IDA INCREASED 4.3% FROM 1-1-2025 - TOTAL 228.5%

Wednesday, 30 November 2016

STR Division Circular No.179 released and sent to our members email id.
To download the cirdcular please click here

Monday, 28 November 2016

Smt. S. Kalavathy, DGM, O/O CGM, Tamilnadu is retiring on 30-11-16.
She is going to join as a LIFE MEMBER in our STR DIVISION from 1-12-16.
We wish her a happy, peaceful, healthy retired life.
Her Mobile No: 9486100110
Smt. C. Komala, SDE, STR, Chennai is retiring on 
She is going to join as a LIFE MEMBER in our STR DIVISION from 1-12-16.
We wish her a happy, peaceful, healthy retired life.
Mobile No. 9444390672

Com R. Krishnamoorthy (R.K.) was discharged from hospital on             25-11-16. He is recovering well.

He specifically informed us  today (28-11-16) to convey his sincere thanks to all our Association Leaders, members, friends, all working employees’ Union leaders and members, Political party leaders, friends and others who visited him or enquired him over phone about his health and wished him to get well.

Sunday, 27 November 2016

Com D.S. Ramalingam visisted CGM TN Circle Office yesterday 26-11-16. He collected the post 2007 pensioners list processed and forwarded to DOT CELL.. Please see the names below:

SENT ON 23-11-16:
1. Sugunasanthanam SSS 2. C.M. Premarajan AGM 3. D. Parthasarathy gr D 4. C. Muralidharan SSS 5. P.V. Thandavamurthy AO 6. R. Kalathi grd 7. Vaiapuri muradali AGM 8. V. Baskaran SSS 9. TK.Vijaya ss 10. V. Chennakrishna jam 11. Sarasa ramakrishnan PS 12. Paramanandham jam 13. T.R. Vasantha PA 14. N. Jayakumar DGM 15. M. Abdul Bari TTA 16. T.R. Nirmala SDE 3% 17. N. Kannaiyan DE 3% 18. K. Sankaranarayana DE 19. N.K. Sairam CSS 20. Altaf ahmed CSS 21. T.N. Rajeswari SDE 3% 

SENT ON 11.11.2016 LIST:
1. K. Padmavathy SSS 2. H. Prasad CAO 3.S. Gunaseelan DGM 4. Geetha Balasubramanian JTO 5. T.S. Kumar JTO 6. S. Komathinayagam CAO 7. P. Velayudham grp d 8. Usha ramasatagopan PA 9. D. BabuGRP D 10. T.S. Sampathkumar STS 11. S. Devaraj GRP D 12. Chitradevi sr TOA 13. D. Vsumoorthy SDE 14. A. Chellapandi sr TOP 15. Abdulkarim JTO 16. S.R. Pattabiraman AGM 17. K. Shanthakumari SSS 18. R. Vavithiri SSA 19. D. Selvaraj CAO 20. V. Ruckmani TS 21. T.K. Balakrishnan SSS 22. M.N. Muruganandam DE 23. G. Packiaraj JTO 24. J. Santhana krishnan DGM 25. S. Chandrasekaran AGM 26. P. Elangovan 27.AGM 27. V. Rjalakshmi SA 28. S. Sankaranarayanan SA 29. P.S. Govindarjan SS 30. P. Raghavendra rao SSS 31. A. Arulpitchai AGM 32. S.T. Tamilmani TM 33. V. .Vijayamohan  DGM 34.M. Gomathinayagam DE 35. R. Radhakrishnan DE 36. A. Poovazhagan GRP D 37. S. Jayakanthi DY OS 38. A. Shamsudeen DE 39. C. Arockiayasamay jamedar 40. R. Banumathy CSS 41. Dibbamma jame 42. V. Srinivasan SSS 43. Usha raghu PA 

SENT ON 18.11.16

1. Chellammal ananthakrishnan SSS 2. P. Ramasamy WM 3. V. Selvaraja JAMEDAR 4 S. Gomathinayagam SDE 5. K. Aruna bai CSS 6. S. Prabhakaran SSS 7. V.D. Manickavasagam JTO 8. V. Kamalasekharan JAMEDAR 9. V. Parameswaran SSS10. E.V. Venkatesan DGM 11. S. Arockiaraj TECH 12. B. Elangovan SS 

