CGHS Migration. Com.A.Sugumaran emphasised the need of healthcare for each and everyone for which NO age limit. Com.R.Govindarajan VP    told the services rendered by BSNL in the past and the present  days. We were in IDA Pension and got revised during 2007 based on 2nd PRC. Where as Sri O.P.Gupta told even before 2007 to get it migrated CDA Pattern after retirement instead of IDA.Now BSNL is talking  about VRS which was also suggested then by Com.O.P.Gupta that it should not be opposed in totality. Com. D.S.Ramalingam VP Spoke about honouring of predecessors of our DIVISION during AUGUST meeting and he expressed his thanks on behalf of every one. He also told pensioners are in a better position than serving employees as the reason that we are hopeful of getting pension. He also told ex DGM F Sri Jayaprakash got migrated to CGHS. Com.Sivasankaran Org Secy asked whether the comrades who are residing other than CGHS areas have to continue with BSNL MRS SCHEME OR NOT. President told CGHS Coverage is not through out the state. So.BSNL MRS will continue. Com.N.Mohan collected donation for PMNRF from the participants. Sweet, Savoury and Coffee to all participants was sponsored by com.K. Sridharan CIRCLE Vice President. Com.K.Muthialu  Dy.GS. congratulated the attempt of CHANDRAYAN 2. He further told that as the time is more than 1700 hours he limits his speech.
 Com.N.S.Deenadayalan told that to day meeting mainly focused on CGHS by all speakers and delivered vote of Thanks.
We request all our Members to Migrate from BSNLMRS SCHEME to CGHS MEDICAL SCHEME immediately since the BSNLMRS FACILITY is not functioning well for the pensioners. BSNL is not reimbursing the MEDICAL CLAIMS of the pensioners’ OUTDOOR MEDICAL TREATMENT for the past 6 months.  BSNL is also not paying MEDICAL ALLOWANCE to  PENSIONERS who opted for the WITHOUT VOUCHER facility.  Moreover the empanelled Hospitals are not giving cashless inpatient treatment for pensioners and asking them to pay their bills first and claim it from BSNL later since BSNL has not cleared their dues for a long time.     
For some time past we are publishing here the procedures for migrating from BSNLMRS to CGHS Facility.  We informed all our members to Migrate from BSNLMRS SCHEME to CGHS MEDICAL FACILITY in our last monthly meeting held on 9-9-19.  We want all our members to Migrate to CGHS FACILITY. 
BSNL Headquarters have issued clear orders to all CGMS regarding this. According to that orders CGM CHTD has issued orders for procedures for opting for CHHS Scheme by BSNL Pensioners on 25-8-2019 to its field unit officers to accept requests from their pensioners and process their case.  Some of CHTD Pensioners have already given their option and migrated to CGHS Schemes and got their CGHS CARDS. Hence we request our CHTD MEMBERS to migrate to CGHS SCHEME immediately.  We have given below the CGM CHTD Order for your information.
CGMs of TN, STR & STP have not issued the orders. AGM STP told that the order may be released within a day or two.  We have given letters to CGM TN & STR to issue the orders for this.  We will give you information once the orders are released by the CGM offices.
CGHS are available CHENNAI ,  TRICHY,  TIRUNELVELI, PONDICHERRY area ONLY. BSNL PENSIONERS residing in those cities only can migrate now.  CGHS HOSPITALS are going to be opened in MADURAI & COIMBATORE SOONFor any doubts and clarifications please call on us.

Wednesday, 11 September 2019


Our Member Sri M. Subramanian son Chi: S. Ganesh and Sri Ananatha Narayanan daughter Sow: A. Arthi"s Marriage Reception was held in a grand manner at Neelakanda Complex, Nanganallur on 11.9.19 Wednesday evening. Some of our members attended the Reception and conveyed their best wishes to the young couple.

Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Smt. P.S. Jayanthi, OS TN CNI retired on 31-8-2019 joined our STR DIVISION as a LIFE MEMBER from 1-9-2019. We welcome her wholeheartedly to our Association and wish her a happy, healthy, peaceful retired life.
Sri. S. Ravi , SDE TN, CNI CIVIL retired on 30-6-2019 joined our STR DIVISION as a LIFE MEMBER from September, 2019. We welcome him wholeheartedly to our Association and wish him a happy, healthy, peaceful retired life. 
Sri. V. Othuvan, JOA, TN CNI retired on 31-8-2019 joined our STR DIVISION as a LIFE MEMBER from September, 2019. We welcome him wholeheartedly to our Association and wish him a happy, healthy, peaceful retired life. 
Smt. S. Rajlakshmi, PS, TN, CNI retired on 31-8-2019 joined our STR DIVISION as a LIFE MEMBER from 1-9-2019. We welcome her wholeheartedly to our Association and wish her a happy, healthy, peaceful retired life.

Monday, 9 September 2019

Sunday, 8 September 2019

We regret to inform that our Member Smt. Geetha Srinivasa Raghavan, (Retd. CSS, FAULTS CONTROL, STR, FLOWER BAZAAR), aged 68 years passed away today afternoon at her residence. Her husband Sri Srinivasa Raghavan Retd., FC OPERATOR, STR FLOWER BAZAAR is also our member. Cremation before 11.30 AM tomorrow.  We convey our heartfelt condolences to Com Srinivasa Raghavan and other family members. *Address: 13, Brindavan Nagar 1st Street, Very near to Palavanthangal Railway station and near Bharathiar steet. Phone No: 94442655024

Friday, 6 September 2019


Our Member Com B. Rajagopalan, Retd. SDE CIVIL TN CNI aged 71 years passed away on 1-7-19. He was our MEMBER from Sep 2008. and became LIFE MEMBER. He was a relative to Com Jagan. He was a bachelor. We got this information today only from one of our members Com K. Arumugam and from Com P.K. Adhikesavan.  We convey our heartfelt condolences to his brother and his other family members.

Thursday, 5 September 2019

Extra Increment Case.
Today it was listed in the last at serial 59.
Our lawyer discussed with Government counsel for early finalisation of the case.
Government counsel said that he is not getting  any proper instructions from the department despite many trials. Hence he told that he is not going to ask for any more adjournments. He told that the case will not come up today and we both can request the bench to list it by last week of this month and place it at the top for final orders.

Finally it would be decided 
by this month end
 and we expect a favourable decision.

The affected pensioners are requested to continue the patience for few more days.

We will inform the exact date later

Today Com A. Sukumaran and myself attended the court.
R Venkatachalam CS

Dear Comrades,
This year, the monsoon rains have created havoc in many states – Andhra, Assam, Bihar, Chhatisgarh, Delhi, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal, Jammu, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharastra, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamilnadu, Telangana, UP, Uttrakhand ….
It is quite unusual. It is an extra ordinary situation.
Thanks to technology and timely warnings, lacs of people could be evacuated from their residences affected by floods. But, still hundreds have died. There is huge loss of property, crops and lifelong savings; some of which can never be regained.
It is time for us, as senior human beings who have seen many a tides in life, to help those suffering. As a WELARE organization we have done it in the past during floods/cyclones in Andhra, Chardham, Karnataka, Kerala, Orissa, Tamilnadu etc.
Let us declare the month of September 2019 as PMNRF donation drive month. As almost 20 states are affected this time, we cannot restrict the relief to any particular state. We must contribute maximum to the Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund (PMNRF). We wish to make over our contribution to a Cabinet Minister in a function at a suitable place. The amount should be sufficiently impressive. If we collect at least Rs 100 per head from each member, we can easily contribute Rs 50 lacs. Rs 100 per head means only Rs 5 for each State. But our activists may not be able to approach all the 50,000 members. Hence, some comrades willing can donate more. No amount is small and no amount is more in relief work in the given situation.
It is our duty as senior citizens. And, just imagine the Goodwill that we may gain throughout the country. I request all the activists at every level to take this Noble cause seriously. It will not be an impossible target to reach. We have 30 long days before us. Please start the work today and now itself.
(General Secretary), 29--8--2019