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Saturday, 5 November 2016

Com D.S. Ramalingam & Com Sundarakrishnan met PGM F TN Circle today and brought to his notice about  the poor progress in processing 78.2 pension revision in tn circle office. He promised to speed up the process. They also pointed out abt the non payment of bonus payment to eligible pensioners. 
They also met DGM F  and informed him about these two cases.. He also told that he will speed up the processing. They discussed about com Mohanraj's  case also with him. Later they met AO Drawal and enquired about the progress.  AO told that they are processing POST 78.2 cases now and they have processed more than 150 cases and sent them to AO Pension CGM TN for onward transmission  to DOT CELL. Our leaders told AO that our volunteers  are ready to work honorarily for processing the case. Com Sundarakrishnan offered on the spot  that he himself will come and work there to help them. AO told that she will discuss it with DGM F and infm us. -narasimhan


  1. Sir
    Atlast light seems to be seen at end of Greams Road Tunnel. Congratulations and thanks for excellent approach by Com. RAMA LINGAM & Com. SUNDARAKRISHNAN. Their efforts to reach Finance wing Tamilnadu Telecom Circle office is laudable. Please go ahead with same zeal and enthusiasm.
    Srinivasan DGM VIGILANCE RTD

  2. Sir this is really an encouraging news.

    K Selvarajan Retd DGM TN Circle Chennai