SENT ON 21.10.16
1. P. Ravichandran narayanan JTO 2. S. Nagoornainamohammed AGM 3. N. Bangarukrishnaswamy AGM  SENT ON 25.10.16  4. P. Sivashandmugam AGM 5. S. Sethuraman AGM 6. A. Natesan DGM 7. V. Velappan DGM 8. R. Abrahamraj SDE 9. T.R. Ramesh AO  SENT ON 28-10-16  10. M. Thirunavukkarasu DGM 11. C.K. Sundaram DE 12. G. Thanthoni 13.S. Vijayakumar JTO 14. S. Dakshinamoorthy sr AO 15. V. Veerabadran JTO

1. G. Gopalswamy AO 2. R. Rama PA 3. M. Vinayagasundram DGM 4. T. Chandra PA 5. V. Panneerselvam SDE 6. R. Ranganathan AO 7. R. Subramanian DGM 8. Meenatchi vaitheeswaran PA 9. S. Raju AO SSS 10.S. Balasankaran SDE 11. S. Sivakumar SDE 12. K. Lalitha DGM 13. N. Shenpaga kuttlam SE 
He also handed over our Association's letter to Sr Ravi, PGM Finance inviting him to participate  as a chief guest in our PENSIONERS DAY Meeting. on 13-12-16.
we pay our respectful homage to 
Com Fidel Castro who expired on 27-11-16

Saturday, 26 November 2016


Soon after the Special Conference, CHQ swiftly moved. Comrades G Natarajan (GS), D Gopalakrishnan (VP), G Babu (VP) and R Chengappa went to New Delhi. Comrades R C Malhotra (AGS), R L Kapoor (Legal Committee Member and President of HQr branch) and Anupam Kaul (Secretary, HQr Branch, New Delhi) joined them. The team had several meetings and discussions in New Delhi on 23rd and 24th November 2016. They met Joint Secretary, Department of Telecom, Member (Finance), Member(Services), DDG (Estt), Director (Estt) as well as Officers in Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare.
Following issues were taken up:
1. Future Pension Revision with the fitment formula suggested by 7th CPC.
2. Slow process on 78.2% in Circles.
3. Grant of Pension reckoning Extra Increment:
4. Delinking of 33 years of service for grant of full pension to all who retired from BSNL prior to 1-1-2006.
5. Holding Pension Adalat at national level.
Our Impression:
Some of the officers have not yet thought of the issues seriously.They were impressed upon the need to do it soon. We have laid the foundation.On behalf of our Association we gave detailed letters on the above issues to all concerned. CHQ assures consistent vigorous efforts to settle the issues.
Future Pension Revision with CPC fitment benefit:
Generally, the top officers are not averse to the proposal. It is pointed out that the PRCshall not propose any pension revision for the central PSUs, or exclusively for BSNL. DDG raised the doubt whether an anomaly may not arise where the people who retire after 1-1-2017 may be at a disadvantageous position compared to those who retired before that date and got the benefit of CPC report. We told that it would not happen as serving staff may get a pay revision with effect from 1-1-2017. Director (EStt) assured that she would study the issue in depth and initiate suitable action.Joint Secretary also assured that he would examine the matter thoroughly. I hope that the matter will get due attention of the DOT. We demanded DOT endorsement of DOP&PW OM on increased gratuity, Minimum pension etc. The file is pending with finance now and officers assured that it would be expedited.
Work on 78.2% case:
We pointed out that in most of the Circles the work is very slow and sluggish. Member (S) wanted specific cases and next day we gave a list to both Member(S) and Member(F). They assured that necessary action would be taken.
Extra Increment case
We pointed out that the five pensioners who approached the CAT Ernakulam and got favourable judgement are granted the benefit.Similarly placed pensioners of other circles should also be given the benefit as the AIBSNLPWA is the first applicant in the case. Member(S) assured due action.
Full Pension on 10 years of qualifying service:
It was told that a detailed Note is being sent again to DoP&PW seeking a clarification on the matter.But, later,the officer in DoP&PW told us that it is for DoT to decide the case as DoT only issued order for the pension revision and DoP&PW is not issuing orders regarding IDA pensioners.
Pension Adalat:
We pointed out to Member (F) that his predecessor had told us that a decision was taken and the pension Adalat would be held soon at national level.But it did not happen so far. M(F) agreed to examine it.
Com. D Gopalakrishnan and myself will be attending the Asia Regional Conference of Trade Union International (Pensioners and Retirees) on 3-12-2016 at Kathmandu, Nepal.

