IDA INCREASED 4.3% FROM 1-1-2025 - TOTAL 228.5%

Monday, 14 November 2016


78.2% IDA PENSION REVISION SPECIAL VICOTORY Conference was held on 12-11-16 at Sheesh Mahal, Palace Grounds, Bangalore.

The conference began at 3 PM. Com P.S. Ramankutty presided the conference. He welcomed all delegates from all Circles from all over India. He explained that since Honourable Minister Sri Ananthkumar is attending this conference, the Meeting will be conducted according strict schedules and asked the delegates to cooperate with him. Then G. Natarajan, our GS  welcomed all the delegates and delivered a wonderful speech. Com D. Gopalakrishnan addressed the conference. He explained in detail about the history of our achievement of 78.2% IDA pension revision.  CCA Karnataka and GM Bangalore attended the meeting and graced the function.

Honourable Minister Shri Ananthkumar arrived at 5.00 PM. He was a given rousing welcome by the delegates. Com D. Gopalalakrishnan in his speech thanked the minister for helping us getting 78.2% IDA pension Revision. He also requested the minister to help us to settle our “NEXT DEMAND OF PENSION REVISION AT PAR WITH CENTRAL GOVERNMENT PENSIONERS” wef 1.1.2017. He justified our demand by quoting some strong points about our new demand and explained it to the minister. 

Honourable Minister Sri Ananthakumar was honoured with mementos from all circles. Honourable Minister Sri Ananthakumar thanked our association for this felicitations and said that he is overwhelmed with the affection shown to him by our pensioners. In his address he told that he is the son of a poor Railway Pensioner and said that he will always be with the workers side and not in the management side. He said that he is fully convinced with our new demand and said that he is ready to help us to settle our new demand also.  He invited our leaders to come to New Delhi after 21st November to meet him. he said that he will speak to DOT SECRETARY to persue this demand. He told that he himself will be  one of our representative for this demand.

Com Chengappa, Circle Secretary, Karnataka conveyed vote of thanks.  

The conference was a big success. Karnataka comrades made excellent arrangements for this conference. The accommodation and food arranged by them were excellent.

The entire conference proceedings were telecasted live in “WEBTELECAST”.  Our members from all over world watched it live.  It is a novel idea and a very good high tech arrangement by Karnataka Comrades. We convey our sincere thanks for holding such a memorable conference.  The following members of our Division attended the conference.

1. K. Muthiyalu, 2. S. Narasimhan 3. S. Ramakrishnan
4. P. Sankaranarayanan 5. S. Sivasankaran
6. N. Kothandaraman 7. N..S. Deenadayalan
8. P.R. Yagasundaram 9. S. Kalidoss 10. N. Mohan
11. S.V. Narasimhan (BG) 12. V. Subbarao
13. B. Panchapakesan (BG)  14. C.V. Vadhirajan 15. T.E. Vasudevan

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations for the grand success of special victory conference in the August presence of Honourable union minister .THE PHOTOS Spk about the attendance of large gathering of members n the excellent arrangements in the Dias.Kudos to the entire office bearers Of our association for this.I am able to c virtually from SanDiego USA the proceedings.It is A History in Pensioners Welfare association.
