IDA INCREASED 4.3% FROM 1-1-2025 - TOTAL 228.5%

Thursday, 12 September 2019


Sundarakrishnan S DGM TN CNI: The monthly meeting of STR Division was conducted on the AN of 09.09.19 at TANSTIA HALL Guindy under the presidentship of com.Sri.A.Sugumaran Dist.President. One Minute silence was observed for the demise of three of our comrades viz.1.SMT.GEETHA SRINIVASARAGHAVAN CTS FC STR Retd 2.SRI.B.RAJAGOPALAN SDE CIVIL retd3.SRI.R.RAVI CAO TNC retd.Com..Ñ. Mohan DIst. Treasurer read the minutes of last mtg and got approved. Com.S.Sundarakrishnan DS.welcomed all. He in his speech told that the new member joined during the current month is 5 and Total membership is 1070. He recognised the help rendered by Com.R.Ravi as CAO during the 78.2 pension Revision. He arranged a separate team by posting a separate AO DRAWL II. Otherwise, 78.2 revision in TN CO might have been delayed. He was very much helpful.We lost him. He told that there is no fund flow in BSNL. Our comrades have to submit their medical bill and get the payment as and when fund is  received. He also told that Chennai city is covered by CGHS .SO willing comrades can get migrated .15 wellness centresare available.List of empaneeled  private hospitals are available. He told the procedures to be followed for migration.CH.TD released a letter regarding. CGHS Migration wherein he  mentioned  that one time pay ment will be paid by AO CONCERENED Business area. He told that a request  letter to GM HR TNC and PGM HQ STR has been given for issue of a Similar letter like CH. TD. Regarding one time reimbursement payment  a certificate regarding Non payment of FMA and he had requested both CGM TN and STR to include along with surrender certificate. He also told about the settlement and pending cases in the Adalat Meeting. He thanked the comrades for the donations contributed on his appeal for PMNRF. He told pensioners getting pension through SAMPAN Scheme have to submit their saving details to CCA through login or direct by hard copy for TDS recovery. COM.A.SUGUMARAN in his speech told about extra increment court case at CAT  CHENNAI.It was listed as 59th case  on 5.9.19.CS and himself attended the court.As the 59 the case the  same will not be heard on that day, our lawyer with DOT Council appraised the judges at the mentioning period of the case at the beginning of the court proceedings. The judge ordered to list the case in the top for final hearing on 26-09-2019. In the Adalat CCA told that he has got an idea to revise 78.2 Pension Revison by reducing one increment to those who have not approached court. We told to follow Kerala CAT order.We hope favourable orders will be released. Com.Narasimhan read out  birthday greetings. He also told about obituaries and welfare news. He welcomed new members. He told the problems envisaged for pension revision. He also told details about CGHS Migration. Com.A.Sugumaran emphasised the need of healthcare for each and everyone for which NO age limit. Com.R.Govindarajan VP    told the services rendered by BSNL in the past and the present  days. We were in IDA Pension and got revised during 2007 based on 2nd PRC. Where as Sri O.P.Gupta told even before 2007 to get it migrated CDA Pattern after retirement instead of IDA.Now BSNL is talking  about VRS which was also suggested then by Com.O.P.Gupta that it should not be opposed in totality. Com. D.S.Ramalingam VP Spoke about honouring of predecessors of our DIVISION during AUGUST meeting and he expressed his thanks on behalf of every one. He also told pensioners are in a better position than serving employees as the reason that we are hopeful of getting pension. He also told ex DGM F Sri Jayaprakash got migrated to CGHS. Com.Sivasankaran Org Secy asked whether the comrades who are residing other than CGHS areas have to continue with BSNL MRS SCHEME OR NOT. President told CGHS Coverage is not through out the state. So.BSNL MRS will continue. Com.N.Mohan collected donation for PMNRF from the participants. Sweet, Savoury and Coffee to all participants was sponsored by com.K. Sridharan CIRCLE Vice President. Com.K.Muthialu  Dy.GS. congratulated the attempt of CHANDRAYAN 2. He further told that as the time is more than 1700 hours he limits his speech.
 Com.N.S.Deenadayalan told that to day meeting mainly focused on CGHS by all speakers and delivered vote of Thanks.

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