Friday, 25 November 2016

Tamilnadu Circle Association has released Circular No.3. 
To download the Circular please  Click Here

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Com D.S. Ramalingam gone to CGM STR OFFICE Guindy today (24-11-16) and enquired about 78.2% Pension revision work progress there. 
CGM Office reported that approximately 60 cases of post 2007 pensioners of CGM Circle Office were processed and sent to DOT Cell already. 
And approximately 58 cases of Post 2007 pensioners of GM STSR Flower bazaar has come to CGM Circle office and they are under processing. Those cases will also be sent to DOT CELL soon.

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

CGM STP Office has processed another 33 cases of Pre 2007 pensioners and sent to DOT CELL.
CGMP CNI UNIT: 1. L. Varadarajaperumal SDE 
2. T.V. Subbarayan SDE 3. S.R. Mangalam SSS 
4.S. Sowrirajan DE 5. T.K. Srinivasan Jamedar 
6. T. Suseelamma W/o Late T. Venkatarathinam SDE 
7. S. Dhandapani MD 8. B. Swaminathan SSS 
9. S. Chellammal SSS 10..G. Balaganesan CTS 
11. S. Abdul pari DGM

GM BG UNIT: 1. L.R. Susheela 2. N. Gangaprasad 
3. Doreswamy 4. B. Rajalakshmi 5. Prabhakar K. Pattar 6. N. Radha bai 7. B.G. Desai 8. B. Gopal 
9. R. Sarangapani 10. A. Muniyappa 11. S. Yesudass 12. G.S. Ramdev 13. R. Rajasripathy 14. M. Narayana 15. D.J. Kulkarni 16. D. Chalapathy Rao 
17. V.P. Deshpande 18. K.G. Bhuvanendra 
19. S.M. Sanadi 20. P. Narayana 21. B. Subbarao 
22. S. Pattabiraman   

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Com M. Kannappan, Treasurer, AIBSNLPWA, CHTD enquired 78.2% pension revision work progress with AO Pension Section, CHTD today (22-11-16).

AO, Pension Section, CHTD informed him that about 1006 cases of post 2007 were processed and sent to DOT CELL so far. Post 2007 cases upto the year 2009 were completed now and about 2000 cases are still pending for further processing.

He further told that about 1189 cases of pre 2007 were processed and sent to DOT CELL so far. Pre 2007 cases upto 2004 were completed now and approximately another 1000 cases are pending for further processing. He said hopefully that all the pre 2007 cases will be processed and sent to DOT CELL  before the end of this month.

We have already reported that our CHTD Pensioner Association’s  6 members are working in pension section to process the work. 

நமது CHTD சங்க உறுப்பினர்களான 1. தோழர் அமர்நாத் ஷா 2. தோழர்   V. குப்புசாமி 3. தோழர் உதயகுமார் ஆகியோர் இதில் PRE 2007 பிரிவில் கௌரவ பணியாளர்களாக பணி புரிந்து வருகிறார்கள்.     1. தோழர் பாலசேகர் 2. தோழியர் சாராபாய் 3. தோழர் சேனாபதி ஆகியோர் POST 2007 பிரிவில் கௌரவ பணியாளர்களாக பணி புரிந்து வருகிறார்கள்.    

They are working very hard to complete all these works. Without their help the above quick processing work would have not been possible. We convey our sincere thanks to those comrades.   

Monday, 21 November 2016


Com D.S. Ramalingam gone to CGM TN Circle office today. He met Sri G. Ravi, PGM F and enquired about 78.2% Pension works. He said a separate AO has been allotted for this work and things are moving fast now. Com D.S. Ramalingam invited him to participate in our Pensioners Day Meeting as CHIEF GUEST. PGM F TN agreed to come and told that he will confirm it soon.

Com Ramalingam met the Special Accounts officer for pension revision work and discussed with him about the progress. He hopefully told that post 2007 cases will be finished before this month end. He told pre 2007 work is very light and that will be taken after finishing this post 2007 work. Com Ramalingam asked him to expedite the case since members are eagerly awaiting the outcome patiently. He also perused our members com Mohanraj and Rathakrishnan’s cases. The meeting with the officers were very useful and he has given pressure to them to expedite the cases.

Saturday, 19 November 2016

Com Sundarakrishnan our vice president gone to CGM TN CIRCLE OFF today and enquired about 78.2 % pension revision work progress in CGM TN CIRCLE OFFICE. They told that 65 cases of post 78.2% were processed and already sent to DOT CELL. 
Pension revision  for Appx 15 cases of 3% increment fixation for those who retired before 2016 july were also processed and sent to DOT CELL. 


78.2% pension arrears first payment Rs.56,000/-received by one of our member from Indian bank today.
We are glad to inform our members  that Smt.G. Premavathy, SSS, CGM STR OFF GUINDY retired ON 2005 received her arrears payment today. She is the first person in STR Unit to receive the 78.2 pension revision arrears payment.

So other pre 2007 retired members from CGM STR GUINDY off may also get arrears payment soon.

One more happy news: Com  D.S. Ramalingam retired on april 2006 from CGM STR OFF also got his 78.2% pension revision arrears today  from Indian bank 

Com R. Krishnamoorthy, our member and Ex Circle Secretary NFTE, Tamilnadu  has undergone a minor cancer operation on 18-11-16 at Appollo Cancer Hospital, Teynampet, Chennai.

Our comrades N. Kothandaraman and S. Sivasankaran were at the hospital during the operation.  The operation was successful.  He is improving.

Doctors advised that he need lot of rest and phone enquiries and personnel visits by friends should be avoided for 2 months to avoid infection to him. It is the personnel request by his family also.

Hence we request our members and other comrades of Tamilnadu also to cooperate with the situation by not calling or visiting him for some time.

We wish him to get well soon.

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

 You can see it in this website by clicking the links given along with the posting below. You can watch it in the whatsapp groups through your smart phone also.

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

STR Division Circular No.178 released and sent to our members email id.
To download the circular please CLICK HERE

Monday, 14 November 2016


78.2% IDA PENSION REVISION SPECIAL VICOTORY Conference was held on 12-11-16 at Sheesh Mahal, Palace Grounds, Bangalore.

The conference began at 3 PM. Com P.S. Ramankutty presided the conference. He welcomed all delegates from all Circles from all over India. He explained that since Honourable Minister Sri Ananthkumar is attending this conference, the Meeting will be conducted according strict schedules and asked the delegates to cooperate with him. Then G. Natarajan, our GS  welcomed all the delegates and delivered a wonderful speech. Com D. Gopalakrishnan addressed the conference. He explained in detail about the history of our achievement of 78.2% IDA pension revision.  CCA Karnataka and GM Bangalore attended the meeting and graced the function.

Honourable Minister Shri Ananthkumar arrived at 5.00 PM. He was a given rousing welcome by the delegates. Com D. Gopalalakrishnan in his speech thanked the minister for helping us getting 78.2% IDA pension Revision. He also requested the minister to help us to settle our “NEXT DEMAND OF PENSION REVISION AT PAR WITH CENTRAL GOVERNMENT PENSIONERS” wef 1.1.2017. He justified our demand by quoting some strong points about our new demand and explained it to the minister. 

Honourable Minister Sri Ananthakumar was honoured with mementos from all circles. Honourable Minister Sri Ananthakumar thanked our association for this felicitations and said that he is overwhelmed with the affection shown to him by our pensioners. In his address he told that he is the son of a poor Railway Pensioner and said that he will always be with the workers side and not in the management side. He said that he is fully convinced with our new demand and said that he is ready to help us to settle our new demand also.  He invited our leaders to come to New Delhi after 21st November to meet him. he said that he will speak to DOT SECRETARY to persue this demand. He told that he himself will be  one of our representative for this demand.

Com Chengappa, Circle Secretary, Karnataka conveyed vote of thanks.  

The conference was a big success. Karnataka comrades made excellent arrangements for this conference. The accommodation and food arranged by them were excellent.

The entire conference proceedings were telecasted live in “WEBTELECAST”.  Our members from all over world watched it live.  It is a novel idea and a very good high tech arrangement by Karnataka Comrades. We convey our sincere thanks for holding such a memorable conference.  The following members of our Division attended the conference.

1. K. Muthiyalu, 2. S. Narasimhan 3. S. Ramakrishnan
4. P. Sankaranarayanan 5. S. Sivasankaran
6. N. Kothandaraman 7. N..S. Deenadayalan
8. P.R. Yagasundaram 9. S. Kalidoss 10. N. Mohan
11. S.V. Narasimhan (BG) 12. V. Subbarao
13. B. Panchapakesan (BG)  14. C.V. Vadhirajan 15. T.E. Vasudevan

Thursday, 10 November 2016

Our All India CWC Meeting will be held in Bangalore on 12th and 13th of November 2016.

78.2% IDA PENSION REVISION VICTORY DAY CELEBRATION MEETING will also be held on 12th Saturday at 4 PM . 

Honourable Minister Sri Ananthakumar has confirmed his participation in the meeting. He is attending our Victory Day Celebration Meeting on 12-11-16 Saturday at 4 PM at Sheesh Mahal, Palace Grounds, Bangalore. 

We have requested our members to participate in the meeting in large numbers. Our Division will give Rs.350/- as travelling expenses for those attending the meeting.

The following members of our Division are now attending the meeting.

1. K. Muthiyalu, 2. S. Narasimhan 3. S. Ramakrishnan 
4. P. Sankaranarayanan 5. S. Sivasankaran 
6. N. Kothandaraman 7. N..S. Deenadayalan 
8. P.R. Yagasundaram 9. S. Kalidoss 10. N. Mohan 
11. S.V. Narasimhan (BG) 12. V. Radhalakshmi (BG) 
13. B. Panchapakesan (BG)  14. A. Sugumaran

Some more members may join at the last minute.  

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Earlier we have reported that GM STSR Unit Chennai has processed all pre 2007 pensioners cases and forwarded to CGM STR GUINDY Office for onward transmission to DOT CELL. CGM Guindy office also forwarded theses cases to DOT CELL already. We assured to give those names when we get it from them. Pl see those 96 Pensioners names of DGM Chennai unit here.

  1. DGM CNI UNIT PENSIONERS NAMES:  Lakshmi Kannan CSS 2. Susheela N SSS 3. K. Arumugam CSS 4. Krishnaswamy J SDE 5. Adhalingam T.K. SDE 6. Syed salim H ATM 7. Lingesan P.R SDE 8. Paulraj M STS 9. Sivalingam A TTA 10. Satyanarayanasingh K SSS 11. Govindaraj C TTA 12. Narasimhan R CTM 13. Balakrishnan R SDE 14. Ranganathan K.V. MD 15. Ramanathan T TA16. Kamalakkannan S SS 17. Mohan rao D DE 18. Krishnamoorthy R CTS 19. Varadarajan C TA20. Gangadharan M JAM 21. Usha V STS 22. Rajiah M STS 23. Parameswaran T.V. CTS 24. Narayanan C.P DE 25. Sekar A SDE 26. Joseph Nallathurai SS 27. Chandrasekaran S SDE 28. Gopalakrishnan A C/S 29. Gopal Rao M DE 30. Rexraj G SDE 31. Chellammal A.R. SDE 32. Duraisamy R SDE 33. Ganapathy Jayaraman SDE 34. Vasudevan T.E TA 35. Laksmipathy K SDE 36. Sokkaiyan E STS 37. Marimuthu E STS 38. Badraguru S DE 39. Sowtha Krishnamurthy 40. Devarajan G CTS 41. Krishnamurthy K CTS 42. Poosammal A JAM 43. Balasubramanian K CTS 44. Srinivasallu A M STS 45. Pandurangan R TA 46. Chandrasekaran R CTS 47. Damodaran R TS 48 Raghuthman A D SDE 49 Krishnamohan Y SDE 50 Subramanian S RM 51 Ventktaraman A L SDE 52 Jagadeesan A DE 53 Subramani K SDE 54 Subbiah S C/S 55 Subramaniyan P R 56 Victor raju D SDE 57 Dakshinamurthy R STS 58 Gomathinayagam STS 59 Somasundarabharathi TTA 60 Mahalingam S STS 61 Devika rani K CSS 62 Sankaranarayanan P SDE 63 Chndrasekara bharathi TA 64 Savariappan A JAM 65 Saraswathi K P SSS 66 Narasimhan C K CTS 67 Sabitha devi C SSS 68 Vasanthi V 69 Jayachandran J SDE 70 Muthiyalu K CTS 71 Joseph A 72 Arumugam K M SDE 73 Aekanthalingam S SDE 74 Gopalakrishnan P V CTS 75 Kesavan N R TM 76 Sudandiran T MD 77 Gopal T V TTA 78 Baraman R SDE 79 Harikrishnan C STS 80 Haridoss K STS 81 Gnanaprakasam D STS 82 Rajagopal P N SDE 83 Varadajajulu C TTA 84 Kulothungan MC JTO 85 Saichandran R STS 86 Rajagopalan K STS 87 Sankaranarayanan K JTO 88 Kannan A TM 89 Usha R SDE 90 Natarajan S M 91 Suja K SDE 92 Krishnamurthy V SDE 94 Muthusamy D 95 Ganesan A DGM 96 Jayaprakash S STS 

  3. 1. R. Srinivasan SDE 2. G. Paul SDE 3. P.N. Mohanram SR.AO 4 Ganesan P JTO 5 Ramaiyan R JTO 6. V.S. Sundaresan sde 7. Arulraj L JTO 8. Amaravaneswaran AG DE 9. Kasu V TM 10 Krishnamoorthy G SDE 11 Seshagiri R CTS 12 Panaiswamy S MD 13 Padmanabhan O K 14. Sethu S 15. Ramakrishnan C JTO 16 Saraswathi guhan SDE 17 Sambu G SDE 18 Francis R A TTA 19 Rangavittal V SDE 20 Shyamala V Steno 21 Madasamy M ATM 22 Anthony savarimuthu SDE 23 Venakataramanan S MD 24 Meenakshisundariamm SDE 25 Doraiswmy K V Sr TOA 26 Ramaswamy S SDE 27 Purusothaman A K 28 Purushothaman A K DE 29 Dinakaran P SGTA 30 Krishnamurthy J S JTO 31 Thanasekaran M SDE 32 Selvaraj Y SS O 33 Subramanian M P DE 34 Michael d costa MD 35 Pappu muthiah SDE 36 Natarajan S G SG TA 37 Parthasarathy M S SDE 38 Balakrishnan N SDE 39 Eswaran K R SDE 40 Sellamuthu G S SDE 41 Kathaperumal V P TM 42 Arunachalam R JTO 43 Srinivasan S K SDE 44 Chamimala M C/S 45 Manickammal K R TM 46 Jayabalan V TS O 47 Sivaraman R TA 48 Krishnan V MD 49 Nazer ahmed G STS O 50 Muthu R SDE 51 Jayaraman C SDE 52 Nagarajan P V SDE 53 Venkataramani R TTA 54 Ganesan P JTO 55 Thiyagarajan M DE 58 Venugopalan N SDE 59 Venkatasubramanian M GR D 60 Kannan R 61 Krishnamurty S SDE 62 Manickam S DE 63 Ramachandran R SDE 64 George A SDE 65 Jayaraman V SDE 66 Shanmugasundaram N JTO 67 Krishnamurthy L S 68 Ramachandran T DE 69 Varatharajan SDE 70 Vivekananthan J K DE   

Tuesday, 8 November 2016


Com A. Sugumaran presided the meeting. Com N. Mohan read out the minutes of the last AGB -1 & 2 meetings and got approval from the GB. Com S. Narasimhan conveyed birthday greetings to the members whose birthdays are coming in this month. He introduced the 8 new members to the august body. He conveyed STR DIVISION Family welfare news to the members. He informed the names of our members who have given donations to our division and thanked them. He appreciated the service of our member Com M.C. Kulothungan and he was honoured with a small gift.

He told that 5.5% October increase IDA was not credited by some banks and post offices. This case was taken seriously in the 7-11-16 pension adalat meeting. CCA asked the bank officers and the postal authorities to look into the matter who were present in the meeting.  They assured to take suitable actions to avoid such delays in future. He informed our members that the Rs.3000/- BONUS for the the year 2014-15 was paid to all working employees. It was paid to eligible pensioners in CHTD, STR & STP. TN CGM office is ready to make payment.  He asked members to see that their payments are also made to them. He requested our members to contacts their accounts officers If they have not received the payment. He informed that Honourable Minister Sri Ananthakumar has confirmed his participation in our 78.2% IDA PENSION REVISION VICTORY MEETING in Bangalore on 12-11-16 at 4 PM. He requested our members to participate in the meeting to pay our gratitude for his help for 78.2 IDA Pension Revision and also to take his help for our future pension revision and other cases. He informed that our Division has decided to give Rs.350/- as conveyance charges for those members who are attending the VICTORY DAY MEETING at Bangalore.

He explained in detail about the progress in 78.2% IDA Pension revision work progress in STP, STR, CHTD & TN Circle. He told that Tamilnadu pension adalat meeting was held yesterday 7-11-16 and a number of pensioners cases were taken and settled there. He told 10 members of our branch attended the meeting. Our members cases were also taken and settled there. He told that the new CCA Dr. K. Nirnajana’s is having a very good humanitarian touch for every members problems and trying to settle them as for as possible. He told that we are going to celebrate PENSIONERS DAY CELEBRATION in our next monthly meeting on 13-12-16. Some senior leaders will be invited for the occasion. He informed that it was decided to honour our 35 members who are all 70 years old in that meeting. He informed that we are trying to get the names of the pensioners from GM, STSR whose pension 78.2 revision cases were processed and completed  and try to release the names soon. He reminded our members to give LIFE CERTIFICATAES in banks and post offices in this month. 
Com D.S. Ramalingam in his address told that there two important things for any association. The number one is the benefits should go to the members immediately without any delay and the other is to enrol new members continuously. He told that we are following and doing those two things. He told about the PENSION ADALAT MEETING and informed that the new CCA Dr. K. Niranjana’s approach towards settling the problems of pensioners is a very appreciable and commendable. He also explained the actions he has taken to expedite the 78.2% pension revision cases in field units. He told that he met DGM F STR GUINDY along with Com A. Sugumaran and discussed the issue with him to expedite the cases. He told that he went to CGM TN CIRCLE GREAMS ROAD along with Com Sundarakrishnan and met PGM F and asked them to expedite the pension revision case. He told that our VICTORY DAY CELEBRATION in Bangalore is not only to pay our gratitude to honourable Minister Ananthakumar but also for asking his help for our future pension reivison and other problems.  He told about our pensioners day meeting next month. He read out the names of our 35 members who were completed 70 years this year. 

Com K. Muthiyalu told that it is very important to hold PENSIONERS DAY Meeting in DECEMBER.  He told that Com. Om.P. Guptha, secretary General NFTE & Com Vallinayagam, Secretary General FNTO have played a very important role to get pension for us in BSNL public sector unit. He opined that we should invite Com Vallinayagam for our pensioners day meeting. He told that because of the recently held cetral trade union strike only the minimum wage of labours in Inida were increased. He also appreciated the orders issued by tamilnadu state government for increasing the maternity leave from 180 days to 270 days.  He said that he met Sri Murugaian, GM Postal Dept. in Ethiraj Salai today. He brought to his notice about the delay in making IDA increase for the pensioners by the post offices throughout Tamilnadu.  He told that Sri Murugaian, GM  immediately called his officers and instructed them to see that there will be no delay in future for making IDA payments to the pensioners. He said that STR division should try to bring left out pensioners  and enrol them as our members.
Com A. Sugumaran asked our members to come to victory day celebration meeting in Bangalore in large numbers. He told that it is not only a thanks giving meeting to Honourable Minister Ananthakumar but also to get  his help for our future pension revision and other issues also. He told that we will get our next pension revision even before the working employees get their wage revision. Com N.S. Deenadayalan conveyed vote of thanks. 113 members attended this meeting.